I find myself staring longingly at the s-curl texturizer...


Well-Known Member

I want to do it, but my hair texture is telling me not to. See, my hair is already wavy, but still acts as 4a/b hair. I have a mix of waves and small spirals. I feel as if getting a texturizers would make my waves straight and my spirals waves. I just want my hair to fall flatter, but keep the same texture. As of now, I walk around with a curly/wavy fro during my wash and goes. Maybe thinning it out would help? I'm not sure. I'm scared to get the texturizer and then regret it, since my hair has finally started showing growth and progress. But if texturizing my hair will make my wash and goes easier, maybe that's the way? Will it get better as it grows out? Any advice or experience with this texture or hair texture similar to mine? TIA!!
I think growth makes things a lot easier. Things that I struggled with in the first few months of being natural aren't even a problem or much of an issue for me now. Length really makes a difference. My hair blends better now than it used to. The hair in the front is tighter and a different texture (cottony) than the rest of my hair, which gave me a lot of grief at first b/c of the difference in shrinkage. It's slowly catching up now lol. WnGs are a lot easier.
Try a haircut with a curly hair specialist first.

Can you post pics of your wash and go? Sounds like our hair may be similar.

I thought about texturizing, but I like my hair and I think it will lay better as it grows out and I get a proper cut.