How should I celebrate my natural anniversary? 20 years no relaxer


Well-Known Member
Even though I went natural earlier, I went back to chemicals for 2 years, I have been natural 20 years straight next year. Don't ask me the month:lol:, I have no idea. How about a T-shirt that says 20 years chemical free? What do you think I should do? Also, I haven't straighten my hair since 1998?
yes help us to celebrate with you by posting some pics !!!!

and yes a tshirt sounds nice also some pampering for yourself and your hair.
Do you know anyone transitioning/natural and strugging? maybe you could "mentor" someone or start a blog so you can share your knowledge and experiences.
I like the tshirt idea - wish i got me one on my first year, then I could add at 5yrs, 10yrs etc (if I last that long)

I also like the ice cream
Rock a BIG blowout/stretched fro and make sure it's really bouncy! Then take pix for us to drool over. :)
1. Show us some pics.
2. Flat iron and swang that hair
3. Treat yourself to a pampering package at a spa.
Congrats pics and green smoothie ha ha

I know right? Folks keep recommending cakes and ice cream and the like. I'm thinking to myself, "Lauren ain't about that life." :lol:.

Pictures are a must and a professional flat iron will be nice, real nice :grin:.
Okay, I made my decision. It will be a spa day and will get my hair straighten and trimmed or a flex rod set. I and will post my first pictures to celebrate the event with my t-shirt on.
Celebrate with us by telling us how you did it, sharing regimen, products used, pictures and any advice that would help one day be natural for 20 years. BTW I'm relaxed so by then I will be 70 if I started today:grin:
WOW such a milestone!!! You are a true vet:grin: I think you should tell us about all your discoveries along the way...
Celebrate with us by telling us how you did it, sharing regimen, products used, pictures and any advice that would help one day be natural for 20 years. BTW I'm relaxed so by then I will be 70 if I started today:grin:
janeemat cocomama
I had to be strong and it helped to have a strong husband that wasn't from this country. He's the one who told me I should go natural in 1986. It was easy for me because my mom wasn't big on relaxers, pressing but not on chemicals. My family didn't use terms like nappy and I heard the word "kitchen" when I came here in 2006.

I have always mentioned here that I had the most torment in those years from my own people especially black women. You don't know problems until you had people thinking you were weird and actually calling you names and laughing in your face on the street.

I learned most of my techniques from here because I didn't have anyone to help me. I only knew 4 natural people back then, my girlfriend, my mom, my mentor Amazon, another friend( lost touch with). I will be natural until the day I die.
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janeemat cocomama
I had to be strong and it helped to have a strong husband that wasn't from this country. He's the one who told me I should go natural in 1986. It was easy for me because my mom wasn't big on relaxers, pressing but not on chemicals. My family didn't use terms like nappy and I heard the word "kitchen" when I came here in 2006.

I have always mentioned here that I had the most torment in those years from my own people especially black women. You don't know problems until you had people thinking you were weird and actually calling you names and laughing in your face on the street.

I learned most of my techniques from here because I didn't have anyone to help me. I only knew 4 natural people back then, my girlfriend, my mom, my mentor Amazon, another friend( lost touch with). I will be natural until the day I die.

laurend I came in this thread expecting pictures and there isn't any since yesterday still
Okay this is a party I'm with my girlfriend and I have the pink poncho.

I won't celebrate until next year. BTW, I'm not big on picture taking.:grin:


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Girl your hair is gorgeous! I love the color too! Congrats on your anniversary. Have fun and flaunt that hair!
I was thinking about making an appointment with Renice. I might fly out to the East coast.

I DEFINITELY feel you on the appointment with Reniece. I think Havilland had a great idea. Spa day, Reniece, Ice Cream! You need to add a professional photo shoot to that to. ;)