How to do Three Strand Twists


New Member
So I found this video ( that kinda shows you how to do three strand twists. I never knew these existed until this but I'm having a hard time learning it from this since the lighting isn't that great and the demonstration is a bit fast.

Does anyone know of a place on the web that has any info on how to do three strand twists that may be a bit easier to comprehend?


Hmmm... um... what's the difference btwn a three strand twist and a braid? :lol: That probably sounds like a stupid question, huh?
She should use better lighting because I couldn't figure out what she was doing with the hair. She was going to fast. Or maybe I'm a little slow.:look:
Hmmm... um... what's the difference btwn a three strand twist and a braid? :lol: That probably sounds like a stupid question, huh?

I guess three strand instead of two strand twists are not as loose. At the end of the video (the one time there is some good lighting) you'll see the comparison shot.

I hear three strand twist have a better twist out look too...
I think I may have figured out how to do them. I'm going to experiment when I get home and if it's successful, I'll post in my Fotki :look:
yay... I finally found out how to do it... I guess i'm more of a hands on learner than a visual one... but booooooo they look like silky dreds on me :nono:
I think instead of interlacing them like you would when braiding, you just overlap them. They do look pretty though.
ok, I finally tried doing this. It took me several attempts & my hands hurting like a b!t@h to finally get it. I'm not sure if I'll be doing it again, if I did it wouldn't be a full head of them, maybe just half. Way too much work and it doesn't look that much different from two strand twists for all that drama. JMO.
ok, I finally tried doing this. It took me several attempts & my hands hurting like a b!t@h to finally get it. I'm not sure if I'll be doing it again, if I did it wouldn't be a full head of them, maybe just half. Way too much work and it doesn't look that much different from two strand twists for all that drama. JMO.
Pretty much. I said I was gonna do a head full of 3 strand twists but I got 2 twists in and gave it up.
I did them over the weekend. I liked the twistout better than the twists themselves.

I agree, with the twistout you'll get much more curl definition than you would with the 2 strand twist. I'll do 2 strand twists for the back half of my head and 3 stranded twists on top for more definition.
Thanks for starting this thread, I tried doing this awhile back and it seemed so hard at the time so I just gave up. But last night after seeing this post I tried it again, and figured out how to do it in about three attempts, I'm looking forward to experimenting with these, I think it stretches the hair out a bit more, showing more length, and it does seem to make a pretty twist-out too.
I did them over the weekend. I liked the twistout better than the twists themselves.

Same here... but I don't know which one is easier to do, a straw set or three strand twists... cause to me the end result is pretty much the same seems like
This is my preferred way of twisting. I think I first read about it on mane and chicand she had a link to a yt video. I think I barely watched the video so I don't remember if it was any good. I just went ahead and did then and got into groove of it pretty easily.
Hmmm... um... what's the difference btwn a three strand twist and a braid? :lol: That probably sounds like a stupid question, huh?

You're usually wrapping the hairs all in the same direction

I guess three strand instead of two strand twists are not as loose. At the end of the video (the one time there is some good lighting) you'll see the comparison shot.

I hear three strand twist have a better twist out look too...

You are right about them being firmer, but my 2-strand twists are as firm as I would want them to be. 3-strand was a nightmare to undo.

Pokahontas posted a video about them and I tried it back then and hated the look. My two-strand twists look so much prettier and clean. And undoing 3-strand twists is the sort of headache that'd make me shave my head in a heartbeat. Not to mention they are more work to do. It takes me an hour or so to do micro 2-strand twists on my whole head so why would I want to make my job harder. I guess if you like the twist-out that much then it's worth it, but I'll pass.

Below is a comparison of the 3 strand vs 2 strand I did. I'm obviously lousy at 3-strand, so I'll stick to the "devil I know":


  • 3-strand vs 2-strand twists.jpg
    3-strand vs 2-strand twists.jpg
    93.9 KB · Views: 18
I love three strand twists. they are actually very easy to do. Very time consuming, though. I agree with the other folks who said they give you a fierce twist out. It really does.
it's not that hard to see what she's doing. bringing the right strand over the middle and left, over and over and over again.