I did it!!! I Big chopped!


New Member
I dont know what took me so long. It wasn't as big of a thing as I thought it would be. In reality, it is just hair. :)

My hair is 4a/4b (thanks to the ladies here, I was able to figure that out) :). The reason I BC'ed was for no other reason in that I needed to choose between either coloring, or relaxers. Because I am prematurely gray (since at least 5 years old...I am 31), the relaxers had to go. I have been natural before and I love my hair texture. This time I am natural and it is for keeps.

There are pieces/sections of my hair that are straight from root to tip. I know this is because I wear wigs all day every day. I hope that some day they will revert back... :perplexed However there are a few relaxed bits that are here and there, but I am still claiming 100% natural! :D


Last relaxer 9/1/2009.

Dyed hair 10/18/2009

About 2 1/2 inches of new growth (my growth was super fast at first and the slowed the last month and half).


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congratulations!!! must feel so freeing & exciting!!!

& i'd suggest leaving your progress up. BC threads like this are very inspiring to transitioners like me :) keep them around so you can do growth comparisons!!
congratulations!!! must feel so freeing & exciting!!!

& i'd suggest leaving your progress up. BC threads like this are very inspiring to transitioners like me :) keep them around so you can do growth comparisons!!

You know I think I will just delete the link, and keep the pictures up. :D Thank you!
Man, lately it seems as if as soon as I log on there is a new poster who has done the BC! Congrats OP. Your looks great! I am one year into my transition and when I see these threads I think I shoudl just do it:grin:
Man, lately it seems as if as soon as I log on there is a new poster who has done the BC! Congrats OP. Your looks great! I am one year into my transition and when I see these threads I think I shoudl just do it:grin:

All I can say is that I have no regrets, and I thought for certain that I would. :yep:
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