How to "mold" your TWA?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
As my TWA is turning into a not-so-TWA, I want to be able to have certain sections of my hair "feather" in different directions . . . kind of like this:


How do I *do* this? My guess is that after wetting it, I'd would rub gel on my hands as I pull out the curls?
Glib Gurl, guess that plucking of curls would work.

:giggle: Goes to show how different folks' tastes are. I remember a time someone was bugged coz her hair looked like that and coz it didn't have defined curls, she thought it looked like a Don King hairstyle and wondered how to get a round afro. I personally go for the Bernie Mac perfect microphone afro and if I had an afro looking like that, I'd pat it till every hair was in place à la Bernie Mac. :lol:

A twist-out or braid out could also give you that look. (Exhibit A)
Glib Gurl that is a twist out or braid out. Using gel on wet hair would just define your natural curl and would shrink. The lady in the pic has stretched out hair.

eta When you braid or twist your hair, be sure to braid in the direction you wish your hair to fall in. You can do this on wet hair, just let it dry and undo when completely dry and seperate the peices until you get the desired effect. For even more stretch you can lightly blow out your hair and then twist/braid with a gel/custard/pudding and let that dry before undoing.
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Thanks for the tips ladies. Hmmm...I suspect I will have a dilemma. Just like when I was relaxed, I cannot keep a hairstyle overnight . . . it comes up a mushy, sweaty mess in the morning. I did a twistout this weekend with Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding . . . it was okay after I came up from under the dryer, but after I retwisted and went to bed, it was a hot behind mess. I will try again, though.

What did you re-twist with? Perhaps spritz your hair with a lil water to reactivate the Curly Pudding. The dampness should re-set and define the twists you put in overnight. I no longer twist my hair. I get much better longevity, definition and stretch with braid-outs. I personally do not use a setting product so cannot advise re that.