How Ya Manz Act?!


New Member
Hey ladies :grin:
So for those who don't know, I'm in a longterm relationship...(5 years, mentioned it in Long haired ladies, can I live vicariously through you thread..BUMP IT BUMP IT AND ADD STORIES!!!!) and I'm just remembering allllllll the things he said pre-LHCF days.
"I would STILL love you if you were bald"
"I know you could grow long hair if you wanted, its not a biggie baby"
"you're beautiful either way"

Then watch how he ooooogled long haired godesses irl. :lachen:

Why they gotta lie, LHCF? Where's the loyalty?!

Now that I'm bra-strap (its SOOOO long to him) its an ENTIRELY different story. I get scalp massages, hair strokes, lingering looks....

Its ridiculous. lol.

Has your SO/DH...shiiii even yo own mama treated you differently since your hair growth? LOL ignore the title of the thread...had to get ya'll in here somehow. :lol: N yes i searched, no e-stones. Search is trippppppiiiin! :lol:
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My sweetie used to compliment my hair even when it was short. He loves it long, but he's quick to check me when I start swangin' it...."I remember when your hair was right here..." (pointing to my chin) lol

He thinks the little braids for braidouts are cute & he says he likes big hair, so he would be completely fine if my hair was natural. I should just "do what makes me happy." He doesn't like weaves, but never tried to outright discourage me from wearing them.

My mom is still my #1 hair fan, though.
I'm still waiting to get there ( SL that is ). I'll let you know how it goes when I do... Sounds like fun though !!! LOL
My sweetie used to compliment my hair even when it was short. He loves it long, but he's quick to check me when I start swangin' it...."I remember when your hair was right here..." (pointing to my chin) lol

He thinks the little braids for braidouts are cute & he says he likes big hair, so he would be completely fine if my hair was natural. I should just "do what makes me happy." He doesn't like weaves, but never tried to outright discourage me from wearing them.

My mom is still my #1 hair fan, though.

LOL mine is like that too!
I'm like...
you do realize 99% of the women you are drooling over on tv have weave in, right?
He refuses to believe me, despite their chin length bob the next day.
LOL nah bruh. I would, but...
He get to excited. All rough and stuff. I'm like, I love you but I will cut you, boo.

sike. :lachen:

Gimme a story HairLab.
well since i'm in your city... you hook me up!!! (straight dudes pleeeeeze:look:) hard to do here?? yah they lil bit TOO fancy huh:ohwell: (shyyte nails done, hair did:nono::nono:)

but as soon as I
1- GROW OUT MY TWA (girl i big chopped this year... so wtf can I say, he rubbed my temples????):drunk:
2- get a man! :grin: (been single for a minute, and particularly the entire time that I've been natural.... so don't know how one will react at all)

I've always had the same length relaxed hair in the past... kinda thin APL-ish
now i'm fro all day ... been under hats, 3 day braids, etc (haven't styled or worn my hair out yet!)
so no stories... other than how my ex's brother use to grease my hair:ohwell: (among other things)
guess that's a whole no' story
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I'm still waiting for a mayne.... :nono:
But my last bf loved that I was going natural and couldn't wait because he has naturally curly hair too (3b/3c) and he kept saying he couldn't wait to be curly twins.
No one has ever mentioned length before... I think most of the ones I used to date didn't expect much in that department. But girls who had hair longer than SL were put on this pedestal even if their faces weren't as... appealing? Lol. But no one has ever come out and said anything about length but I also haven't had a bf since last April so the one I mentioned before was the only one who knew I was on a LHJ.
Although when I finally hit APL again in April (which is short but is WAY longer than them tricks I went to school with), I WILL be swangin at my 5-year high school reunion and I KNOW I'll get some digits (that I probably won't call... lol)
LOL mine is like that too!
I'm like...
you do realize 99% of the women you are drooling over on tv have weave in, right?
He refuses to believe me, despite their chin length bob the next day.


