Hydrolized Silk Protein: Where Do I find This Stuff?


New Member
Good day ladies! I have a question for those of you who know about, or use hydrolized silk proteins, (or something similar) be it in powder form or liquid.

I searched online and wasn't able to find a wealth of info, and I also did a search here. An old thread lead me to lotioncrafter.com but I wondered if there were other places to get this kind of stuff. I am really trying to streamline my product usage and if I can simply add a concentrated form of quality protein (something that has a pretty good shelf life) to my regular DC's, I'd be a happy girl! :yep: It'd really help me to cut back on buying so many different products!

oh I was gonna send u to lotioncrafter.

Yeah, I checked them but it looks like they just have it in liquid form. I kinda wanted to try powder if I could find it. Not only that, but I like having different options as to where I get stuff, you know.

Thanks for responding!
I had the powder form, but I like the liquid best. The liquid is easier to use......and the powder gets everywhere! Every time I opened it, it would fly all in the air! I had to cover my nose to keep from breathing that stuff.....the powder is so fine.:nono:
^^ Ah, I didn't realize that! Thanks so much! So I guess it's better to go with the liquid form then.
If you are looking for a powdered form New Direction Aromatics carries it but I believe its out of stock at the moment. In my opinion though liquid is the way to go. There is less cleanup.
I have the powder form (silk amino acids) from New Directions Aromatics....I quite like it. I put a little in a spray bottle with water and a couple drops of lavender oil for the smell and use that along with aloe vera juice as my daily moisturizer. Works nicely:)