How risky is self relaxing?

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I am not getting a touch up any time soon but I am considering doing it myself next time. I will probably get a touch up after six months of braids so I will have plenty of new growth. Overlapping shouldn't be a problem. What else do I have to worry about with self relaxing?
When you self relax, its hard for you to get the back without re-perming what doesnt need it. You cant really see the back of your head, so you will get relaxer on your scalp and already permed hair. Then you may get some burns because of that..Be careful!
I have been self relaxing for two years. The last time I went to a salon for a touch up they burned off the length of my hair on the left side. I have never had any problems self relaxing. In fact, I prefer it.
I stopped going to stylists because I was always disappointed with the results and I was able to get it to look nicer myself. I used to get really burned with them. I like doing it myself because I save money and because I do a good job.
You can do it. You just need to find a method that works for you. (for instance, my hair is very thick and I find it impossible to do a good job unless I do half my head, rinse neutralize etc., and then do the other half. Although now that I had to chop my hair to ear length I may be able to do it all in one go).
Also make sure you really rinse every part of your head. Don't forget to rinse your hairline well, nape, around the ears etc.
You chopped it sssUmsumm????
I'm seriously considering learning to do my own. My hair is on the finer thinner side, so I'm hoping it won't be too hard. IU'm scared to DEATH, but I've mastered everything else about my hair...I'm thinking it should be fine....

Still scared tho.
I'm a self relaxer, and I will not return to a stylist to do my hair ever again. I've learned through trial and error, a couple of times I underprocessed, but I learned from those mistakes, corrected the underprocessed hair, and moved on. My last touch up was last Wednesday, and it came out perfect. No burns, no overprocessed/underprocessed hair, and I got it over with in less than 2 hours (to include styling). I say go for it!!
I have been self relaxing for many years. It is not that hard, there is no waiting for hours in a salon, you can use the products and tools you want [not what the stylist wants], you can be comfortable because you are at home, and you save big money [which to my opinion can be better used on good products and tools].
I self relaxed for the 1st time this weekend since joining the board. I was PETRO!! I came to this because all this time I have been going to Dominican and getting Affirm and thanks to this board I realized it was the no-lye formula. My hair was always getting dry, it ate everything I applied and I also dealt w/a lot of end breakage because of this. I bought deep brilliance lye formula and I must say the results are good. My hair is shinier and moister. The only thing is you must work fast. Hopefully I will not get any breakage, I will know in the weeks to come.
It also helps to get one of those sprayers that you attach to your shower or sink so you can better direct the water when you rinse.
I relaxed my hair for the first time last month and it turned out great I was surprised how well I did considering this was my first time.
I parted my hair into four sections and started at the back and worked my way to the front.
I did not want to relax bone straight so I left the relaxer on for 10 minutes.
I think the key for me was using a comb to smooth relaxer on my hair.
I was tired of beauticians combing the relaxer thru and thinning my hair out.
I have seen a big difference since not combing relaxer thru my hair is much thicker and fuller.
I had spent so much money on hair thickening products and my problem was stylist combing relaxer thru to the ends whole time.
I'll be joinining the self-relaxer club when I do my touch up in September. I don't like the rough combing that the hairdressrer feels is necessary to part the newgrowth, before applying the relaxer.
Im seriously considering letting a friend touch me up in the future if I dont soon find a decent stylist. My last stylist did a good job on trims(only cut a tiny bit each time) and my sets, but she couldnt perm my hair right and thats whats most important! She underprocessed me once, then next time she burnt my scalp.

The time before I started going to her, my friend did my touch up once and I was happy with the results. Just think, no stylist know it all who tries to tell u what to do and make u relax every other week(lol), no SHS to worry about, no unsolicited advice, no waiting forever! no drama period...
Tracy said:
You chopped it sssUmsumm????
I'm seriously considering learning to do my own. My hair is on the finer thinner side, so I'm hoping it won't be too hard. IU'm scared to DEATH, but I've mastered everything else about my hair...I'm thinking it should be fine....

Still scared tho.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, had to chop. My hair is now officially shorter than it was when I joined LHCF.

I've just decided to semi-ignore it until it grows out some. It's so short I can't even get it into a ponytail. So short at the back that when I cornrow, the nape is too short to go into the braid.

Past shoulder-length was so nice. I could just slap it into a ponytail and go. Now I have to spend all this time making 7+ cornrows.

Oh yeah, and I didn't get all the damage the stylist caused. I'm STILL seeing breakage.
But I don't have the heart to pick up the scissors again so I will wait awhile to trim.
Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out.


Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming.


I'm SO sorry to hear. Your experience scares the beejesus out of me. God forbid.... ::shudder:

Well - take heart. It'll be back before you know it. Until then, take excellent care of it and forget about it. I'll be doing the same. It's easier when you can put it AWAY and forget about it