I give, I admit it - I need help!


Well-Known Member

I initially came here because stress was thinning my hair. My hair recently started filling in, then another change in my life I guess wicked up more stress because it's back to thinning :(. I'm really upset.

I also tried stretching late last year and now have a patch of broken hair in the back. I think it's growing in, but slowly. And my nape area seems kinda chewed up all of a sudden in general. I've not had any sort of breakage in decades and I'm not sure what the problem is, nor how to fix it in the nape area. When my hair is down and not curly, there's a thinned area near the middle because the hair underneath is broken right now, and I HATE THIS. Could it be the scrunchies? The plastic pony clips?

I have fine hair, probably 4-something, medium thickness, APL, relaxed every 6 weeks. Lately I've had that telltale itchy scalp.

My hair regime looks like this:

Wash once a week or so with Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. I use a shower combl and have been air-drying lately, but usually I rollerset with a leave-in and Lottabody. I don't apply any other products. I wear a ponytail or bun most days with as loose a scrunchie as I can manage. Sometimes I wear my pony out, and I wear my hair out whenever I rollerset it. My hair is too light for any heavy products, oils or pomades so I've always had to keep things pretty simple.

Within the last two weeks I just started B5 and MSM powder. I'd stopped BC pills because I wasn't sure what the shedding was from but just started again 3 weeks ago. In the past I've taken a slew of vitamins but never really saw a huge difference.

I used Surge and think that caused some of my breakage. I have some MTG but it's so messy; I would use it again tho. Am thinking of trying Neosporin.

These issues have me so bummed out and confused. It's long, but I am certain it could grow faster if I could figure out which methods to use for it. Any advice anyone can offer, I'm willing to listen--and to try new things.
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I see you're taking B5. Try a total vitamin B supplement. This is supposed to help replenish the nutrient that is depleted by stress and causes hair loss.
Thanks, ya'll, for the reply and bumps.

Tap tap tap... is this thing on? Anyone?

My nape, my peek-a-boo noggin neeeeeeds you! I've been kinda afraid to try baggies and such but some good advice for my situation might get me moving; thinning is trickier but if someone has experience with growing in nape breakage, PLEASE chime in.
ITA with taking a total vitamin B supplement. :yep:

Besides this you may want to take up meditation for the stress. It can be as simple (and as powerful) as taking 5 minutes aside in your day, going to a quiet place alone and doing nothing but focusing on your breath. Whenever your thoughts stray, just bring it back to your breath going in and out. That's it and it really works wonders. If you want to explore meditation, there are many different techniques and all relieve stress among other health benefits.

Deep breathing exercises also relieve stress which is basically taking a full deep breath through the nostrils, holding to the count of 5, then slowly releasing the breath through the mouth. They say most people, especially women are shallow breathers and deep breathing is important for our overall health, including relieving stress.