I cant figure out my hair!!! SOS SOS


Well-Known Member
Today I received my Dominican products in the mail so I immediately pre poo using motions CPR on dry hair. Next I washed with the the Nacidit shampoo and rinse followed by the conditioner. My hair was sooooo soft afterwards. Finally I did a hot oil treatment with aphogee evening primrose and now my hair is hard again. Last week I did a con wash using ORS mayo on dry hair followed a cheapie conditioner with EVOO and honey and my hair was hard after I rinsed it all out. On top of the hard hair I have major shedding and breakage. What should I do?
Have you clarified?

Checked for porosity?

ETA: Try again w/out using Aphogee evening primrose oil and see how your hair comes out. Maybe there's something in the product your hair doesnt agree with. Have you done a strand test? If not, start there... and see what your hair needs.

Maybe if you gave more insight on your regi... the ladies could offer more opinions. I'll post some of the more common ones.. and you fill in where you can.

Wash: With what________ How often ________.

Deep Protein Condition: With what________ How often ________.

Deep Moisture Condition: With what________ How often ________.

Moisturizer: With what________ How often ________.

Seal: With what________ How often ________.

Clarify: With what________ How often ________.

Heat: With what________ How often ________.
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You used all those products in one washing :confused: The protein pre poo, the Nacidit poo, rinse and DC, then hot oil with Aphogee? I'm trying to make sure I got it all...

Z-kitty said:
Today I received my Dominican products in the mail so I immediately pre poo using motions CPR on dry hair. Next I washed with the the Nacidit shampoo and rinse followed by the conditioner. My hair was sooooo soft afterwards. Finally I did a hot oil treatment with aphogee evening primrose and now my hair is hard again. Last week I did a con wash using ORS mayo on dry hair followed a cheapie conditioner with EVOO and honey and my hair was hard after I rinsed it all out. On top of the hard hair I have major shedding and breakage. What should I do?
You need to take it easy with the conditioners all your doing is building up layers of conditioners, Shampoo every 4-days and use one conditioner.
Z-kitty said:
No, I havent clarified (ever) and I have no idea how to check for porosity. I am a newbie!!!

Welcome to the board!

Porosity- Take a hair from brush and drop it into water... if it sinks your hair is too porous. I'll hit you back in a while... have a quick run to make.
Z-kitty said:
Today I received my Dominican products in the mail so I immediately pre poo using motions CPR on dry hair. Next I washed with the the Nacidit shampoo and rinse followed by the conditioner. My hair was sooooo soft afterwards. Finally I did a hot oil treatment with aphogee evening primrose and now my hair is hard again. Last week I did a con wash using ORS mayo on dry hair followed a cheapie conditioner with EVOO and honey and my hair was hard after I rinsed it all out. On top of the hard hair I have major shedding and breakage. What should I do?

I agree with hairmaster, You definitely need to clarify your hair. I like Pantene Purity for clarifying. A clarifier will strip the layers of product buildup off of your hair. This will also help you get a baseline so that you'll know the exact way to treat your breakage. You also seem to have lots of protein products in the mix (the Motions CPR, the ORS mayo, and more than likely cheapie instant conditioner) you always want more moisturizing conditioning going on than the protein conditioning, with protein being added only intermittently for maintenance.

You need to find a good moisturizing deep conditioner and use that at least once weekly. There are lots of product recommendations for good moisturizing deep conditioners if you check the search on this section of the board.
Cleve_gryl said:
You used all those products in one washing :confused: The protein pre poo, the Nacidit poo, rinse and DC, then hot oil with Aphogee? I'm trying to make sure I got it all...

Yes, I used all those but I didnt DC. Just put the conditioner in and rinsed right back out. I have been dealing with the shedding and breaking for three years now. As much hair as I loose daily you would think it shouldnt still be APL. I have to swiffer my bathroom floor everytime I comb my hair. This was my attempt to try and stop the breakage. I failed majorly........
You've already been give some great advice. I'd lke to add that for the shedding you need a garlic shampoo, Queen Helene makes an unscented one that stopped my shedding COLD. For the breakage, ease up off the protein and use a moisturizing deep conditioner at the least once a week. HTH
I agree with the ladies that said you're using too many products. You should clarify first and then start over. You don't need all those products on one head at the same time. Less is more. Also, you need to find out what the breakage is from and stop it. How can you tell what's working if youre using all those products at the same time?
Lotus said:
Have you clarified?

Checked for porosity?

ETA: Try again w/out using Aphogee evening primrose oil and see how your hair comes out. Maybe there's something in the product your hair doesnt agree with. Have you done a strand test? If not, start there... and see what your hair needs.

Maybe if you gave more insight on your regi... the ladies could offer more opinions. I'll post some of the more common ones.. and you fill in where you can.

