I cant do it anymore... questions on texlaxing


New Member
I am a former every 4-6 weeks relaxing junkie. I didn't really know what to do with or exactly how to care for my hair so shortly after joining this board I decided to transition. My fine hair is snapping and breaking off at every turn even with supplements But now I don't think that this is the boat for me so I would like to know everything there is to know about texlaxing because I believe that within the next month I will decide to texlax. I have fine hair
  • Is texturizing and texlaxing the same?
  • I know that stretches are essential for growth, what is the ideal time that you stretch?
  • Do you apply or do you go to the salon?
  • What do you suggest doing (regimen) if someone is going to apply it themselves?
  • Great staple moisturizers you have used?
  • Nighttime routine you suggest ( I have heard wrapping breaking the hair on one side)
  • Any other tips????
I am a former every 4-6 weeks relaxing junkie. I didn't really know what to do with or exactly how to care for my hair so shortly after joining this board I decided to transition. My fine hair is snapping and breaking off at every turn even with supplements But now I don't think that this is the boat for me so I would like to know everything there is to know about texlaxing because I believe that within the next month I will decide to texlax. I have fine hair
  • Is texturizing and texlaxing the same? If you relax now, you won't really get the thickness you want. Try 12-24 weeks.
  • I know that stretches are essential for growth, what is the ideal time that you stretch? 6 mos to a year. But, I usually wear weaves, micros or braids. Recently, I did a 4 mos. stretch. (May til Aug.)
  • Do you apply or do you go to the salon? GO TO THR SALON! I wait until the semester is over and get it done at home or go to the salon down the street when i get the money.
  • What do you suggest doing (regimen) if someone is going to apply it themselves?
  • Great staple moisturizers you have used? I know its costly but Qhemet Biologics is the best route to go. Check up on my blog for a in-depth review.
  • Nighttime routine you suggest ( I have heard wrapping breaking the hair on one side) Rollerset or wrap, but always with a whole head baggie. I do everything with a whole head baggy.
  • Any other tips???? I co-wash everyday. Has done wonders for me.
I am a former every 4-6 weeks relaxing junkie. I didn't really know what to do with or exactly how to care for my hair so shortly after joining this board I decided to transition. My fine hair is snapping and breaking off at every turn even with supplements But now I don't think that this is the boat for me so I would like to know everything there is to know about texlaxing because I believe that within the next month I will decide to texlax. I have fine hair
  • Is texturizing and texlaxing the same? I think the results are same. I texlex using a relaxer but only until hair is 80-85% straight. I don't know much about texturizers so maybe someone will jump in here with that info.
  • I know that stretches are essential for growth, what is the ideal time that you stretch? IMO, streches are essential not necessarily for growth cuz I think my hair grows anyway, but I stretch becasue (1) limit exposure to chemicals (2) allow enough new growth to limit overlap at touchup (3) by limiting number of times I relax AND limit overlap, each hair strand is less exposed to chemical and are stronger and less prone to breakage. Frequent touchups makes hair weak over time. I stretch 3 months at time, but have gone as long as 4 months. 3 months is ideal for me and my new growth is usually about 1.5 inches, I think. I don't measure so I'm not 100% but I THINK my hair grows about 1/2 inch a month, that's a guesstimate based on new growth every 3 months.
  • Do you apply or do you go to the salon? I self tex-lax now. But, it took trial, error and determination for me to get comfortable doing my own relaxers. So, if you're not use to doing it, I advise patience. BTW, this is how I started tex-laxing without knowing it -- I would self-relax and freakout and rinse the relaxer out before my hair got bone straight 'cuz afrair of over-processing, so I err on the side of under-processing and now I love it.
  • What do you suggest doing (regimen) if someone is going to apply it themselves? I suggest getting help if you not use to doing this. Also, do your research and study some of the techniques provided by LHCF members. That is what I did. Also, I didn't just jump in, I started paying attention when I would get my touchups and asked questions etc. There are tons of self-relaxing info on this board, definitely look them up.
  • Great staple moisturizers you have used?my beloved nexxus humectress! I've used for years even before hairboards and it's still my first love after straying, I always come back to this moisturizer.
  • Nighttime routine you suggest ( I have heard wrapping breaking the hair on one side)It depends. My night routine changes depending on how I intend to wear my hair that week, so it really depends. For example, if I'm gonna bun all week, I undo bun and tie down with satin scarf. In the morning, I smooth hair back into bun, no combing or brusing, just with fingers and litte water and oil and redo bun. If I'm wearing my hand down, I put in one large magnetic roller low in the back and tied down with satin scarf. In the morning, undo roller and fingercomb ends with a little water and oil and let hang loose, no combing or brushing. So again, it depends and took me years to develop these simple routines that work for me.
  • Any other tips????
1. Start stretching SLOWLY. I use to touchup every 6 weeks and when I decided to stretch, I went 8 weeks, then 10 weeks, then 12 weeks. The gradual increase gave me time to become accustomed to handling my new growth, which is essential to successful stretching.

2. Be prepared to spend more time handling hair very very gently on wash days cuz stretching will cuz 2 textures that requires extra TLC.

3. If you haven't already done so, think about eliminating/reducing direct heat. I had to give up the blowdryer and curling iron and used a hood dryer. Then I gave up the hood dryer and haven't use heat in years. Not for everyone, just what I do.

4. I wash once a week and do all my moisturizing, combing, conditioning, etc. on wash days. After that, I don't comb my hair again until next wash. Again, not for everyone, just what I do. I don't own a brush, couldn't use them ever before the hair boards cuz my fine hair can't handle brushing. Again, just me.

I am sure others will chime in with additional information.
Thanks for the responses. Right now I'm at 5 months post I think I'm going to stretch it out for another month or so... researching all the same time to see what is best and take the big plunge back into it. I think I have learned a lot about so far.