I FINALLY BIG CHOPPED and it Looks Horrible!

Ms. Martina

Well-Known Member
Well, ladies...I DID MY BC ON APRIL 1ST, so I've officially crossed over to the natural side! Right now I'm kinda sad and upset. My curls are all over the place and it looks horrible. The crown is way looser than the back and it is very obvious. The crown is wavy, everything else is curly. I look like I borrowed someones hair and glued it into mine. My hair is like trail mix when it comes to texture. I feel like a walking side show! It reminds me of this weird texlax Jerry Curl style the janitor wore at my elementary school back in the day! :nono: I was looking forward to wash n gos, but it looks like my hair will require other styling methods to make the texture uniform. This is not the BC I thought it would be. This is the 1st time I have ever had short hair, so I am also dealing with that issue as well. I was happy at first, but now I am sad. I hope this hair grows on me soon.

I guess I will give this natural thing a try for at least 6 months to a year, and if it isn't working I might go back to my relaxers. My hair responds well to relaxers and is healthy and etc when relaxed.

Oh, and I am not going to post pics right now. It just looks too bad to share publicly. I will post pics once I learn how to style it and etc. I'm am not about to have y'all in here laughing at me.:nono:

Also, please note that this is not an April Fool's joke. It is currently April 2nd now, so I am actually serious. Sadly...:perplexed
Oh, and I am not going to post pics right now. It just looks too bad to share publicly. I will post pics once I learn how to style it and etc. I'm am not about to have y'all in here laughing at me.

This thread is worthless without pics. Chances are pretty good that your hair looks just fine, it's just new to you and you need to give yourself a few hours or days to get used to it.
Now you know the rules around here! :grin:


I am sure it looks good. I promise it will look even better as it grows.

Patience is the key! :yep:
This is my biggest fear about going natural! In fact your hair sounds very similar to what mine will probably look like :ohwell:
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This actually isn't unusual quite a few people have different textures my hair in the back is so much looser in curl pattern that it hangs longer so it looks like I have a curly mullet and the hair at my crown doesnt curl it just waves. So I encourage it to curl a lil tighter with my denman brush it doesnt take long and it makes my wash and gos look better. Dont be discouraged and try the denman it may work for you. I believe Empress Ri aka Richeau has a video on youtube how to use a denman on your curls
After a BC, your hair needs a little time to snap into place so to speak. It took my hair a few weeks before I had everything figured out with styling, moisturizing, products, etc. It's a constant learning process but you will get the hang of it. I think you should give it an entire year to see how it turns out. Different textures are not uncommon for naturals.
Maybe you think it looks bad because it is short. We would NOT laugh at your pics. We're here to help and support you. How long is your hair and how long did you transition?
I totally understand how you feel. I felt the same way once I did my big chop. I had heard stories of shrinkage, but I wasn't prepared for my own hair shrinking so much. It did take some getting use to, but after about a week or so I found styles and hair toys that helped me feel better about my decision. I also put in a full sew in so that I didn't mess with it so much. I have a fat face, so everytime I looked in the mirror all I saw were my fat jaws. Anyway, this time next month you won't be able to stop taking pictures of your new look.
don't fret! Your hair takes a few weeks to adjust and really find their way, lol. my hair looks way different BC and now.
I think for some people, the hair acts a little weird after the BC. Just baby it a bit and give it a few days. As for the looser crown, a lot of people have that issue. You may want to try some different techniques, like scrunching, to encourage the hair to curl more.

I also felt devastated after my BC but now my hair and I coudl't be happier (well...most days ;) ) Congrats on your BC!
Im having an almost similar issue. But mine is with length. its at a really awkward length because its growing back after a barbers shape up.
Afro puffs dont "stay" cuz it curls right back up
So you know what i do? until i have more style options, i shellack it down
and it works. i dont touch it, and it has a chance to thrive.
After a BC, your hair needs a little time to snap into place so to speak. It took my hair a few weeks before I had everything figured out with styling, moisturizing, products, etc. It's a constant learning process but you will get the hang of it. I think you should give it an entire year to see how it turns out. Different textures are not uncommon for naturals.

Yep. It usually takes a couple weeks to really see what you're going to end up working with. It's like the hair has to adjust to not having the weight of the relaxed hair there.

It may not be as bad as you think, OP.
You have...to...give....it..time. Your new hair is fresh outta the box. It's not going to be majestic spirals immediately. You wanna see what my hair looked like immediately after my bc and then a month later? The difference is quite visible....
Girl! Now Ms. Martina , I know you didn't just post a BC thread without providing any pics :bat: C'mon son!!! :lol: Ain't nobody gonna laugh at you. WHERE DA PITCHAS AT?!
You are probably still in shock. This is a big change. I am sure that the whole time you were transitioning you had a picture of what your natural hair would look like. Now you are faced with reality.

I remember when I got my hair cut short some years ago. I mulled over the hairstyle for quite some time before I got the cut. I could picture in my mind what it was going to look like, how I was going to style it, etc. When I finally got the cut, I was really in shock! My picture was now reality. I was so frustrated and didn't know what to do with the short cut. I think I cried a few days because it was sticking out in all directions. Finally, I collected my wits about me and started working with my hair. Within two weeks, I had the hang of my hair and felt that my cut was fabulous! I got a lot of compliments and it just got better as my hair grew.

