I just wanna say to those who have suggested tryin the ponytail method for drying your air i just wanna say WOW. It is great. I did it yday for the first time and it went well. i can now FINALLY put my fingers through my roots w/o gettin tangle and i can comb/brush better too. :^D oo yes. and my front is nice and smooth.
me so happy.
I didnt do it b4 cause i thought it didnt make sense to put hair in a ponytail as if that was gonna make it str8 and even if i was going to try it i was thinkin i was gonna lose alot of hair from it cause of me having to brush hard to get my hair to lay back, but i didnt lose alot of hair. :^D I saw VERY lil to none. :^D So that is VERY GOOD. Thank you all. just wanted say.