When we first started dating, I would get sew-ins occasionally. I would ask, "Do you like it?" His response would always be, "It's nice, but I like your hair." :blush3:
My SO don't like the looks I get (from other males)when my hair is flat iron...Mind you thats what caught his attention when we

Doesn't like the $$$ I spend on the good products/when I use products (cheap) that don't work & hair sheds big time/stops up sank...another problem because he has to fix

So I just Do what I do...For me & my hair..

Happy Hair Growing!
Now that I'm bra-strap (its SOOOO long to him) its an ENTIRELY different story. I get scalp massages, hair strokes, lingering looks....

Its ridiculous. lol.

LOL at this thread nb! I have nothing significant to add though. Most people havent seen my real hair in at least 2 years
well since i'm in your city... you hook me up!!! (straight dudes pleeeeeze:look:) hard to do here?? yah they lil bit TOO fancy huh:ohwell: (shyyte nails done, hair did:nono::nono:)

but as soon as I
1- GROW OUT MY TWA (girl i big chopped this year... so wtf can I say, he rubbed my temples????):drunk:
2- get a man! :grin: (been single for a minute, and particularly the entire time that I've been natural.... so don't know how one will react at all)

I've always had the same length relaxed hair in the past... kinda thin APL-ish
now i'm fro all day ... been under hats, 3 day braids, etc (haven't styled or worn my hair out yet!)
so no stories... other than how my ex's brother use to grease my hair:ohwell: (among other things)
guess that's a whole no' story

hairlab u r so silly!!!
I'm slightly nervous about the "among other things" you attempted to camoflauge after your hair grease confession...:lachen:
and wear that hair out GIRL! Im sure its gawgus!
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My hair isn't long by any means, but it's certainly come a long way from mohawk and the inch of hair I had last year. Now guys see my hair and they're like, "Wow it's grown so much, I'm impressed..." or they stay trying to play in my hair. "Ooooh, it's so curly..." I'm like..."Boy, if you don't get your hands outta my head..." And I mean they are STICKING their hands in my yes, to get to my scalp, and there's a lot to go through before you get to my scalp. It's like a forest in there...
I'm still waiting to get there ( SL that is ). I'll let you know how it goes when I do... Sounds like fun though !!! LOL

Girlie you will!!!

I'm still waiting for a mayne.... :nono:
But my last bf loved that I was going natural and couldn't wait because he has naturally curly hair too (3b/3c) and he kept saying he couldn't wait to be curly twins.
No one has ever mentioned length before... I think most of the ones I used to date didn't expect much in that department. But girls who had hair longer than SL were put on this pedestal even if their faces weren't as... appealing? Lol. But no one has ever come out and said anything about length but I also haven't had a bf since last April so the one I mentioned before was the only one who knew I was on a LHJ.
Although when I finally hit APL again in April (which is short but is WAY longer than them tricks I went to school with), I WILL be swangin at my 5-year high school reunion and I KNOW I'll get some digits (that I probably won't call... lol)

Davis u KNOW you wrong for that!!! :lachen:
And I'm SOOO mad that you plannin on shuttin down females! LMBO doing the MOOOOST davis. The most. :lol:

My SO don't like the looks I get (from other males)when my hair is flat iron...Mind you thats what caught his attention when we

Doesn't like the $$$ I spend on the good products/when I use products (cheap) that don't work & hair sheds big time/stops up sank...another problem because he has to fix

So I just Do what I do...For me & my hair..

Happy Hair Growing!

LOL Lita Bo-bita! Hey I've heard that some do get "uncomfortable" when other men pay attention to it. Even possessive sometime. :look:
Now that I'm bra-strap (its SOOOO long to him) its an ENTIRELY different story. I get scalp massages, hair strokes, lingering looks....

Its ridiculous. lol.

