I am about to break!!!!!Former Creamy Crack Addict!


New Member
I am in need of intervention/advice! I'm about 2 secs from driving to the local BSS and buying me a perm. I have been transitioning since April (9months) and so far I have been able to handle it with braid outs, occasional pressing and flat ironing, and installs. Well I took my install out before Thanksgiving and I have been conditioning and oiling , TLCing. Well in the last two weeks my hair has been chaotic. When I wash it, it tangles so bad until it looks a small kitten has been in the shower with me. Airdrying is completely out of the question if I plan on touching my scalp. When I do wear it straight it holds no curls, cant wear it curly because I have these lush curls at the root and straight ends( I'm afraid to BC, but I almost did last night). And for some reason, it seems like its breaking when I run my fingers through it. I'm wondering if I've messed up my moisture/protein balance. I did a braidout last night woke up this am and it is a hot mess. So I put curl activator in it...bad mistake! So I washed again and put the motions CPR and waiting patiently while I cook my childrens pancakes!!!!!!!! Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that whenever I press my hair and go out, by the time I click my seatbelt I've lost several inches of hair to shrinkage (humidity). What should I do....Should I texturize and what are the risks since I've been transitioning for so long? or should I stick it out? My goal doing this wasnt exactly to go natural but for healthy hair and growth. I kept on with it because its been easy to transiton up until now. Please Helpppppp! Sorry I don't have pics, my camera is being repaired.
I have been where you are now. 12/30/08 made one year with no relaxer.

I had lots of tangles and was tempted to relax or BC many times. I really do think that it's technique. Once you start using a ton of conditioner and combing your hair from bottom up, it will be easier to manage. I had to learn this over the course of a few wash days and I did not get it right the first few times. I was losing a ton of hair....but now lose very little when I detangle (hair filled with leave-in conditioner).

It's all about having enough slip when putting a comb/brush in your hair.

After you clarify or poo; I suggest a moisturizing conditioner (Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose) and leave it on with heat for about 30 minutes. Detangle your hair, from the bottom up, with the conditioner in your hair. I detangle in at least 6 sections.

Rinse in sections as well if you are concerned about more tangles. I don't rinse in sections but I am very careful when rinsing to not manipulate my hair such that it tangles up on itself. Apply some leave in conditioner (I use a bit of regular Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose condish as a leave in along with Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship) and then seal with an oil (coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil) or serum if you are blow drying/flat ironing. I got pretty good results using Sabino Moisture Block.


I recently did a mini chop to get rid of some relaxed ends and it did make wash day easier. I have not yet worn my own hair out in public (I use wigs) but I do think that once I am more comfortable with the length, I will wear a puff.

The tangles (relaxed with natural hair) can be very difficult to deal with but if you do not want to chop off all of your hair, you will have to deal with the different textures for probably a 1 year. I averaged 4.5 inches of growth in the last year and I am not ready to chop off my relaxed/texlaxed hair down to 4.5 inches.....so I plan to deal with transitioning for at least one more year.

If you decide to relax, just be very careful to not overlap or your hair could end up breaking at the line of demarcation.

Good luck!
Thank you so much. I will try this, where do you find the Sabino moisture block, on the internet?
Yep, Sabino Moisture Block is not in stores. You need to order on-line.
There was (and may still be) a discount code on this site that you can use.
I didn't transition. I BC. I'm confused how your braids outs aren't even working.

Hopefully others chime in, because I would braid it up and leave it. But, I am sure they have some better advice for Transitioners. Eventhough braiding it isn't a bad idea.
After the new growth overtakes the relaxed hair, braid outs take lots more effort. I ended up add small perm rods to the ends (relaxed hair) to get the textures to match.


I didn't transition. I BC. I'm confused how your braids outs aren't even working.

Hopefully others chime in, because I would braid it up and leave it. But, I am sure they have some better advice for Transitioners. Eventhough braiding it isn't a bad idea.