Wash: With what________ How often ________.

Deep Protein Condition: With what________ How often ________.

Deep Moisture Condition: With what________ How often ________.

Moisturizer: With what________ How often ________.

Seal: With what________ How often ________.

Clarify: With what________ How often ________.

Heat: With what________ How often ________.

Prior to finding this board I wash every two weeks when I would go to the salon for a rollerset,

Deep Protein - I have Aphogee but have not used it in about 4-5 months
Motions CPR and ORS Mayo Weekly

Deep Moisture Conditioner - Dont have one yet (Ordered Mizani Hydrafuse)

Moisturizer - NTM leave in or ORS olive oil nightly since June 25th

Seal - EVOO or NTM serum nightly since June 25th

Clarify - None

Heat - Used comb dryer biweekly until a week ago. Flat iron maybe once a month.

Thanks you all for all your help I was considering cutting my hair off and starting over but I may be able to save it with the help of the forum. During my Sunday wash I plan to clarify and start all over. Whats a good moisturing deep conditioner. My main problem is dryness. I have not put oil on my hair in a long time. I have only used serums (biosilk and chi) and oil sheen for the past two years.
Lotus said:
Welcome to the board!

Porosity- Take a hair from brush and drop it into water... if it sinks your hair is too porous. I'll hit you back in a while... have a quick run to make.

The hair didnt sink...........
Z-kitty said:
The hair didnt sink...........

k- that's good. Seem non-porous.

:eek: Do not cut all of your hair off! The health is more than likely salvageable :) and if you dont find out what the issue is... you still be in the same situation... just with shorter hair- :look:

I'm no hair expert... and I agree with everyone else (tone your product usage down until you know what works for you and what doesnt) so take what I say with a grain of salt... but if I were in your situaiton...

1st thing- Clarify. AVC, Clarifying shampoo or Clarifying conditioner.

2nd- low manipulation/heat styles until your hair is healthy again.

3nd- check your shampoo for SLS. If SLS is one of the 1st couple of ingredients (or any if you wanna go that route) look in to purchasing a poo w/no SLS *after your finish your bottle... wise words from a PJ ;) whose not in remission:lol: * You have an issue w/dryness and SLS drys your hair.

4rd- Increase your moisture by (1) moisturizing deep conditioner- dryer or bag if no dryer, and any combo of the following- (2) more frequent co-washings *watch protein here*, (3) spritzing a water based moisturizer in between washing

5th- sealing freshly washed/cond washed hair. I think some ladies seal w/serums others use oils. I use Chi if I'm going to use heat and coconut oil combo if Im going to pony. *Remember serums are cones... so clarify*

Check your oil sheen for alcohol. If it's high in alcohol... set it to the side for a while.

Do a snap test on your dry hair. Get a piece from brush/comb and pull it. It should give a little before it snaps. If it gives toooo much, becomes mushy, or you dont hear any kinda snap...it's time to incorporate protein into the mix. When your hair is healthy *and it will be... I'm speaking on dat* you'll be able (with time) to tell how the strands are responding and what they need.

I dont have personal experience with Hydrafuse... but alot of ladies seem to like it.. so hopefully it will work for you.

Bottom line- don't give up! It may time some time figuring the 'hair thing out' and I know it can be frustrating but you can do it. If we can do it, you can.

HTH! Keep us posted.
Z-kitty said:
Prior to finding this board I wash every two weeks when I would go to the salon for a rollerset,

Deep Protein - I have Aphogee but have not used it in about 4-5 months
Motions CPR and ORS Mayo Weekly

Deep Moisture Conditioner - Dont have one yet (Ordered Mizani Hydrafuse)

Moisturizer - NTM leave in or ORS olive oil nightly since June 25th

Seal - EVOO or NTM serum nightly since June 25th

Clarify - None

Heat - Used comb dryer biweekly until a week ago. Flat iron maybe once a month.

Thanks you all for all your help I was considering cutting my hair off and starting over but I may be able to save it with the help of the forum. During my Sunday wash I plan to clarify and start all over. Whats a good moisturing deep conditioner. My main problem is dryness. I have not put oil on my hair in a long time. I have only used serums (biosilk and chi) and oil sheen for the past two years.

You may want to try switching to a different moisturizer as well. I know NTM products don't work for me at all and neither does the ORS Olive oil (Keep em if they work, but maybe you havn't really evaluated it if you say dryness id your problem).

Also, using serums to seal might not be such a good idea either because thye are full of cones (dimethecone, cyclomethecone, etc) which probably are not souluble in water. That means they are just building up on your hair and blocking out all future moisture once you put them on the first time.

The oil sheen may be a dryness culprit as well. Many of them have mineral oil in them and you know how we feel about that ingredient.