LOL at this thread nb! I have nothing significant to add though. Most people havent seen my real hair in at least 2 years

LOL thanks for comin in Carisa!
Even tho u a traitor LMBOOOOO :eyes:
My hair isn't long by any means, but it's certainly come a long way from mohawk and the inch of hair I had last year. Now guys see my hair and they're like, "Wow it's grown so much, I'm impressed..." or they stay trying to play in my hair. "Ooooh, it's so curly..." I'm like..."Boy, if you don't get your hands outta my head..." And I mean they are STICKING their hands in my yes, to get to my scalp, and there's a lot to go through before you get to my scalp. It's like a forest in there...

LOL @forest!
Your hair is seriously thick, looking at the pictures!

I remember being where near as thick as yours...and when I grew to apl it was apparently ok to stroke my hair from people who noticed growth.
:look:<-----me. dont.....get..yo hands.. *spoken through teeth*..out
I liked it at first. Gets old around the third time.
LOL @forest!
Your hair is seriously thick, looking at the pictures!

I remember being where near as thick as yours...and when I grew to apl it was apparently ok to stroke my hair from people who noticed growth.
:look:<-----me. dont.....get..yo hands.. *spoken through teeth*..out
I liked it at first. Gets old around the third time.

Yes it's no bueno...

And speaking of men getting time I was at the mall with my ex right, and this dude walked by us and told me that I had cool hair...and my ex was all like, "Yea see that's respect, he called it cool instead of pretty to show he wasn't hitting on you..." I was like UGH shutup (like really, you can't even say someone's hair is pretty if they're with their man????) just to make him mad I was like, "Really? Because I've called guys' hair/clothes cool and I was definitely hitting on them..."
Yes it's no bueno...

And speaking of men getting time I was at the mall with my ex right, and this dude walked by us and told me that I had cool hair...and my ex was all like, "Yea see that's respect, he called it cool instead of pretty to show he wasn't hitting on you..." I was like UGH shutup (like really, you can't even say someone's hair is pretty if they're with their man????) just to make him mad I was like, "Really? Because I've called guys' hair/clothes cool and I was definitely hitting on them..."

Mine is always talking about respect too right?
So I was at the mall TODAY with his crazy self. I haven't straightened since...idk...oct? So he was talking about aww your hair is really "getting long down your back"(translation: bsb length, lol) and we ran into a MUTUAL friend.

Guy friend: YOUR HAIR IS GETTING "WHITE GIRL LONG"! But you always had pretty hair...*looks at bf* Whats up bruh! (hand shakes, back pounds, etc)
Me: Aww thanks! *ignoring white girl part*
GF: It really looks good on you...but im headed to the movies I'll see yall later.
IN UNISON: alright bye

I look at my bf...This man is FUMING. Seriously pissed. Like the man said he wanted to take me to an alley and have his way with me. Muttering about no respect and me "eating that ish up".
I was like...bruuuuuuuh. when you got it you got it. :lachen:
that jealousy thing is no joke.
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Mine is always talking about respect too right?
So I was at the mall TODAY with his crazy self. I haven't straightened since...idk...oct? So he was talking about aww your hair is really "getting long down your back"(translation: bsb length, lol) and we ran into a MUTUAL friend.

Guy friend: YOUR HAIR IS GETTING "WHITE GIRL LONG"! But you always had pretty hair...*looks at bf* Whats up bruh! (hand shakes, back pounds, etc)
Me: Aww thanks! *ignoring white girl part*
GF: It really looks good on you...but im headed to the movies I'll see yall later.
IN UNISON: alright bye

I look at my bf...This man is FUMING. Seriously pissed. Like the man said he wanted to take me to an alley and have his way with me. Muttering about no respect and me "eating that ish up".
I was like...bruuuuuuuh. when you got it you got it. :lachen:
that jealousy thing is no joke.

