I can't handle "long hair"


New Member
This is only half-joking.

My hair is SL - about 4 inches from my goal of APL.

Most of my hair hits my shoulders and curls up a little.

About 3 hairs seem to be an inch longer, because three separate hairs got caught under my seatbelt today! This irritated me to NO END, because I leaned the other way and they snapped ( probably shorter than SL)

If I am this pi$$ed over 3 hairs, do I need to let go of the APL goal?

I think most ladies have a love hate relationship with their lenght and one time or another. There are days I want to just cut my hair but then their are times when I love having long hair. I think it's a matter of learning new tricks to deal with it such as wearing it up in the car ect.
I usually keep my hair pinned up with a hair pin loosely so to not cause any dents and still keep the shape. Getting hair caught in stuff isn't always fun, but I love it cause its like "Dang my hair grew!" LOL
I had a few days at the beginning of April when I seriously considered cutting my hair short again. I'm grazing SL with natural hair and my hair kinks up something wrong.... I know that, yet I went and wore a was and go for 2 days - BIG MISTAKE!!! My hair tangled up and knotted up so badly, I only finished detangling yesterday. I had to do it in sections, otherwise I might have done something I regretted. Why did I consider cutting? Because the longer my hair has grown, the more I realise I need to stop doing this and that - I feel like I'm on a quest for long hair yet I'm limited in how I can wear it. But no, look at the bigger picture and you'll be fine. Of course you can handle it. We just learn along the way that our hair likes certain ways and go with the flow and grow it beautiful. Hang in there!
Thanks! you ladies are great. Why did I need someone to tell me to use a danged hair pin in the car???

Problem solved!
Thats so true about that "love-hate" relationship... That relationship would cause me to cut several inches of hair for no reason several times in my life lol. There was this one ridiculous phase I had I think in 2007 or 2008 (I cant remember) but I couldn't stand for my hair to be on my neck - wet or dry. It caused me to go "nuts" take my shears and think nothing of it:lachen:
I wear my hair natural 99% of the time so it wasn't until I last straightened my hair that I realized how long it had gotten (BSL). It was weird for me to have to move my hair out of my way when putting on clothes, jackets, purses, etc. Plus I would forget that my hair was straight and wouldn't understand the shocked looks people would give me when they first saw me. Then I would be like, "oh yeah, I'm wearing my hair straight."