I am so frustrated

I've been doing my own hair for about six weeks now. I've been conditioning, baggying, and oiling my hair and ends, but it still seems like my hair is breaking alot. I always have mayble two or three long strands of hair on my back, on my bathroom floor, etc. What can I be doing differently? Everything is really starting to get kind of confusing to me. I do use heat on my hair once a week but thats the only way I can lay my hair down when I'm stretching. I just need some help.:perplexed Lately I've been using the whole doo gro line of products but now I'm ready to switch over to something else, it seems to just be drying my hair out. Any suggestions?
are you using a protein conditioner also? Plus I know it's a good idea if you think about switcing products is to clarify first.
I always have mayble two or three long strands of hair on my back, on my bathroom floor, etc.

Could it be shedding? Little short hairs are almost always breakage, but the longer ones could just be normal everyday shedding.

This happened to me a while back. I thought my hair was breaking like mad, but when I saw the little white bulbs at the end of the strand I realized I was shedding. It will look like it's getting worse, but in reality your hair is just getting longer...so the shed hairs are getting longer...so it looks like you're losing more hair than you really are, KWIM?

Also, if it's only a few strands I wouldn't worry too much. A healthy head can shed up to 100 hairs a day.

What I am learning is that having shedding and *some* breakage is normal. Basically you have to find a balance between moisture and protein. You seem to be doing great on the moisture, but now you need protein to balance it all out. Try doing a mild protein condition treatment, such as the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor or the Joico Pak, follow that with a deep condition treatment (I like Lustrasilk Shea Butter, it's cheap, too), then perhaps a Porosity Control condition rinse. This has helped me a lot. Though I still have some shedding and occasional breakage, I have been able to stave off too much.

Also, do you have fine and/or thin hair? Many fine/thin-haired ladies are discovering that baggying the ends may be doing more harm than good. I would fine a good daily moisturizer, then seal the ends with a dab of castor oil. Remember, a little goes a very long way. Castor oil has helped give me unbelieable thickness and my ends thank me for it!!

Above all, hang in there. It sometimes gets frustrating, I know, but all will turn out just fine. :kiss:
The HEAT might be the pullpits for the STRANDS comin out it could be normal sheddin ,just becuse we give our hair TLC that doesnt mean we arent gonna experience some kinda sheddin/breakage especially when u strengh ur relaxer retouch . CHILL OUT:ohwell: it seems u need some PROTEIN check in to tha!
Could it be the baggying? Baggying doesnt work for everyone, some people get more breakage from it. What is your regimen and what products are u using?
Thanks everyone for the great replies they were very helpful and answered alot of my questions, now I don't feel frustrated anymore :). To answer your question Leslie C. I've been washing my hair and deep conditoning every week, pressing my hair, moisturizing with ORS Olive oil and baggying the ponytail and applying my bun over that and repeating the process every week. I'm now using the entire doo-gro line (shampoo, conditoner, leave in). I also use Lustrasilk Cholesterol with jojoba oil and placenta as a deep conditoner.