I CUT MY HAIR heavy on the pics.


New Member
Hello ladies it has been a while since I have posted . After 5 years of staying home I am back to work. so I don't get to post but I do browse now and again and you ladies are doing Fabulous at your hair goals.Well any way I have cut my hair, this month would have made 2 years growing my hair and with many ups and downs it did grow and now I am starting over. I realized that my hair was getting long but my ends were looking chomped up to me. I am so used to having very thick hair and I have decided that the only way to achieve that is to trim every relaxer. so below are pics of the new cut ( I am 2 weeks post relaxer )

and the others are of the last pic of my hair with the terrible ends.
also I added pics of my journey to show some of the newbies that growing your hair is a breeze (thanks to LHCF)but keeping it healthy is another story. LOL BTW it only took me 8 months to get to APL and after that I let it get out of control with not trimming as much.. In 2008 I started wearing alot of weaves and cornrows to stretch my relaxers so that my hair will get thicker. and now I think I made the right choice.



( dominican Blow out)
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Hey girlie:) I was just thinking about u the other day.....wondering why I haven't seen you around or any pics. i miss those MN threads:) R u still using it? You can also cut every other relaxer if you don't want to cut every relaxer. Glad to hear from ya:) Nice hair cut:)
I am here coming up with a new regimine for which includes alot of co-washes. they have helped with the thickness. As far as for the MN I have not used in a while but when I get some more essential oils I will be on top of it. I will keep you posted. thanks again.
oh by the way my hubby had a cow when he came home and saw my hair. he said it was alot of money done the drain. LOL
Nice to have you back, and it's actually a nice cut. But what made you decide to cut? You have fast-growing hair, so I look forward to this new journey that you're on.
I'm glad you are happy:yep:, your hair looks good. You are so pretty and I really love the pic of you and your hubby. Of course the kids are adorable too:).
Nice to have you back, and it's actually a nice cut. But what made you decide to cut? You have fast-growing hair, so I look forward to this new journey that you're on.
sorry just getting on for the night. first of all thanks bunches. but I must be honest I went a really long time without trimming my hair and yes it grew but it looked terrible and I was not baggying like i used to . but believe me it takes alot of courage to cut tht much hair. my co-workers are still all in shock that I did it. you know what it is funny how from the eyes of someone else your hair look amazing but after you have been in the game a while you know what the thruth is and that is why I am starting over . sorry so long. I just tired of explaing to people on my decision to cut ( not you ) LOL
Your SL to APL is amazing. If only...

Did you cut your hair yourself?
no My friend came over to my house and cut it here is the thing she got a tad bit carried away. this was not the plan idea LOL but I was hyped. I know that it will grow back soon.
Your hair looks good and healthier. Do you plan to grow it back out or are you keeping your sassy new do'?
Well I will grow it back again and not be to lazy to co-wash 2x a week. I have a whole new regimine that will include some of my old remedies.
OMG every time i try to reply I keep clicking on thans and not it is driving me nuts... but thank you all for the wonderful compliments.
Hey Girlie,

Glad to see you back posting. Your cut looks nice- and you have some of the fastest growing hair ever- so I know you will be back soon with healthy long hair!
My MN Inspiration! I've been wondering where you went! You look fab in your pics! Have you lost weight? New makeup? You look wonderful! Glad to see you're back! I love the new cut
My MN Inspiration! I've been wondering where you went! You look fab in your pics! Have you lost weight? New makeup? You look wonderful! Glad to see you're back! I love the new cut
oh thank you you have really put a smile on my face. I have lost too much weight from working I now wear a 6 dowm from a 9-10( baby weight ) lol. I will be growing strong this years