How to use rosewater?


Well-Known Member
can someone tell me the purpose of rosewater? I know Ive heard of people using it in their spritz bottles, but not sure why. does it soften and/or add shine? about how much should I use and what is good to mix it with? I got a small bottle of it at the indian store when I went to buy some coconut oil.

another quick question is how do u know if its refined or unrefined coconut oil? the stuff I nbought says %100 pure, but my other kind says pure organic yet its still refined.
Well, I can answer one of your questions. Unrefined (pure)coconut oil will smell like coconuts while refined or not pure coconut oil will smell something like burnt almonds.

I think the difference between unrefined and organic is the process in which the oil is extracted. It's still pure.
I use rosewater as an astrigent, and if you bought a "good" bottle, you'll smell like roses most of the day.
I have never heard of using rose water on the hair before. This sounds interesting. I hope someone responds with an answer.
I always wondered too.

The ones I see always have other things added to it, i'm guessing it has to be in the purest form?
It's weird, but an oil can be organic and still be refined. When you see organic, think about the overall process in terms of lack of chemicals or pesticides. When you see refined or unrefined, think in terms of heat. The more refined an oil, the more heat which is used. You can basically deplete an oil of its wonderful properties if enough heat is applied. One oil, namely macadamia nut, is unique in the fact that no matter how refined it is, it's properties remain intact. However, this is the exception by far.

Rosewater, just like jasmine water, tea tree water, etc, is called a hydrosol. It's a portion of what remains after an essential oil has been extracted. These are WONDERFUL and very NOURISHING to your hair, especially if it needs extra moisture. I've used these on my hair for years and consider them such a treat. Some places will sell concentrated versions by the gallon where you can dilute them further for your own purposes, including skin and hair care. For your hair, they generate a ton of softness and shine.

Rosewater and jasmine water are two of the best for dry hair. If your hair is natural, feel free to spritz throughout the day, especially if you are lucky enough to be an Andre 4. A friend of mine does this and her corkscrews are luscious. I am an Andre 2b and I like to use hydrosols as rinse, like I would use a vinegar or herbal rinse.

The key with the hydrosols is to remember the original properties of the essential in terms of your hair. If your hair is dry, rose and jasmine are great as I said. If your hair is oily or somewhere in between, you might like something like lime, tangerine or even lemon. I've used tangerine and it's actually quite moisturizing and the smell is DIVINE. With the tea tree, if your scalp is feeling a bit sensitive, it works very well PLUS it adds a wealth of shine. Most hydrosols do.

Hope this helps,

what a treat to hear from you! You are so knowledgable and always explain things thoroughly. thanks so much!