I accidently bought a coarse relaxer...


Well-Known Member
and I.. usually use Sally's Silk elements Olive Oil mild relaxer.. Am I going to face any problems using Silk elements olive oil coarse relaxer? My hair is medium to coarse, mostly medium. My hair usually process with a mild.. I can't say with in the time range because my former hairdressers use to always leave relaxer on for longer then you are suppose too ... :nono: no matter what strength.

Should i be worried? I can't return it, the store is far ....

Also does silk elements neutralizing shampoo have a color alarm indicator ... (w/e its called)?
If your hair processes with mild you'll burn with a super. You could try mixing it with oil or something but tbh I would just go ahead and buy a mild one
There is a section on this forum where people exchange products, you might be able to send your course relaxer to someone who can put it to good use, if you feel that's an option for you.
I would buy a mild or "cut it" with 1 part castor oil and 1 part neutral protein filler, mixed with 2 parts relaxer. That worked for me when I wanted to texlax my thick, coarse hair with Silk Elements Super (essentially making something stronger than a mild/regular but no where near as strong as a true "super").
I am seconding the recommendation of the other ladies in going to buy a new one... however if you cant, you should put some oil in there to make it less strong.
I don't think it's worth the risk:nono:. Using a super instead of a mild could give you a major setback.
Thank you ladies
I'm going to go a head and add oil to it or follow the recommended time for my type of hair (medium). I don't really know what are in the beauty supply stores here... if i find something good and cheap I'll get regular strength. TO tell u the truth I dont think I should be using mild.
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