I know that you think it doesn't look good now. However, give yourself some time for you and your hair to adjust. It will be ok. And, if you just can't stand it after some time and real effort, you can always go back to a relaxer. Hang in there.
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Ok ladies! Thanks for all the encouraging words! It is such a strange experience to go through. While cutting my hair I was strangely calm and just mellow. I would say I was veryyyyy happy while doing it. Which is shocking considering just a few years ago I flipped out at the thought of even getting a basic trim. A few hours after the BC, I did kind of went into some sort of a panic mode and had to cry a little since the change was sooooo drastic and I have no clue what to do now. I have been reading and learning for the past few months, but it is def different when the hair is actually here and ready to be styled.:ohwell: It's so funny because I even cut test patches to experiment with, so I had an idea of what my hair types would be like separately. However, now that I can actually see what they look like all together it is soooo weird...lol.

Overall, I'm very happy that I cut my hair. I think there will just be times where I feel frustrated with how to style it, but I don't regret it at all. Aside from the styling issues, I feel very free and liberated. There is something refreshing about having short hair. I love running my hands though it and just kind of tossing it around...lol. It's pretty long too ladies! I would say it is more of a medium sized afro...not a TWA. I even picked it out last night and made a 1970's styled afro! It was cute! I don't think I am quite ready to rock that style publicly yet, but it was fun.

As far as styling it goes, I think I am going to try to do something to make my crown curls tighter. Maybe I can learn how to straw set the top of my head so the curls become small enough to blend with the rest of my hair. I tried doing a twist out on the top part, and that just made it look even looser than the other area. It was horrible..lol! So I think my best bet for now would be to straw set my crown, and just wait patiently until my hair grows to a decent enough length to start looking nice.

It is also shaped kinda weird now too, so that probably makes it look even more strange. The top area(the loose waves) appear to have way more length than the back of my head since the curls in the back are tighter and have major shrinkage. My head looks like a weird reverse mullet.:lachen:

I've already cut an extra inch or two off the top hoping that would help, but it didn't work. I don't want to cut off any more hair, so I will just pray that straw setting the top helps it shrink enough to fix this weird reverse mullet shape.

Oh, and as for products I am using, right now I am using:

Suave clarifying shampoo
Suave Naturals coconut conditioner
Giovanni direct leave in
Eco styler gel with olive oil
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil

I have some non-curly girl approved products too(haven't tried most of these since doing the BC since I'm trying to go curly girl):

Aussie moist shampoo
Aussie moist Conditioner
Aussie moist 3 minute miracle deep conditioner
Mixed Chicks
Mixed Silk
ORS conditioner
Styling foam
Tresseme Mousse
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Martina my experience has been similar! During my bc was was really excited and felt the adrenaline pumping. I don't think I really have a TWA either, I can get a nice pony, I think it's what a lot of naturals consider the in between phase. At first I thought I would be hiding my hair from all the world due to discomfort but i've been wearing it out...a lot actually.
like everyone says it takes time i didnt know my hair was going to look like how it turned out it looks COMPLETELY different

have you tried a light protein treatment?i didnt have breakage but the protein treatment gave oomph to my curls:yep:
My hair is/was the same way. I agree with the ladies that said to give it time. Since my hair is growing longer now, I am now seeing that the wavy area in the top/front doesn't bother me as much now. I just say be patient, it will be well worth the wait in the long run.

Best wishes!
@Embrya Do you know of any homemade concoction that I can make as a protein treatment? I've heard of trying eggs...

i tried eggs and my hair was crunchy and hard after:nono:....i consulted with ellepixie lol about using the apoghee 3 min thing as it contains a cone and i didnt want to have to use a sulphate to get it out but she said cocobetaine would remove it:yep:

so anyway i put a good amount of it on my hair left in for 24 hours under a clingfilm and silk scarf wrap

yes 24 hours :lol:my hair even before i washed it out my curls had boooiiing to them i saw you hair in your fotki and think a light pt really may give your curls more structure like mine needed:yep:
Coconut Protein Treatment

  • 1 Combine 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. coconut milk, 2 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. vanilla extract in a bowl. Mix the ingredients with a fork until blended well.

  • 2 Wet your hair with warm water. Apply the mixture directly to your hair, taking the time to massage it into your roots.

  • 3 Allow the coconut protein mixture to set for 30 minutes.

  • 4 Rinse the hair treatment out thoroughly, and shampoo your hair as usual. Avoid using blow dryers or other heat styling equipment to protect your hair.

Read more: Homemade Hair Protein Treatment | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6003858_homemade-hair-protein-treatment.html#ixzz1IU8HGHZ1

theres tons of recipes on the www lol but after using egg on my hair im scared :lol:
oh yeah now is the time to find out your porosity texture etc (IF you dont know it already)the things i have in my siggy

learning those things helped me identify why my hair looks a certain way why my hair doesnt like certain ingredients etc etc

http://www.livecurlylivefree.com/curly hair basics.htm :grin:

ps....after you get your hair looking right we want pictures....i dont like to use violence but if i have to i will:bat::gotroasted::lol:
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After my BC my hair felt and looked funny for a few days. Maybe a few weeks :giggle: until I figured what products worked and didn't work.

You're going to have to give it time. Is it long enough to put in a ponytail? Because that was my go-to style until I figured out how to do my hair.