How to handle underprocessed hair?


Well-Known Member
Two weeks ago, I went to the salon to have my relaxer touched up. The hair dresser that did it was a woman that I had used regularly in the past, but had discontinued using because of her behavior - she is bipolar, and spent one entire visit being rude - clearly she was off her med at that time.

Chloe underprocessed my hair. I have a line of demarcation between the new relaxer and the old growth. Normally, the relaxer makes the look seamless, and I don't have to do a lot of manipulation. Instead in week two I am fighting tangles.

I finally decided that I would need to flat iron my hair in order to make it lie down nice. Usually, I would only flat iron once a month. Now I'm planning to flat iron with every wash, which concerns me, but I don't see another way to solve this. I will be using pin curls nightly. I'm also thinking that I may switch from washing every week to every other week in order to cut down in the heat. I do blowdry my hair.

I am wondering if the are additional steps that I need to take with my hair to protect the growth until the next touch up. I usually go in every three months, and was thinking of extending that to four months, but I don't know if I can do that with the current state that I am in.

As a rule I deep condition my hair under the dryer for 20 minutes every time I shampoo, usually with ORS. I was thinking of adding Aphogee 2 min reconstructor with each shampoo as well. Does this regime seem like it will get me through to the next touch up with minimal damage?
Heat can be used safely, but use all of the precautions you've learned here.

When you flatiron, are you using extreme high heat to get a straighter than straight look or just smoothing your hair?

Personally, I don't use heat and would just care for and style my hair until the next relaxer. And then at that relaxer, I'd make sure to relax from root to tip bone skrait and go from there.

Let us know how your hair is doing and how it is responding to the extra heat.
I am not trying to scare you but you want to fix this as soon as healthily possible. My hair was extremely underprocessed in the back and it was a fight every time I had to manipulate it. I'm a rare heat user but I wish I would have just to blend the textures. I still have the varying textures in my hair because I couldn't find a way to correct it while leaving hair on my head. Do you wear weaves or wigs? If yes, I would wear one until you get a corrective.
I don't do weaves or wigs, and I'm reluctant to go back to the salon until I have some new growth. That's why I am hoping that if I flat iron my hair after washing i will be able to handle the two textures. Then by adding the protein in with each wash I will hopefully keep it strong.

I just started doing the pin curls as an alternate to pinning my hair back. Did you experience breakage Such A Lady?
I don't encourage them, but wait until about 6 weeks post and get a corrective. Just make sure you do a good protein treatment before and be diligent on your regimen after.

The flat iron will damage your hair with weekly use and is not the best way to combat the problem.

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I don't do weaves or wigs, and I'm reluctant to go back to the salon until I have some new growth. That's why I am hoping that if I flat iron my hair after washing i will be able to handle the two textures. Then by adding the protein in with each wash I will hopefully keep it strong. I just started doing the pin curls as an alternate to pinning my hair back. Did you experience breakage Such A Lady?

Yes. That's why I want you to do the corrective lol. Learn from me girl. It's not horrible but my hair wasn't behaving like underprocessed hair it was basically natural. The flat iron shouldn't be that bad for a few weeks; I was afraid to take this route when being heatless was probably worse in the long run. Do every other week/twice a month if you can though. When your press gets old do buns instead.
This is so unfair! I worked so hard to get my hair in good condition only to have something beyond my control ruin things.

I am going to limit the heat to every other week. I may try the Wen again as well.
I'm not relaxed and haven't been for many years, but have you considered roller setting? Sitting under the dryer is not using direct heat, you will have the straight hair you seek and you won't damage that fragile demarcation area.