I don't think my hair is growing


New Member
I don\'t think my hair is growing

This is really weird. Everytime i get a relaxer i have no less than 2" of new growth. Yet, even with a tiny trim (meaning 1/4 to 1/2") i still don't see a difference in length. Why is that? I have been checking myself out in one of my many mirrors at home (u know u do it too esp. when nobody is watching
) and i don't see any significant change. I think that is why i subconsciously don't try and take any more pics to update my album...well, that coupled with the fact that i don't know how to upload the pics from the digital to the computer
. Could it be that my new growth isn't so tightly coiled so what looks like 2" and up of NG is only about 1" of actual growth? This is getting frustrating.
I know my hair is healthier (i could eat better but hey, you can't have everything
) but dang, could it be longer???? This is why i cut my hair every summer b/c if i'm constantly 'watching' my progress, i am just going to get more and more discouraged. Is this just me or can anybody relate?
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Nope, it's not just you!! The closer my hair gets to bra-strap length, the slower it seems to grow!! I'm happy that my sides finally are gaining some length, but I'm beginning to think that my hair (in the back) has reached it's maximum...
If my hair isn't bra-strap length by next year at this time, I'll know for sure...
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing


Stop you know your hair is growin my hair ain't growin
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

yep[, Ihavethe same problem. The front of my hair grows extremely slow, maybe 1/4 inches a month
i feel like its been 9 inches for the longest! AARRRGGG!
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

I used to think I had the same problem. I would relax, with new growth, and my hair would always be about the same length a little below shoulderlength. But as a transitioner, I can check the new growth pretty easily since it looks different from my relaxed hair, and my new growth definitely increases every single month. I've also gained a few more inches in total length with less care (transitioning made me start using heat more because i got impatient with looking at the 2 textures and comb my hair out more).

You may be suffering from a lot of breakage in your relaxed hair like I did. You may be one of those people who loses a bunch of hair with a relaxer and your new growth goes down the drain. Maybe try switching to a milder relaxer?

Or test your breakage - if you run your hands through your hair, do you usually pick up a hair or two? If you wear a scrunchie, do you have tiny strands broken on to it? If you have breakage, I guess experiment w/ proteins and other products until it stops.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

The thing is, the back of my hair grows faster than the front (well, at least it use to now i notice that my sides are growing - kind of evening out with the back) and I always run my fingers thru it and always feel a lot of different textured hair that's how i always know when i have new growth back there. I do lose a few hairs daily but not alot. But i just don't understand about 'my new growth going down the drain' If that were the case, i'd be bald... LOL
I do have a little breakage when i take my hair band out but that's like 2-5 hairs, nothing major. I try to wash my hair 2xs a week (aids in minimal hair loss for me) and that has helped me tenfold.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Are you having a lot of breakage on your ends?
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

For some reason, once hair gets to a certain mark, it appears to us that it isn't growing anymore. The only way to tell is by other's confirmation, at least for me it is.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Hold on a sec while i call my boyfriend and ask him... I'm dialing now... it's ringing... 1x, 2xs.. okay he picked up.

Him: Hello
Me: Hey... do u think my hair grew?
Him: Yea, im gonna have 2 call u back, i'm on a conference call.
Me: (b@stard - i said that to myself, not out loud) okay sweetie.

I have wayyyy 2 much time on my hands.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Lindy said:
Nope, it's not just you!! The closer my hair gets to bra-strap length, the slower it seems to grow!! I'm happy that my sides finally are gaining some length, but I'm beginning to think that my hair (in the back) has reached it's maximum...
If my hair isn't bra-strap length by next year at this time, I'll know for sure...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, Lindy, I'm experiencing the same thing right now.

CH, please don't cut your hair! It's lovely.
I remember Adrienne saying at one point she believed that she wasn't getting any growth so she was glad that she continued to take pictures after each touch up because when she looked back at that period, she could see her hair actually was growing! ...and we all know what a fabulous, amazing head of hair Adrienne has! (yours is pretty stunning too, CH.)

Hang in there, chica. You're not alone!
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Wow, I almost feel if you are describing my hair. My back hair is looser and stronger, and I'm thinking about evening up my little "tail". Well, I don't literally mean the new growth goes down the drain, but if you lose a lot of hair w/ a too strong relaxer you may lose some of the longer (older) hairs.

I do think it is the breakage though. I would lose that amount on my scrunchies, but they would be hairs shorter than the hair on my head so I knew it was breakage, not shedding. But the thing is- if your hair breaks when you put it in a scrunchie, it also breaks when something brushes against it while you sleep, when you run your hands through it in the shower, when you comb/brush it, and then it starts to add up day by day. Do you do protein treatments? Are the hairs you lose the same size as your other hairs?
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

CaramelHonee said:
Hold on a sec while i call my boyfriend and ask him... I'm dialing now... it's ringing... 1x, 2xs.. okay he picked up.

Him: Hello
Me: Hey... do u think my hair grew?
Him: Yea, im gonna have 2 call u back, i'm on a conference call.
Me: (b@stard - i said that to myself, not out loud) okay sweetie.

I have wayyyy 2 much time on my hands.

[/ QUOTE ]

Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Lol, that might be it! Sometimes it takes soo long for you to actually notice a difference.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

CaramelHonee said:
Hold on a sec while i call my boyfriend and ask him... I'm dialing now... it's ringing... 1x, 2xs.. okay he picked up.

Him: Hello
Me: Hey... do u think my hair grew?
Him: Yea, im gonna have 2 call u back, i'm on a conference call.
Me: (b@stard - i said that to myself, not out loud) okay sweetie.

