I did a protein treatment but hair was still in comb


Well-Known Member
I did a protein treatment but hair was still in comb when I set my hair. Does this mean I do another protein next week???

I used dudley's dc28

I have aphogee and emergencee, so I could break those out....

Any tips??
Uhmmm...hair in comb could be normal if it's shed hair. Also hair breaks if one OD's on protein and doesn't balance it with moisture, so if that's your problem then another protein treatment might not be what you need.

There could be many reasons why there's hair in your comb and some are not worth worrying about. Show me someone who never sees hair in their comb, or away from their head when they deal with their hair and I'll show you a liar or someone who doesn't fully comb/detangle her hair.
^^ ITA with Nonie. While protein treatments can drastically improve your hair, you need balance or you might end up with a really bad situation. Losing a few hair is normal. The roller setting process by itself is quite a bit of manipulation to be honest, I'd be surprised if you didn't lose any hair.

Unless your hair is coming out in clumps or you have severe breakage, I wouldn't worry about it. I would skip another treatment this close to the last one. Did you do the initial treatment because you had breakage? If so, one treatment isn't going to miraculously fix that problem. Just be consistent, balance your moisture and protein and you should see an improvement over time.

Good luck!
Fully agree with the advice that you have received here. Moisture is definitely the balance to a "strong" protein like Dudley's DRC-28.

However, if you are still concerned about 'extra' shedding, you could alternate with a garlic condish treatment such as Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner or Nutrine Garlic Conditioner.
In addition to all of the above great advice you should also consider your tool and technique! How you are detangling and what you are detangling with are just as important as the health of your hair!
Uhmmm...hair in comb could be normal if it's shed hair. Also hair breaks if one OD's on protein and doesn't balance it with moisture, so if that's your problem then another protein treatment might not be what you need.

There could be many reasons why there's hair in your comb and some are not worth worrying about. Show me someone who never sees hair in their comb, or away from their head when they deal with their hair and I'll show you a liar or someone who doesn't fully comb/detangle her hair.

I just feel it shouldn't shed THAT much.. I feel as if it is a lot of hair...
I just feel it shouldn't shed THAT much.. I feel as if it is a lot of hair...

Some people shed more with season changes. Also I think people forget the up-to-about-100-hairs-per-day rule and panic when there's no need to panic.

If you were losing a lot of hair, you'd probably be telling us you're balding and that you lost your comb somewhere in the pile of hair you're buried under.

OK, I exaggerate. But if your hair is longer and if you're detangling better or haven't combed your hair for a while, then just know the hair you shed may seem more than usual.
Nothing really further to add; all has been covered. Hope all works out. Just be careful and don't protein overload.

+1 for Alter Ego Garlic for shedding. Excellent product. My new love. :lick: