How to "clean" a scalp


New Member
This is actually about my dd's scalp. She's 3 going on 4 and she has a really funny scalp. Her scalp has little goose bump looking bumps on her scalp. I think it's attached to dry scalp but she doesn't have dry patches or flakes, you can just see that her scalp is dry. I made a mix using sulfur (very small amount to "clean" her scalp not to make her hair grow) and I put it on her hair before I wash it. When I'm doing her hair, I use Kay Vel curl wave as a grease. I use a mix of castor oil and grapeseed on her scalp.

I don't use rubberbands. Minibraids is my fav thing for her hair, but I'll do one or two puffies if I'm slacking. I use elastics with no metal and I don't think I do them too tight, but her edges are sensitive.

She's getting to where the amount of hair she has is a bit overwhelming for me. Washing her hair is a big to do now so I've slacked off from washing every week like when she was smaller.

I try to wash her every week, but I've fallen off this past month because of finals.

Any suggestions? I need any kind of help I can get. Thanks!
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I'm not sure putting sulfur mix on her scalp is a good idea. You should speak to her pediatrician about the bumps to be safe.

When my DD was younger ( she's now almost 10) I kept it simple. I used a mild shampoo, conditioner and coconut oil and twisted her hair for the week. I didn't start using barrettes or elastics in her hair until she was 5.
SheaMoisture has a kid's line that I use on my 4yo DS that you can try as well but get to the root of her scalp issues first.
Thanks curlyhersheygirl. Her pediatrician is a white man so he's no help. I don't live in a black area so it's hard to find medical help.
I notice if I put nothing at all on her scalp it's really bad at the end of the end of the week.
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AmiJay Try the coconut oil on her scalp it should help with the dryness. Also the shampoo you're using may be drying out her scalp, either switch to a mild shampoo or shampoo less often.
Braggs organic ACV w/the mother mixed w/water or Sea Breeze scalp rinse after you shampoo/before you deep condition.
I had a fungal infection on my scalp before lhcf, which made my dandruff horrendous. When I started using sulfur consistently and letting it sit, it went away. There are other anti-fungal you can use, like Tea Tree oil - mixed with a carrier. Oregano work to but is expensive.

I also clean my scalp with ACV to make sure I get everything off it!
Isn't sulfur known to be drying? Every product I've seen with sulfur as an ingredient says to moisturise straight after... :/

Try neem oil - that's anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory without the dryness.
Sounds like she has folliculitus.

Doing a quick search for treatment, this is what I found:

How is it treated?

Mild folliculitis usually heals on its own in about 2 weeks. You can take care of yourself at home with:

Warm compresses made with white vinegar or Burow's solution. These may ease itching and help healing.
Medicated shampoo. It can be used to treat folliculitis on the scalp or beard.
Thanks Laylaa. It's only a little bit of sulfur in a castor oil/grapeseed mix so it's more greasy than anything, but I only do that before I wash her hair.

Thanks sweetome1. I looked it it up and thankfully it's not that. Good looking out.

Thank all you ladies for replying. I just wanted to get some different ideas. I'm going to try cleaning her scalp with diluted acv and following up with evco on her scalp and see how that works.