I feel like my scalp is crawling!


Well-Known Member
I've been washing and braiding my hair and just throwing on a wig. However, I think my hair has been doing some serious growing under there because my head is soooooooo itchy! I doused it with water one night...the itching didnt stop...doused it with oil the next and the itching STILL didn't stop!!!!

I knew it was bad when I was in the car yesterday and I couldnt get the itching to stop through the wig so I gently pulled the front up stuck my hand under there and scratched away!

Anyway, does anybody have a good cheap remedy for itching? Preferably something that I may be able to find in my house /images/graemlins/look.gif
try some T tree oil. that was reccomended to me from one of the ladies here, and it worked very well!!!!!!!
/images/graemlins/look.gif i feel wierd confessing this
I have sprayed my scalp with lysol. not recomended actually
warned against it on the bottle but i did it. you can imaging
how much it must have been itching for me to try that it worked 1x but 1x it didnt
are you letting your hair completely dry before you put the wig on? it could be mildew or fungus like someone said. i would make sure you.

try a few rosemary essential oil in a spritz bottle full of water for itching.