how often do you update your album?

I'm working on mine as we speak. Maybe i'll update every three months because that's when i get my touchup and take progress pictures. It's all in good faith, sometimes people get busy or lazy. We'll see how it goes.
Good luck on your album locabouthair!
It looks like I've been updating mine every three months or so. But the next update will probably be about 5 months from the last.
I use to update once a month. But lately not so much. I plan to update the month of June or as soon as I do something with my hair.
I see some ladies update theirs monthly and I can never seen to remember mine like that until the end of the month. I think at touchups or new styles or just whenever.
I go by my relaxers but I just updated when I did a rollerset. But I wont have a nother update until Aug or later.
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My fotki is broken down into progress, style and products and I update:
Progress- At least once per qtr.
Styles - Every different hair style
Products and tools- As I buy them

I love to watch detailed fotkis so it's only fair that I try provide for others and myself what I love.
wheezy807 said:
I'm working on mine as we speak. Maybe i'll update every three months because that's when i get my touchup and take progress pictures. It's all in good faith, sometimes people get busy or lazy. We'll see how it goes.
Good luck on your album locabouthair!

Thanks wheezy.:)

i was thinking about doing it monthly but wasnt sure if after every touch up was a good idea.
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I update often becuase I do a lot of cornrow styles and braidouts and the album is helping me keep track of what works better. I also like to keep track of the different cornrow patterns I do.

I will also update when I finally get around to doing a roller set. I like doing this because if something comes out messed up. People might leave me comments telling me what I did that messed me up.
I don't really have a set time, just whenever I try something different on my hair or when I take some new pics. I'm real random with my album.
I update my fotki after every relaxer (so every 3 to 4 months).

Now I want to create a hair styles folder. And I will update this one as a try different hair styles (probably every 3 to 4 weeks).
Bellavita6 said:
I just started an album. I plan to update with every relaxer, which for me, is every 10-12 weeks.

[SIZE=+1]Same here. I have to add more pictures since I just started an album. But I'll most likely update whenever I get a touch up.[/SIZE]
usually once or twice a month. sometimes i skip a month or two. so i have no real set pattern. i just update whenever i feel ive hit a milestone or discouvered something new.
I take pictures whenever i Do a new style, etc, but I update maybe once a month or so. I get lazy, and sitting at the computer after being in front of one all day isn't my cup of tea.
I update my hair folder every 2-3 months. I update my product review folder every time I finish a product.
Honestly, not often enough and since I am basically doing the same stuff over and over, it's not that big of a deal to me. I recently updated though. Soon I want to try different things...then I will update more often when I think it might be more interesting and helpful.
Usually once a month but I've been slacking lately. I plan to just take progress pics at every relaxer or when I try a new hairstyle that I like.
I update every 3 months. This is long enough to see change, but not too long that I am getting antsy! :)