I have wayyyy 2 much time on my hands.

[/ QUOTE ]


Do you have any girlfriends? They are very quick to notice, although they will come out and tell you. Don't ask them though. They'll lie and say "No" just to make you feel bad.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Ladies I feel the same way as well. I feel like I've been at 23 inches forever.

Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Chimma said:
Wow, I almost feel if you are describing my hair. My back hair is looser and stronger, and I'm thinking about evening up my little "tail". Well, I don't literally mean the new growth goes down the drain, but if you lose a lot of hair w/ a too strong relaxer you may lose some of the longer (older) hairs.

I do think it is the breakage though. I would lose that amount on my scrunchies, but they would be hairs shorter than the hair on my head so I knew it was breakage, not shedding. But the thing is- if your hair breaks when you put it in a scrunchie, it also breaks when something brushes against it while you sleep, when you run your hands through it in the shower, when you comb/brush it, and then it starts to add up day by day. Do you do protein treatments? Are the hairs you lose the same size as your other hairs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Phew { wipes sweat from brow } thanks for clearing up the losing hairs/relaxer thingee b/c i was like WTF???

About what u said, i do have breakage/shedding (but not alot) but isn't that normal? I do protein treatments about 2xs a month using either GPB or Keraphix. Am i overdoing it? Btw, when i run my fingers thru my hair or comb it, the lost hairs are the same size (give or take a few inches) as the rest of my hair BUT this only happens when i manage to skip my second wash of the week.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Karonica said:
CaramelHonee said:
Hold on a sec while i call my boyfriend and ask him... I'm dialing now... it's ringing... 1x, 2xs.. okay he picked up.

Him: Hello
Me: Hey... do u think my hair grew?
Him: Yea, im gonna have 2 call u back, i'm on a conference call.
Me: (b@stard - i said that to myself, not out loud) okay sweetie.

I have wayyyy 2 much time on my hands.

[/ QUOTE ]


Do you have any girlfriends? They are very quick to notice, although they will come out and tell you. Don't ask them though. They'll lie and say "No" just to make you feel bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been wearing a bun for so long that my girlfriends do not know what the heck the real length of my hair is. I'll be having my bestest gf over for xmas dinner so i will give myself a wash and set. She's real and her hair is way longer than mine so she'll tell me if she thinks it's grown.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Nyambura said:
Lindy said:
Nope, it's not just you!! The closer my hair gets to bra-strap length, the slower it seems to grow!! I'm happy that my sides finally are gaining some length, but I'm beginning to think that my hair (in the back) has reached it's maximum...
If my hair isn't bra-strap length by next year at this time, I'll know for sure...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, Lindy, I'm experiencing the same thing right now.

CH, please don't cut your hair! It's lovely.
I remember Adrienne saying at one point she believed that she wasn't getting any growth so she was glad that she continued to take pictures after each touch up because when she looked back at that period, she could see her hair actually was growing! ...and we all know what a fabulous, amazing head of hair Adrienne has! (yours is pretty stunning too, CH.)

Hang in there, chica. You're not alone!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Nyambura. It's always good to hear that you are not alone in your hair 'struggles'.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

CaramelHonee said:

I've been wearing a bun for so long that my girlfriends do not know what the heck the real length of my hair is. I'll be having my bestest gf over for xmas dinner so i will give myself a wash and set. She's real and her hair is way longer than mine so she'll tell me if she thinks it's grown.

[/ QUOTE ]

That sounds purrrfect. Let me know what happens.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Okay. Heck i might even get bold and let her take a pic with her disposable camera (i'm sure she'll bring about 8 b/c she bought matching pajamas for our kids to open their presents in
) and post it for you guys... NOW REMEMBER, if it doesn't look longer, you must lie to me and say it does
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Caramelhonee, you sound exactly like me right now. I just had my touch up done and I dont feel that my hair grew at all even though I had plenty of new growth! I have to stare real hard at my pics and in the mirror before I grudgingly acknowledge it grew a smidgeon!
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

I asked my boyfriend if he thought my hair grew and he said he can't tell because after wearing my bun for-ever, i got the weave (bra strap) and left it in for a month... so now i have to wait until march 04 when i get a touch-up to see if there's any further progress.
Re: I don\'t think my hair is growing

Hey CaramelHonee,

I just wanted to let you know that my hair is also acting "vertically challenged" at the moment, and that we will all get through this together
In addition to all the great advice, I wanted to add that sometimes it is helpful to take the long (no pun intended
) view of things, and recognize just how far you have come. I know that when looking at some of the hair albums, it's like "WHOA! Her hair grew that much in a month or two? What am I doing wrong?" But in all honesty, your hair is probably doing the exact same thing in the eyes of someone else, and from what I have read (for some reason I cannot get to your pictures
) you have gorgeous hair. It seems like you are doing everything right health-wise, so it's just a matter of patience.

But being patient is not easy, so a few things that might help: I find that stlying my hair so I can enjoy the length that it is at now is helpful- there are some styles that will look really great at a certain length that do not have the same appeal when the hair is longer (or shorter). Also, looking at much older photographs reassures me that my hair was growing even when I was really not taking such great care of it, so it had sure as h*ck better be growing now
Finally, and this is how you know you are hair obsessed , I try to just be positive towards my hair and think corny little encouraging thoughts (which is difficult at times with very thick, natural 3b/c curls that are midback when stretched) and not stress it. Finding a cute protective style that lasts also helps because then I am not fussing with it so much as enjoying it.

Okay, so I hope all this rambling helps some...
