I don't know what to do anymore


New Member
As i am writing this i am feeling so mad at myself for not been good at prayers.

When ever i am praying (either alone or in church, in the church it is even worse because of the disatraction of the pastor or others praying loudly ) i keep repeating the same words over and over again and i have really tried to help myself up with this but i don't know what else to do.,i just want to be able to talk with God with having to write it down on paper what i want to say.

I need help with my prayer life.
Juju, learn the Lord's prayer, and pray that. Jesus warned us about trying to be like some other folk who seem to pray "well" and taught us that prayer. And if you are wondering what that has to do with what you really want to talk to God about, I tell you a lot. When Jesus taught us that prayer, He said "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

That prayer covers everything. Perhaps seeing a breakdown of it can help you understand just how deep that prayer is. So that as you say it, you can really have reverence for the One to whom you speak and be still in His presence.

Next I want you to forget all you think prayer is. It is not the best sounding poetic speech one can give, but rather a relaxed conversation between a child and his Father (or Maker). Get into the habit of talking to God casually about your day. "Good morning, Father! Today is such a beautiful day. Thanks for blessing me with it. I look forward to spending it with you." You don't have to close your eyes. Just talk to Him in your head. "Father, please bless that lady about to cross the road. Let her be content and free of pain, and to know you love her and that it is you that is behind her peace of mind." "Father I think I'll go shopping today after work. I hope I can find that scarf I have been looking for and that it won't be expensive. Father do let me know if it's not a good idea to get it in a way that will be as clear as day."

In other words, stop worrying about impressing anyone, even yourself. Prayer should be as natural as talking to your sister or mom or best friend.
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Well, I would suggest reading the bible and highlighting different prayers that are used by Solomon, David, Jesus, etc. Sometimes we need a little help and I find that it is ok to use what has worked. The prayer of Jabez is often used and recited to much favor. Don't feel like you have to say things a certain way, word for word, but do use these prayers as inspiration.
You mentioned writing down your prayer. A lot of people make prayer lists so they can remember who to pray for. Again, remember God knows what it is you want to pray about so you can say the Lord's prayer. Otherwise, you can follow the ACTS prayer plan.

A-Adoration: Where you worship, praise and give glory to God. I love hymns so much more than contemporary music. "Great is Thy Faithfulness", "O Worship the King", "To God be the Glory", "Holy Holy Holy" etc are some of the hymns that just make my heart sing. Recognizing God's majesty has a way of just making me be still and know that He is God. Of making me feel such reverence that all outside noise dies down as I come into God's presence.

C-Confession: Where you confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness and strength to live according to His Word.

hanksgiving: Where you thank God for all the blessings He's sent your way (your health, your job, your family, your friends, your home, your peace of mind...). Thank God for answered prayer and for the fact that you know He is listening and that He will answer you according to His will in the way that's for your own good.

upplication: This is where your prayer list comes in. You pray for everyone that asked you to pray for them, and for yourself. And you won't find yourself repeating the same thing because you will be praying for specific things. One member here asked you pray for her because Satan is on the attack in her life. So with your list before you, you will put that request before God. Then you will pray for that friend who asked your to pray because she has an exam...etc
Juju, learn the Lord's prayer, and pray that. Jesus warned us about trying to be like some other folk who seem to pray "well" and taught us that prayer. And if you are wondering what that has to do with what you really want to talk to God about, I tell you a lot. When Jesus taught us that prayer, He said "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

That prayer covers everything. Perhaps seeing a breakdown of it can help you understand just how deep that prayer is. So that as you say it, you can really have reverence for the One to whom you speak and be still in His presence.

Next I want you to forget all you think prayer is. It is not the best sounding poetic speech one can give, but rather a relaxed conversation between a child and his Father (or Maker). Get into the habit of talking to God casually about your day. "Good morning, Father! Today is such a beautiful day. Thanks for blessing me with it. I look forward to spending it with you." You don't have to close your eyes. Just talk to Him in your head. "Father, please bless that lady about to cross the road. Let her be content and free of pain, and to know you love her and that it is you that is behind her peace of mind." "Father I think I'll go shopping today after work. I hope I can find that scarf I have been looking for and that it won't be expensive. Father do let me know if it's not a good idea to get it in a way that will be as clear as day."

In other words, stop worrying about impressing anyone, even yourself. Prayer should be as natural as talking to your sister or mom or best friend.

:lachen::lachen: :rofl3: Lawd Have Mercy.....I thought I was the only crazy person who did this...In line at Subway praying for the Lord to bless the person making my sandwich and bring them into closer relation with CHrist. Bless their family etc...Hahahahahha..

Really prayer is like a very HONEST conversation with our Dad. Folks make it out to be this huge ordeal that you need to know a lot of fancy words or say it with some good sounding church words....but honestly it's just a regular conversation.

As you grow in God and learn more about him than usually your prayers might start sounding very scriptural....but that's just like how we remind our parents what they said.

