I DID THE BIG CHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I pretty much chopped 10 months sooner than I had originally planned to, :lachen:but I know it was the best thing I could have ever done for myslef and hair. Transitiong wreeked havoc on my self esteem (the last few weeks, I felt really unattractive because my hair wouldnt act right) and my hair (i think the strong difference in textures was too much for my hair to handle). So I DID IT!!! WOOHOO :woot: I feel so liberated, armed with knowledge, and ready to take on my new journey. The official date was Aug 22, but I just found my camera battery charger and was able to take and post pics this morning. I didnt want to announce anything without pics. Thanks to all of you ladies for the inspiration and support. :bighug:


Check me out when you get a chance!

username - ilovemyhair
password - ilovemyhair
awww.....Thanks xavier, inhair, orange moon, and corbins!!!!!:grin:

Everyones reaction was positive. The co-workers were shocked, but they complimented me (so I guess they like it). My boyfriend is VERY happy. He thinks its just better to deal with having short hair and let it grow out than to have the relaxed ends hanging on for the sake of length.

The part that has surprised me the most is how well i accepted it. I actually reached a point where no ones opinion but mine mattered. And that was liberating. It was a great bonus and blessing that my boyfriend supports and encourages me so much in this journey.

Thanks again for the wonderful compliments ladies! I really appreciate it.:grin:
awww.....Thanks xavier, inhair, orange moon, and corbins!!!!!:grin:

Everyones reaction was positive. The co-workers were shocked, but they complimented me (so I guess they like it). My boyfriend is VERY happy. He thinks its just better to deal with having short hair and let it grow out than to have the relaxed ends hanging on for the sake of length.

The part that has surprised me the most is how well i accepted it. I actually reached a point where no ones opinion but mine mattered. And that was liberating. It was a great bonus and blessing that my boyfriend supports and encourages me so much in this journey.

Thanks again for the wonderful compliments ladies! I really appreciate it.:grin:

I love your attitude.
Congrats, Choklatekiss79! You really look pretty... and happy. I swear your cheekbones are to die for!!
Thanks so much Lynnie, treasure, Isu, Tara , Cupcake... I am SOOOOO happy. ill be even happier once I can rock the Pam Greer fro. LOL One day...(sigh)

xavier...it took me a long time to get there.
You look absolutely beautiful. I would totally do this if I had the balls...and if my dad and boyfriend supported it. :ohwell:
Thank you enchantment, msjones! You all are so sweet. Ive never received so much support from other black women (getting teary-eyed). This site is the best.:grin:
Your new do is very cute. Your eyes and cheekbones stand out more. It seems that you have a lot of growth already. How long was your transition before the chop?
Congratulations girl. The TWA looks beautiful on you. IT really accentuates your beautiful strong cheek bones and your eyes. I LOVE IT! :grin:

Thank you scoby, empress, chayil, pattycake, dilard, and DD!! :grin:

scoby...I only transitioned for 4 months. lol My goal was 14. :lachen:But oh well. I thought I would have more length than this, but as soon as I chopped, the shrinkage REALLY set in. I think I have about 1.5 inches with some 1 inch areas in the crown. I still have some relaxer tips, but I figured those would be taken care of when I get my first trim in about 3-4 months. After that, no more trimming for at least a year.

Thanks again everyone!
I don't know if it's the happiness in your eyes or the fact that your features are able to be seen better, but you look great! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! It looks great on you!

I wore my hair like this for about five years before getting relaxed again two years ago. LOVED IT!
SUPER cute hair!!!!!! :yep: And you are really pretty!!!

Your glowing skin and beautiful smile really sets your twa off!!! And you are rockin those dark rimmed glasses gurl!

Very Beautiful pics! thanks for sharing, and wErk that hair!!! :)