How to grow hair long: Another tips inside


New Member
This was another article I found. Another basic summary. Just a reminder for those who forget or slack. We all at times need a reminder. There are somethings that probably need to be added or taken away.

  1. Go to a stylist or experienced hair care professional who can examine your hair for split ends. An inch or two may need to be removed, but it is healthier for your hair in the long run. Remember trimming your hair is just for split ends don't expect a strand of hair to appear out of your head. Only allow your hair to be trimmed once a year. Hair only grows 1/2 inch per month, if it is cut everytime you go to the hair dresser, you will not gain any length on your hair.
  2. Wash and condition your hair often (every 3 to 4 days). Hair that is well conditioned grows well. If you have difficulty rinsing the conditioner from your hair, you can apply it only to the length and not at the scalp.
  3. Use a daily moisturizer or leave-in conditioner as black hair is prone to dryness. Apply the moisturizer to the scalp and gently brush in. Use this in moderation, as too much moisturizer will make hair too oilly. Ultra Black Hair Creme Moisturizer is an excellent choice. Or you can try Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer.
  4. Try to prevent excessive heat and dryness when styling hair. If you are a fan of blow-outs, try to avoid having your hair blown out when wet because this can lead to breakage and hair damage. And if you hair is breaking off, it will not get longer.
  5. Avioid using blow-dryers (also known as blow-fryers) to dry your hair. Air drying hair is the best method because hair will not dry out from heat and will be much stronger and albe to grow longer. If the volume of your hair is increased with air drying you can do one of two thinigs: first: right after you air dry your hair, apply moisturizer, this will decrease the volume wihout causing damge; or second - instead of air drying, use a dome dryer - but keep in mind this method will damage your hair.
  6. If you have chemically relaxed hair avoid permanent hair dye. Rinses and semi-permanent colors that wash out are best for black hair.
  7. Deep condition your hair every two weeks.
  8. To get your hair to grow long, you also need to comb it carefully. If you hair is medium to long in length always comb your hair from the ends to the roots. If your hair has gotten tangled for any reason such as being in the wind, waking from sleep, exercising, dancing, swimming, etc. always be sure to comb it from the ends first. Combing from the ends will detangle hair as you comb higher and higher. Never comb from the roots to the ends until your hair is completely untangled.
  9. Treat your hair from within by drinking plenty of water, taking a multivitamin and by eating healthy foods such as fish, fruits, vegetables and nuts, and by exercising regularly to provide good circulation to the scalp.


  • You may find this book: 'Ultra Black Hair Growth' a good resource to help you grow longer hair. The book discusses nutrition, moisturizing, hair care regimens, etc.
  • Get rid of the chop-happy stylist! A chop-happy stylist is the hair dresser who grabs the scissors every time you show up. To grow hair long, you need to keep them from cutting your hair. So how do you stop a chop-happy stylist and the scissors of doom? Here are a few tips:
    • When you call to make your appointment let the stylist know over the phone that you do not wish your hair trimmed at your visit. It will be easier on both of you if this is settled in advance of your appointment. If you don't think this request will be accepted without argument, wait until the office is closed and leave a message. Be sure to be very clear in your message that you do not want your hair trimmed at your appointment. And ask them to call back confirming that your hair will not be trimmed.
    • When you arrive for your appointment, remind him/her about the agreement not to have your hair trimmed.
    • If you were not able to tell them in advance of the appointment be sure to speak up when you get there and BEFORE they start working on your hair. This way there will be no surprises for either of you once the appointment begins.
    • If they still insist on cutting your hair and they try to tell you that a trim is needed to grow your hair, bring written documentation with you to show them that trimming is not necessary to get hair to grow long. Show them written proof that hair only grows 1/2 inch per month and that by constantly trimming it, it will not grow long the way you want it to. You can get written proof from the book "Ultra Black Hair Growth" and from the "Long Hair Community" website.
    • If the stylist tries to tell you they just want to make the ends even or neat, thank them for trying to be helpful but tell them you like it the way it is or that the way you style your hair needs the ends to stay as they are.
    • If he/she insists that you have split ends which need to be trimmed off, tell them you appreciate that they care about your hair and ask "What about the other 100 healthy ends for each split end?" Let them know you dont want to cut 100 healthy ends just to get rid of 1 split end. Remember split ends are not contagious and will not spread to the other hairs and split ends will stop if your hair is properly conditioned.
    • If all else fails remember "money talks". If they don't trim your hair when you ask them not to, give them a huge tip and they'll never cut it again. Just be sure to tell him/her the tip is for respecting your wishes. Don't be cheap either a $2.00 tip wont do make it $15-$20 and you'll never see the scissors of doom again!
    • If your hair dresser cuts your hair behind your back without telling you, they don't respect your decision and they will not stop trimming your hair. If this happens its time to leave and find someone who will respect your wishes.
  • Stress will make your hair fall out so maintain calm.
  • Good luck on growing out your hair.
  • Eat healthily and take a vitamin.
  • Put your hair in braid extensions, or just braids and keep them in for at least two months at a time. Don't have the braids in too tight, just a pencil's thickness or slightly thinner as a guide. During this time you can condition your hair while they're in the braids, but your hair will still grow whether you condition it or not. Use a braid spray sparingly
  • Try not to comb your hair daily- this is key! . Afro hair is very delicate because of its naturlly tight curl. If you comb it every day, the hair will break off round about the neckline/shoulder line because you are combing it/relaxing it against it's natural shape.
  • Never brush wet hair and if you do brush your hair use a boar bristle brush.
  • Use a silk cap to sleep.

  • It is rarely necessary to cut off more than an inch or two unless your hair is severely damaged. Getting hair healthy so you don't have split ends is the best way to get long hair. It is better to focus on getting hair healthy and not on cutting off the ends to get it longer.
Yeah thanks for posting, i also keep myself remineded on things i should be doing daily so i wont slip----because once i stopped moisturizing daily and didnt even realize it untill i read something like this.

(From your avatar picture, you remind me of Nia Long)