No daddy you said that you would never leave me nor forsake me..and I believe your every word. I really need you to show up NOW and work this situation out for me. You said to sit at your right hand until you make my enemies my footstool and you know trouble is all around..I've been sitting..Thank you Lord for fighting this battle...They are acting up but I trust you and believe what you said in your word. See there were scriptures inthat prayer, but it was just a regular conversation too.

Also, use the Lord's prayer as a guideline to pray.

Here is a link that shows you a simple guideline on prayer using the Lord's prayer as the model. It because second nature when you start off your prayer when you go to God. I do it like this just because Jesus did it like this...:yep:

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I agree with the L-rd's prayer. It was a design for all humanity. It honors Him firstly, then you submit yourself to His will. You ask Him to provide your daily sustenance (so you'll have to keep coming back :yep:). You ask Him to forgive your sins, you are then required to forgive others. You finally ask for protection from the evil one. Then you praise Him. Perhaps this is how He desired our prayers to be aligned.

Prayers, like normal everyday conversation...not always verbose. Sometimes a prayer can be 1 word. Just be honest and know to whom you speak. Start small so you don't continue to be intimidated by others who seem to naturally elaborate great prayers.

Imagine how I felt when someone asked me to pray to Jesus. I was like, okay, who is He again? LOL. Praying to Father, I knew well but to Jesus, it took time. That's not exactly your situation...but I'm just demonstrating that it takes time to get into your prayer groove.
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Juju, learn the Lord's prayer, and pray that. Jesus warned us about trying to be like some other folk who seem to pray "well" and taught us that prayer. And if you are wondering what that has to do with what you really want to talk to God about, I tell you a lot. When Jesus taught us that prayer, He said "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

That prayer covers everything. Perhaps seeing a breakdown of it can help you understand just how deep that prayer is. So that as you say it, you can really have reverence for the One to whom you speak and be still in His presence.

Next I want you to forget all you think prayer is. It is not the best sounding poetic speech one can give, but rather a relaxed conversation between a child and his Father (or Maker). Get into the habit of talking to God casually about your day. "Good morning, Father! Today is such a beautiful day. Thanks for blessing me with it. I look forward to spending it with you." You don't have to close your eyes. Just talk to Him in your head. "Father, please bless that lady about to cross the road. Let her be content and free of pain, and to know you love her and that it is you that is behind her peace of mind." "Father I think I'll go shopping today after work. I hope I can find that scarf I have been looking for and that it won't be expensive. Father do let me know if it's not a good idea to get it in a way that will be as clear as day."

In other words, stop worrying about impressing anyone, even yourself. Prayer should be as natural as talking to your sister or mom or best friend.

Beautifully said and such a blessing!
I would encourage you to invest in a good prayer book. God loves when we pray His Word back to Him and that is truly the way to get results. A good one that has prayers for specific concerns is "Prayers that Avail Much" by Germaine Copeland. My pastor suggested this to me almost two years ago and it has been a true blessing. Below is the link from Amazon.com and you can click on LOOK INSIDE to see a couple of the prayers. Hope that helps:)

Prayers That Avail Much
Really prayer is like a very HONEST conversation with our Dad. Folks make it out to be this huge ordeal that you need to know a lot of fancy words or say it with some good sounding church words....but honestly it's just a regular conversation.[QUOTE said:
This is so true I find my self having conversations with the Lord all the time. Sometimes I think people I'm talking to myself but I don't care. In fact we had a nice little conversation on the train home:grin::grin:
Children learn the alphabet, which they learn to put together to form words, which they put together to form sentences, which they put together to form paragraphs. Before long, they are reading pages in a book, then one book after another. The more they learn, they smarter then get, the stronger their minds as they question and analyze and believe (or don't) based on their understanding of what they read.

It is sad to see a 50 year old reading at a first-grade level, but this happens. I believe having a prayer life is like this. God teaches us in Mathew The Lord's prayer. We can always keep it simple, but in our quest to grow in Christ, we will realize there is more to prayer than the Lord is My Shepard and Our Father.

Psalms 102:1-5
Hear my prayer, O LORD;
let my cry for help come to you.
2 Do not hide your face from me
when I am in distress.
Turn your ear to me;
when I call, answer me quickly.

3 For my days vanish like smoke;
my bones burn like glowing embers.

4 My heart is blighted and withered like grass;
I forget to eat my food.

5 Because of my loud groaning
I am reduced to skin and bones.

Ephesians 6:8
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing;

There's but so many times a day one can repeat "Our Father who art in heaven..." We call ourselves Children of God or a Child of the King, because we are all his children; but that doesn't mean we are to remain babes in Christ.
I don't think I could ever tire of the Lord's Prayer, because when I pray it, every thought I had, everyone on my list, everything I feel heavy on my heart is covered in that prayer. When I say, "Give us this day our daily bread" I don't just think of food, but I think of all the things we need to go on. When I pray "Hallowed be Thy Name" I am brought into a mode of total reverence where I recognize God's Omnipotence, Omniscient, Omnipresence and His reign as King of my life. When I pray "Thy will be done" again, all the things I would ask for on behalf of my friends and myself go through my mind as I entrust them to Him.

For me that prayer is so deep that I could never put any other prayer I pray beside it. I talk to God a lot. I converse with Him during the day as I go about my business. And I do pray other prayers. But I would never think of the Lord's Prayer as baby food.

When I learned the Lord's prayer, it was just a poem we chanted during assembly in school while hoping we'd be dismissed soon coz the whole affair was boring. It wasn't until I was older and years later in life that I really realized the power in that prayer. Sometimes before I say it, I will obey God's command "Be still and know that I am God". Usually it is when I have a heavy heart and so much to tell God. And in that silence, as I fill my mind with all I know about God, I find such overwhelming peace that all the words I wanted to tell Him just seem so unnecessary. In that stillness, I just get this overwhelming feeling that He knows. That no words are necessary anymore because He knows all that my heart was going to say. And in that state of worship, there isn't any other prayer that makes me feel closer to God than the prayer our Lord Jesus taught us. And the "older" I get, the more that prayer means to me and deeper the communion I have with God via it.
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As i am writing this i am feeling so mad at myself for not been good at prayers.

When ever i am praying (either alone or in church, in the church it is even worse because of the disatraction of the pastor or others praying loudly ) i keep repeating the same words over and over again and i have really tried to help myself up with this but i don't know what else to do.,i just want to be able to talk with God with having to write it down on paper what i want to say.

I need help with my prayer life.

Angel, just pray what's in your heart. God wants us to honor Him in Spirit and in Truth. Jesus made it plain, that fancy words and acts of pious traditions, do not impress neither reach the clouds of Heaven, let alone, our Father's ear, or His heart.

JuJu, pray what's in your heart. It's between you and your Heavenly Father who hears you and that's all He wants...He wants you, just as you are and to allow Him to put you at peace about it.

Don't let the enemy of your soul lie to you any further about your prayer life. I get 'stuck' with prayers all the time when I try to 'force' it. I always say, before I pray, "Holy Spirit, what shall I say, please lead and guide me into all truth." He never, ever fails. Not ever.

:bighug: God loves you, and He could care less about what you pray, as long as it's you and no one else.

Feel better about this; God isn't condeming you, not at all. He loves you and will help you and guide you and that's really all that matters to Him..."just being with you..." :love2:
As i am writing this i am feeling so mad at myself for not been good at prayers.

When ever i am praying (either alone or in church, in the church it is even worse because of the disatraction of the pastor or others praying loudly ) i keep repeating the same words over and over again and i have really tried to help myself up with this but i don't know what else to do.,i just want to be able to talk with God with having to write it down on paper what i want to say.

I need help with my prayer life.

Believe it or not your words in your post were/are already sent up as prayer offerring to God through the Holy Spirit and is NOW being answered ...
look at the thread as evidence!

deep thoughts expressed via ritual...or in church...or
1. in a thread
2.written in prayer journal
3.speaking aloud the promises from the Bible
4.praying a formal universal prayer
5.or even in a voluntary out cry...help me Jeusus

it's heartfelt communication to our Lord..
is what matters
so without our even knowing it ..rendered as prayer :)
you've been "praying" all this time ...dear one
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Hello Juju!
I have felt some of the same things you feel concerning prayer. Our emotions can cause us to be very frustrated. We must all remember what is written in John 10:10-The thief's purpose is to steal , kill, and destroy. My purpose is to give a rich and satisfying life. Satan will use anything, anyone to distract you. He does not want you to pray. Prayer is one of the believer's strongest weapons if not the stongest weapon we have in our arsonal. If he can convince you that you are not doing it right b/c you write things down sometimes, or you are not as loud and eloquent as someone else at church, you only pray for 3 minutes then you don't know what else to say,you suddenly become sleepy when you decide to pray, he will distract you and cause you to do things like compare yourself to others and how they pray. Comparison in this way is so detrimental but that's another conversation. If he can make you feel bad he can steal your desire to pray, thereby eventually killing your destiny, which would then lead to a destroyed soul. The other ladies here all have given great advice. Use you paper if you need to!! You will continue to grow and be able to help others who will have the same concerns. A few more things- always pray to the Father in Jesus' name and always make your requests known (Phil. 4:6), be detailed but always say God this is what I want but never-the-less not my will but your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Always know that God hears you no matter how you feel or what it looks like (Psa. 34:15-17). Here is the web address for a free book of prayers. This book has helped me and countless others tremendously! It is an awesome addition to any home and it is free! www.christianword.org The book may be downloaded or you can request copies. Also, I found the following article helpful regarding prayers: http://www.gsbcweb.org/prayernoanswer.htm.