How often should one rebraid the edges?


New Member
I am probably going to get braids pretty soon, and do my own, via the Crown and Glory method. This calls for leaving the braids in for two months.

I don't recall the Robin's tape or instructions saying anything about how often to re-braid the edges. The thread about the woman with no edges has scared me /images/graemlins/blush.gif So I have three questions:

1. How often should I re-braid my edges?

2. Does this mean also rebraid the entire hairline and around the back as well?

3. Also, how far back should I re-braid my edges?

I also have fine hair, so how much of a difference will this make in how often I should re-braid the edges?
This all depends on how fast your hair grows. I rebraid my edges completely around usually every 4 weeks.
1. How often should I re-braid my edges?

That's at your own discretion and how well you keep the braids. Like Legs said every 4 weeks if you keep them in well.

2. Does this mean also rebraid the entire hairline and around the back as well?

You don't have to but certain areas of my hair line are stronger than others the sides are the most tender on my head. Do the ones that feel loose or look like they need rebraiding. I find also when I take out the braids at the hairline to lighty massge them with a little water shampoo and conditioner not like a hair wash or anything. Moisturise the area and then rebraid the hairline with not too much hair as it will weight the area down and lead to breakage.

3. Also, how far back should I re-braid my edges?
I'd say just the initial front of the hair line depending on how big the braids are HTH.