Sheeeeesh I mean what is there to fume about?!!? Someone can't even compliment now?! Gawd!
my ex liked my hair, but hated when i put in weaves because he liked running his fingers through it and touching and pulling.
i've never had any problems attracting guys at any length, short, long, whatever, as long as it's nicely styled, they like it. i actually just had one of my guy friends say that i would look hot with a fade, and he would hook it up for me with some designs. i might take him up on that eventually...:look:
Mine is always talking about respect too right?
So I was at the mall TODAY with his crazy self. I haven't straightened since...idk...oct? So he was talking about aww your hair is really "getting long down your back"(translation: bsb length, lol) and we ran into a MUTUAL friend.

Guy friend: YOUR HAIR IS GETTING "WHITE GIRL LONG"! But you always had pretty hair...*looks at bf* Whats up bruh! (hand shakes, back pounds, etc)
Me: Aww thanks! *ignoring white girl part*
GF: It really looks good on you...but im headed to the movies I'll see yall later.
IN UNISON: alright bye

I look at my bf...This man is FUMING. Seriously pissed. Like the man said he wanted to take me to an alley and have his way with me. Muttering about no respect and me "eating that ish up".
I was like...bruuuuuuuh. when you got it you got it. :lachen:
that jealousy thing is no joke.

Deep inside hes eating that up/his girl is fine...I dont know why they act like that...
NaturalBeauty...Thats right! You got it,keep growing & flaunt it...

(White girl long) I love

Happy Hair Growing!
LOL don't do me like that Lita!!!
YOU CAME IN, DIDN'T YOU?! :lachen::lol:

Yes,I came in...You know I gotta show some love & the title was off the chain...SO ME..

I wish I had enough time to really talk about how my Manz act..For
Ex: My order from BearFruit came today & before I could put it away..Its like he could smell it from out-side & said ...MORE HAIR While he has Computer/tec stuff all over the place...MANZ!

Happy Hair Growing!
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Yes,I came in...You know I gotta show some love & the title was off the chain...SO ME..

I wish I had enough time to really talk about how my Manz act..For
Ex: My order from BareFruit came today & before I could put it away..Its like he could smell it from out-side & said ...MORE HAIR While he has Computer/tec stuff all over the place...MANZ!

Happy Hair Growing!

ahahahahaha!!! Manz a trip! lmbo! I'm mad you said he could smell it, lita!
ahahahahaha!!! Manz a trip! lmbo! I'm mad you said he could smell it, lita!

Lol....He walk in the house/I had it on the side of the table/he went straight for it...I mean it was so much stuff on the table...What is he a hair product hound?!

Happy Hair Growing!
Mine is always talking about respect too right?
So I was at the mall TODAY with his crazy self. I haven't straightened since...idk...oct? So he was talking about aww your hair is really "getting long down your back"(translation: bsb length, lol) and we ran into a MUTUAL friend.

Guy friend: YOUR HAIR IS GETTING "WHITE GIRL LONG"! But you always had pretty hair...*looks at bf* Whats up bruh! (hand shakes, back pounds, etc)
Me: Aww thanks! *ignoring white girl part*
GF: It really looks good on you...but im headed to the movies I'll see yall later.
IN UNISON: alright bye

I look at my bf...This man is FUMING. Seriously pissed. Like the man said he wanted to take me to an alley and have his way with me. Muttering about no respect and me "eating that ish up".
I was like...bruuuuuuuh. when you got it you got it. :lachen:
that jealousy thing is no joke.

Lol r u sure u werent flirting nb? But fa real dudes get so mad about this type of thing- this guy i was friends with (wasnt even datin this dude) got mad at me for simply having a conversation with another guy! He was like so u like this clown? (and he said it kinda in a deebo voice too)- lmao! Men!
I love how my EX reacted when he saw my hair recently. My roots were flat ironed as I had my office party and my tight curls loosened into some nice tousled waves. I hadn't seen him for some time so we spent a moment having a chat. I noticed him studying my hair hard and finally he said, "I know you were never that big on weaves, but is that your real hair," I very happily let him know that it was and he looked stunned. It was even better when he asked if he could call me and I said "what for?" Ahhh that day was a good day! :D