I cut my hair off...again...


New Member
...So life is STRESSING me out, and my hair is stressing me 10 fold. Its so thick and it takes forever to braid. It took 9 hours on friday and the middle wasn't done, my arm was aching to the point i had to lay down, and with everything else going on in life i was like aww hell and them scissors looked good :lachen:. So you know what was next. See now the thing is i have a great shampoo and conditioner. Nevertheless my beloved products have both come out witha "brand new and 'improved' formula", as a result i am back to sqaure one with my products. After i wash and condition my hair its SOFT and then dries its like cardboard, it makes it hard to comb and hand fulls of hair come out! (breakage not sheding) and most my ends had knots on them, which just leadto breakage, Im annoyed! Not to mention i have no hot water in my house so washing is a task as i have to travel to do so :nono:. I've tried so many things and i don't want to try anything else, i had such a cheap regime. Hair Doctor was the only thing that agreed with my hair and now i am aprehensive to try the new formula of single bible caress oil. All i know is that im going to the barbers on saturday to fade it out, I'm so indifferent about my hair part of me feelslike "oh this a set back" the other part is like "man i lost my givadamn", i know i want long hair but hmmm... I really don't know what to do...
i wanna see pix! maybe this is a good thing! a new look, a fresh outlook... :yep:

Well im not gonna post pics yet, i just hackedit off with the scissors, its still got parts in it from the braids :blush: and its uneven, i'll post some on saturday when i get it faded. Hmm i guess a fresh start is good, but i did wear my hair faded for just over a year and then i was growing it back for 10 months until i cut it...
Well im not gonna post pics yet, i just hackedit off with the scissors, its still got parts in it from the braids :blush: and its uneven, i'll post some on saturday when i get it faded. Hmm i guess a fresh start is good, but i did wear my hair faded for just over a year and then i was growing it back for 10 months until i cut it...

well, how long was it. how much of a setback was this?
ps are you on your period or pmsing?
that's the time i start eyeing the scissors and i'm 7 months post so every month is like a battle!
ps are you on your period or pmsing?
that's the time i start eyeing the scissors and i'm 7 months post so every month is like a battle!

Hahaha when i seen your post i had to laugh, because i started my period yesterday . I was growing my hair for 10 months, i cut off nearly 5 inches. I planon growing my hair back after we get our boiler fixed and i have my supplies. I will have to have the scissors removed from my house though!

Crissi, you have come so far! I remember when you "cut" it last year and I was like, "mm-hmm, I'ma be keep up with her progress cause she is really starting from scratch. And I wanna watch all the way to WL."

I really am not in a position to tell you what to do b/c I am not the one going through it. However, I can empathize with you and say that this is just one (of many that you might experience) set back and keep it moving.

I am rooting for your and your hair journey to long hair!

more (((((HUGS)))))
I guess I can wait until Saturday to see pictures. I got a faded cut too but my hair needs to fill in all over so that I can get a bald fade before my trip to PA/CO. I love the short hair b/c when it grows back, at least for me, it is so thick and lush:yep:.
Hahaha when i seen your post i had to laugh, because i started my period yesterday . I was growing my hair for 10 months, i cut off nearly 5 inches. I planon growing my hair back after we get our boiler fixed and i have my supplies. I will have to have the scissors removed from my house though!

maaaaan, those hormones will play tricks on a girl!!!!
don't stress. i hope you fix everything that needs to be fixed and don't stress about your hair.
shorter hair means less maintenance! that's a blessing right?
silver lining?:grin::yep: