How would you feel? A BSS question.


Well-Known Member
I traveled to a black owned BSS that is about 30 minutes away. I go because only for the Shea butter. Everything else I don't too much care for. I also go to support a black owned business. Well I went their on New year's eve and they were out of Shea butter. One of the owners told me that they'd have some more in on Sunday.

Sunday comes and I call before making the trip. At this time the owners were on their way to get it and would be returning in 15-20 minutes. Well when I make it out there they only have the 8 oz tubs. And they have like 6-7 of them. I came specifically for the 16 oz tubs. I wanted to get some for my mom and one for myself. The owner said she would give me two tubs for the price of one big tub. So I grabbed four tubs as I came in for two big tubs and that's what I wanted two 16 oz tubs.

Well when I grabbed them the owner made the comment like " Oh so your going to wipe us out huh?"

And I was like " I came in for the two big tubs originally this is what I wanted"

She then started muttering..well not really muttering but back tracking like " Oh don't listen to me, I'd rather them sell then sit there" blah blah.

Well obviously they were selling cause they were out. It made me feel uncomfortable and bad so I put two back, but then I decided to just get three. She ended up giving me two for the price of one big tub and charging me regular price for the other one.

I guess I am upset cause I thought when I came to the register she would have said something, and let me get the other tub. I might be overreacting but I just wanted to vent because they are so far out,they don't have anything spectacular in their store like they claim and advertise, and I wanted the big tubs because they last me at least a month which cuts back on me traveling to their store. I will still continue to support the store and get my Shea butter but this made me mad. I guess this just irritated me cause I was already irritated with them because they were supposed to be trying to order me some other products and I traveled all the way up there on another occasion and they have no intentions on ordering the products. Anyways thanks for the vent.
That would have kinda annoyed me, too; I mean, do they want business or not? Especially considering how far you have to go to get there! :ohwell:
i would have proudly taken what i initially had regardless, she was making a sale.. her lil comment coulda been taken with a grain of salt depending on HOW she said it, if it was with a super 'tude i woulda left them tubs on the counter n left (thats just me lol)..hopefully she was just having a bad day and this wont be a recurring theme when u go to the store. Meanwhile, research other areas to get your shea butter from just in case lol
So, basically you wanted her to tell you to get the four that you originally approached the register with versus the three. Well, why would she do that when she would make more money off of selling them separately? I'm sure this is what she was thinking.

Always get what you want, say what you want to say, etc. not expecting someone to respond the way you want them to. If you don't you will get your feelings hurt all the time. It never works out that way. Well, atleast for me it doesn't.

I do understand where you are coming from though.
LOL find out where she gets hers from. If she was out the door to get them her supplier is only 15-20 minutes away from her (possibly closer to you) and probably has everything you want and more for cheaper (she'd have to raise the price to make a profit right?)
I don't know if it's recurring as this was my third time visiting her store. This includes the wasted trip.

She kinda said it not nice, but not rude. It was like she was trying to make it seem like she was joking in her voice but it didn't work. She made me feel like I was taking advantage but really what I wanted was big tubs.

She can make more money selling them seperately, but man they could have told me they were only coming back with one size. I thought they were going to have both sizes like last time. I know to call before going and specify the size I want.
Not Ekaette, but actually she is probably getting it from an Africian shop. Do you have any in your area?
A few but they are hard to find. Atleast for me. I am sure someone who knows the area it would be easier. When I get my Shea butter from the African Shops, it's usually clumped. Her Shea butter is solid. It's an actual full pound of solid shea butter, which is anoter reason I would keep going back.
I am going to email the Cariabeen market that started carrying the JBCO for me and see if they have Shea butter, if not they might get that for me as well. It's about the same travel time and they were so nice.
How is it packaged? What does the label say? Did she have time to repackage it before selling the Shea butter to you?
i'll PM you with a wholesaler from here in NY to see if they can price it and ship it to you. They have tons of beauty supplies and i believe they have shea butter as well
hope the rest of you day went better. Is the same brand avail on ebay too? That could cut down on the time and effort you make to go to a store that is less than enthused that you are their customer.
Honestly, it sounds like she was just joking, IMO. But you were there so you could tell by her facial expression, tone, etc.

Since it really bothered you I'd find another place to get shea butter. I know it can be found online for a decent price.