I dont like the way my hair feels with Mega-Tek...


New Member
I put a little on my hair and added some lacio lacio leave-in conditioner. My hair was so hard to comb! I even tried a big tooth comb and lots of detangler but it was still hard for me to get the comb through my hair. :wallbash:My hair had this squeeky clean feeling with NO slip at all! I will ONLY use it on my scalp from now on. I did not like seeing the amount of hair on the comb that came out.:nono: Have any of you had this experience and do any of you have any tips?
Who told you to put MT on your hair like in that first place? Its not a leave-in like lacio.

Its meant to be used on the SCALP only or as a conditioner treatment as directed on the bottle.

Why are you putting this on the length of your hair?
I got my bottle last night and applied it to my scalp with a follow-up of mahabhringraj oil and by mid-day today my roots felt coarse...I normally have silky curls at my roots (should they get wet anytime 4 wks. post relaxer). I was sooo worried, but I decided to try it tonight with the same mix and some coconut oil added to see if the additional moisture helps.
The bottle says "apply to wet clean hair". I know its a strong protein but I thought I could put a little on it. :perplexed
The bottle says "apply to wet clean hair". I know its a strong protein but I thought I could put a little on it. :perplexed

You didnt finish reading the directions.

It says to apply to wet clean hair. Leave on 5 minutes THEN RINSE OFF. If you want to leave it on then you need to leave it on your SCALP and you might want to dilute.

Try applying it straight to your scalp and if its still too hard then you need to dilute it by mixing it with different oils of your choice (coconut, jojoba, olive oil, castor oil, etc.) or a pomade/grease of your choice.NEVER apply directly to your hair like a leave in. You are not a horse.

That "leave on" part applies to animals, not humans. Our hair isnt strong enough for that much protein to be left on so we apply to our scalp.
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It's ok sweetie :) you didn't know. yeah just place it on your scalp. Some people wash it out after placing it on their scalp...some people leave in in for a while in between washes. Some folks do put it on the length of their hair but follow up with a good moisturizing deep conditioning treatment. do a search and you will find all kinds of ways to use it that won't harm your hair. Happy Hair Growing :)
Yeah, I wouldn't leave MT on the length of my hair. :nono:

If you apply to your length - beware bc unless your hair needs protein this is probably a bad move - rinse out after a few minutes.
Girl don't feel bad. I did the same thing when I first got it. I left mine on for an hour! Chalk it up to a lesson learned. Now go and get yourself a good DC. You'll need to DC with moisture (only) 2 or 3 times before your hair will stop breaking and go back to normal softness. I can't even apply straight MT to my hair at all--not even for the 5 mins it says on the bottle. Not even to my dry scalp. No no, :nono: I must dilute it with oils and apply sparingly to my scalp.
Now OCT is a different story, much more gentle.
I agree with all of the above.
At least you know not to do it again and you have not experienced a major setback ie breakage when combing.

Only use as a scalp treatment, that MT has a whole lotta protein in it.

Have a look at some of the earlier MT threads in the DEC MT thread, ladies who have been using it for a while have tried and tested varying methods to help us avoid some these problems that i'm reading about.

It is Okay! Trial & Error. I use mine on the scalp only but I mix Vitamin E into mine and moisturize my hair really good before I apply it.
You didnt finish reading the directions.

It says to apply to wet clean hair. Leave on 5 minutes THEN RINSE OFF. If you want to leave it on then you need to leave it on your SCALP and you might want to dilute.

Try applying it straight to your scalp and if its still too hard then you need to dilute it by mixing it with different oils of your choice (coconut, jojoba, olive oil, castor oil, etc.) or a pomade/grease of your choice.NEVER apply directly to your hair like a leave in. You are not a horse.

That "leave on" part applies to animals, not humans. Our hair isnt strong enough for that much protein to be left on so we apply to our scalp.

Thank you very much and I am LMFAO :lachen:
"You are not a horse"
I use a mix of 75% MT and 25% mahabhringaraj oil and I apply it to my scalp twice a week, washing the following day (although I used to use it w/o washing the next day and that worked fine for me too). I loove how soft it makes my hair feel!
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Heck it is confusing! I'm right there with ya...deciphering which parts apply to horsies and which parts apply to us! I've had Mega Tek which I got from some random site for a while, but I just got 2 new products today straight from Eqyss, and they have this little "human crossover" sheet in the box. They say to only leave MT on your hair for 2-5 minutes and rinse on this sheet for people...need to but that on the bottle too! Don't they know how many non-horses are fans...lol :lachen:
Im now mixing it with OCT and Hot Six oil (with a little bit of peppermint oil in the bottle) and applying it to my scalp only. I like the tingling feeling. Its like, I feel my hair growing. lol.