I can't use CREME OF NATURE SHAMPOO anymore!!!


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Yesterday was my wash day. :bath2: I have 5 months of new growth now. I washed my hair with Creme of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Formula for dry, brittle, and color-treated hair (white & green bottle, yellow top). Well, it took FOREVER to rinse out! :mad: Most of the shampoo was sticking to my new growth. My hair felt so sticky and gooey. Why was it doing that? :ohwell: I had to use TWO CLARIFYING SHAMPOOS to get this stuff out of my hair. So it took a good 30 minutes or so to get this product out of my hair before I conditioned it.

Does anyone know what could be wrong? Can someone have product build-up that bad in their hair or was it solely the Creme of Nature Shampoo? Has anyone ever experienced this sticky, gooey feeling in their hair with any other shampoos? :confused:
I was also using CON for a while back around September, and noticed that my scalp seemed extra dry and flaky, a lot of build up. Had to let it go :-(

Kera Care is a much better alternative.
I like to dilute my shampoo, no matter which brand I'm using, before placing it on my hair. I take about one (1) to two (2) capfuls of the shampoo, and pour it into two (2) to three (3) cups of warm water. I swish it to dilute the shampoo in the water, then I pour the "soapy" water on my head. It is less concentrated and I am better able to control where it goes. This has cut down on my rinse out time considerably.
You may need to clarify more often when using this shampoo. Perhaps you should do a clarifying poo followed by the CON?

I found out that my hair hates aloe vera. I used the ultra moist. poo and it tangled up my hair badly. Switched to the regular with the red top and it was fine again.

Keracare is better IMO.
Poohbear said:
Yesterday was my wash day. :bath2: I have 5 months of new growth now. I washed my hair with Creme of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Formula for dry, brittle, and color-treated hair (white & green bottle, yellow top). Well, it took FOREVER to rinse out! :mad: Most of the shampoo was sticking to my new growth. My hair felt so sticky and gooey. Why was it doing that? :ohwell: I had to use TWO CLARIFYING SHAMPOOS to get this stuff out of my hair. So it took a good 30 minutes or so to get this product out of my hair before I conditioned it.

Does anyone know what could be wrong? Can someone have product build-up that bad in their hair or was it solely the Creme of Nature Shampoo? Has anyone ever experienced this sticky, gooey feeling in their hair with any other shampoos? :confused:

So I noticed that my favourite shampoo is also getting on my nerves. Usually when I take out the braids my hair loves it when I use CON. Not any more. Last 3 times I used it my hair felt stringy as though it had stuff stuck on it. Then my conditiner didn't actually condition my hair. So, I had to use Surge Powerwash to get rid of the build-up feeling I had in my hair.

Anyway, I am going to stop using the Creme of Nature as I believe they have changed their formula. That is sometimes the explanation when a product you have been using for ages (years) stops working all of a sudden.
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Before I knew about the LHCF and before using CON, I used Herbal Essence Shampoo (rose hips) and it treated my hair nice and smelled great. I might go back to that shampoo since I know it works for me. I might just use up the ElastaQP Bodifying Shampoo I have (I know its a clarifying shampoo but it's pretty gentle and doesnt strip my hair) and then go to Herbal Essence. Or, I might just alternate between co-washing and clarifying for now on instead of getting another shampoo. I think the KeraCare Shampoo is too expensive for me.
I also used CON Ultra Moisturizing formula... but it was tooooo slimy, gooey for my hair... so I began using the "regular" formula... works much better on my hair :cool:
I have never really liked CON. It's really nothing but the old Milk Plus 6 shampoo sold in cheapy drugstores. CON makes for easy combing while soaking wet, but after it dries my hair would be hard.
i agree with all that you ladies are saying.i use to use this poo all the time.
Then i just starting using whatver the hair dresser had.I recently starting using con poo again and my scalp was itchy and white for some reason.i figured out it was the con and simply stopped using it and my scalp went back to normal.
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That is exactly why I don't use CON on my hair. I used to use it years ago and it always left my hair feeling nasty and slimy. CON is great for detangling and that's about it.
Hi Poohbear! :lol:
I was surprised that so many people here enjoy CON (it was also featured in the recent Allure magazine's section on underground products--noted as a shampoo that Black girls have known about for years but only a few white girls were hip to--OK don't see how it's so underground if WE know about it at least--oh well).

Anyway I used it YEARS ago (I'm natural) and I would rinse, get out of the shower, comb my hair, and soap bubbles would start flying. In future washes I would rinse EXTRA hard but there would STILL be bubbles. It just didn't work for me.
PhonyBaloney500 said:
Hi Poohbear! :lol:
I was surprised that so many people here enjoy CON (it was also featured in the recent Allure magazine's section on underground products--noted as a shampoo that Black girls have known about for years but only a few white girls were hip to--OK don't see how it's so underground if WE know about it at least--oh well).

Anyway I used it YEARS ago (I'm natural) and I would rinse, get out of the shower, comb my hair, and soap bubbles would start flying. In future washes I would rinse EXTRA hard but there would STILL be bubbles. It just didn't work for me.

:lol: @ the big font!

But that's funny how you said Creme of Nature was an underground product that black girls didn't know about... I thought that's the shampoo most blacks use... I didn't know white people would use this shampoo.
I noticed that when I use CON, myhair gets really itchy and flaky. I rarely use it anymore, but my husband loves it.
Wildflower said:
I noticed that when I use CON, myhair gets really itchy and flaky. I rarely use it anymore, but my husband loves it.

Itchy and flaky was my experience too, and I never have itchy nor flaky scalp, so I knew it was the poo.
I'm sorry to hear that Poohbear. CON is one of my personal favorites but I've heard similar stories from others. I try to minimize the amount of poo I use when lathering. If I use too much I have a huge mess on my hands.
Poohbear said:
:lol: @ the big font!

But that's funny how you said Creme of Nature was an underground product that black girls didn't know about... I thought that's the shampoo most blacks use... I didn't know white people would use this shampoo.

Woops I guess I didn't make that clear--they were saying that Blacks HAVE known aboutt it for years but only a few whites are hip to it.
I don't get what the big deal is about that Revlon 'poo but I guess it works for a lot of folks!
I used to LOVE CON but than after a while it left my hair really dry and brittle when using it...their moisturizing shampoo is not very moisturizing....
It really is not that bad, if you clarify regularly. I have found that it works best if you use some cheapo shampoo for your first lather and then use the CON.
Poohty-poo :lol: Sorry about your CON experience. I have used this shampoo since about the 9th grade and I have not had a bad experience with it. Since you are transitioning, I would suggest you try using apple cider vinegar (diluted ofcourse). I would also suggest you use only a dollop of CON,if you decide to go back to it. A little goes a long way.:)
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Poohty-poo :lol: Sorry about your CON experience. I have used this shampoo since about the 9th grade and I have not had a bad experience with it. Since you are transitioning, I would suggest you try using apple cider vinegar (diluted ofcourse). I would also suggest you use only a dollop of CON,if you decide to go back to it. A little goes a long way.:)

i didnt use a lot when i used CON. I probably used maybe a little more than just a dallop but it still stuck to my hair and I had all this icky white glue on my hair. oh well. :ohwell:
karezone said:
It really is not that bad, if you clarify regularly. I have found that it works best if you use some cheapo shampoo for your first lather and then use the CON.

I usually do the reverse: use CON shampoo and then wash with Nexxus. I only use the CON shampoo for my first wash after I take out my braids (it gives great slip) but it always leaves my hair feeling coated and dry so that's why I follow up with the Nexxus.