
New Member
Hey guys how are you suppose to count your re touch time? Like for instance if you get a relaxer on a Tuesday do you count every Tuesday after that until it adds up to the weeks intended, or if you get a relaxer on the 26th do you count the 26th of each month. I was just wondering if I was doing it right. I know the ladies here have the correct way.

I count by wk which means if I get it done on a Wed then my next will be 4-6 Wednesdays from then. Does that make sense? I hope I didn't confuse you more...
I count by weeks until I get past 8 weeks then I start counting by months.

My last relaxer was March 6 so I am almost 3 months post. I use dates instead of actuall days but you have to use the method that works best for you.
I count week to week. So whatever day my relaxer falls on, I continue to count each week using that day until it's time to touch up again.
I count by week (wed to wed) in order to get more accurate time -- if done by date (26th to the 26th) not really accurate because some months longer/shorter than others.
i count days. I touch up every twelve weeks which is 84days. 7days(number in a week) multiplied by 12 weeks (the time i put between relaxers equals 84days . For instance my last touchup was April 17th. There are 13 more days left in april. I add that to the 31 days in May and the 30 days in june which equals 74. Then i just add the last 10 days which brings me up to the magic number of 84. All this means is that i'm touching up on July 10th
I like using this method because i get an EXACT number instead of rounding here and there. I think by rounding up and down, you can end up touching up a week earlier or later than you plan to. jmo-- jainygirl