i feel lost i don't know what to do...........


Well-Known Member
i don't post in here often not because i don't believe in Jesus because I do. But I haven't prayed in a long time. i feel so far from God right now. Today I cried over something that has been bothering me for a while now but I usually try to pretend it doesnt bother me. I used to pray about this for a longggggggg time. then i stopped praying because it didnt seem like God wanted to answer my prayer. I finally realized today that I need to forgive others especially if I want God to forgive me. I think forgiveness is the only way I can let go of this because it is having too much power over me. I know I need God's help to get through this but he didn't answer my prayer before concerning this matter so I feel why should this time be different. I don't know what to do. I just want to be free from this thing. I just need some advice from a christian perspective. TIA
locabouthair said:
i don't post in here often not because i don't believe in Jesus because I do. But I haven't prayed in a long time. i feel so far from God right now. Today I cried over something that has been bothering me for a while now but I usually try to pretend it doesnt bother me. I used to pray about this for a longggggggg time. then i stopped praying because it didnt seem like God wanted to answer my prayer. I finally realized today that I need to forgive others especially if I want God to forgive me. I think forgiveness is the only way I can let go of this because it is having too much power over me. I know I need God's help to get through this but he didn't answer my prayer before concerning this matter so I feel why should this time be different. I don't know what to do. I just want to be free from this thing. I just need some advice from a christian perspective. TIA

It sounds like you are already empowered with God's truth about forgiveness and yes it is true that God often does not answer our prayers unless our spirits are free to love and worship Him and others. See the time of crying as you being purge or cleansed that something is taking place in your life. Know that God loves you so, so much and He desires, longs for and is waiting for a relationship with you. He is holy a God and there are somethings His hands are tied on and forgiveness is one them especailly when we know what to do down in our toes. Do the right thing release those people and see the power of God overtake you with love, peace, and joy. We all make mistakes and God allows things to happen to teach us the lessons of living. So be encourage and know that He is waiting for you with His arms wide open and be assured that He never, ever left your side.

God we pray for our sister to be release from those who have wounded her spirit for God we know it is hard to let go but only by Your power she is able to do it. Let her see that there are Greater things ahead and what she has lost You will repay to her 7 times. God I thank you for her life, her spirit and her destiny. Use her even now to do new things in her life, in her home at her job where ever she goes let her ligtht shine so bright that others will come running in her direction. We pray for her comfort and peace in this transition of her life and take her to great, great heights in You God. For being in You is the sweetest and greatest experience anyone could ever, ever ask for. In Jesus Name Amen!!
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thankyou so much star! the hard part for me is forgiving because i usually hold grudges which is bad because it lets situations and people have power over me. i need to forgive others the way christ forgives me.
locabouthair said:
thankyou so much star! the hard part for me is forgiving because i usually hold grudges which is bad because it lets situations and people have power over me. i need to forgive others the way christ forgives me.
Ask God to give you the strength you cannot do this on your own otherwise you will just take it back and this cycle will start all over again.
star said:
Ask God to give you the strength you cannot do this on your own otherwise you will just take it back and this cycle will start all over again.

that's my problem i try to do everything on my own. but ill remember this thanx.
locabouthair said:
that's my problem i try to do everything on my own. but ill remember this thanx.
Make your life easier and less stressful my dear why do everything when you have a God who considers you a queen and do not want you to worry about nothing because He has ALL the power to do everything but fail. Be a wise woman and accept the service He wants to give you then your energy will be to do other productive things.
locabouthair said:
i don't post in here often not because i don't believe in Jesus because I do. But I haven't prayed in a long time. i feel so far from God right now. Today I cried over something that has been bothering me for a while now but I usually try to pretend it doesnt bother me. I used to pray about this for a longggggggg time. then i stopped praying because it didnt seem like God wanted to answer my prayer. I finally realized today that I need to forgive others especially if I want God to forgive me. I think forgiveness is the only way I can let go of this because it is having too much power over me. I know I need God's help to get through this but he didn't answer my prayer before concerning this matter so I feel why should this time be different. I don't know what to do. I just want to be free from this thing. I just need some advice from a christian perspective. TIA

Locabouthair---I am experiencing the exact same challenge. I have commited sins so great and so deeply wounding to my soul I feel I may never overcome these demons. I have been weeping for months over the same thing and it has increased in the past weeks. But the miraculous thing is I know God is bringing me to my point of no return.
Dr. Jeremiah Wright (Trinity United Methodist Church-Chicago) visited my fair city two weeks ago and now I am transformed. The Lord moved in my life and took me by storm literally. This is what I am doing
First I went all the way back to the point where this challenge entered my life. Second, I evaluated how it has changed my life for the better and the worst. Third, I had to come to terms with why I am so unforgiving of myself when I know God healed me when I confessed this particular sin. Equipped with all this knowledge I went to have a therapy session with my preach (a woman)--where I laid it all out on the table and admitted I had been trying to do it all alone but today I know that the sun will not set and God allow this challenge to maintain its stronghold. I have minimized contact with everyone and I have turned inward so God can begin to reveal his truth to me. I have set a prayer time with Star's help and am attending Sunday School with more regularity. My preacher is praying for me and keeping in contact with me (which is keeping me accountable).

With this great power is coming great responsibility and I accept this challenge with a humble spirit. Please meditate on Psalm 51. Do more than just read it let it become a part of your mantra for life at this particular stage in your life. Replace your unforgiving spirit with the meat of this Psalm.