How often do you treat your hair to these things?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, Im a newbie here coming out of lurk mode(stay tuned for official intro WITH pics Im really excited about learning proper haircare and look forward to achieving my goals, but am concerned about incorporating all of these different beneficial things into my regimen without overdoing anything.

Im relaxed and 4a/ hair is shoulder length and Im going for armpit by the end of the year. My struggles are dryness and weakness, Im currently dealing with some shedding and hair is very fragile when wet so I also struggle with how often to wash or CO wash since I seem to lose the most hair when its wet even thought I use a wide tooth comb and detangle with a leave in....

my remedy was to give myself a preshampoo treatment, then wash and then I used GPB and then after that I used My Design 6 in 1 reconstructor mixed with some NTM conditioner. It seems to have helped but do u think it was too much?

Do you use GPB alone or along with another conditioner?

How do you incorporate all of these different products into your regimen? For example, I would like to do deep conditioning, hot oil, clarify, protein, leave ins, moisturizers.....the whole nine, but dont know how to work all these things in....HELP!

could u give me examples of how often you do different things such as deep condition, protein treatments, moisturize, use leave ins, etc? Basically I need help in finding the balance between moisture and strength...
welcome to the forum Leslie

I usually use the GPB once a week. Sometimes I use it every other week. Some people don't follow up with another conditioner...and some do if they feel their hair needs a little more moisture. I didn't follow up with anything before...but I recently started after a hair buddy recommended it. I had even better results by doing so.

It's hard to get everything in. Perhaps you could pick a day when you give your hair the works. Ex. I Shampoo...clarify...use GPB conditioner...use a leave in...and then add oils on Sundays. Sometimes I will do an oil treatment before shampooing if my hair needs it. On weekdays...I basically condition wash...add a leave-in and oils...then let my hair air dry. I moisturize twice daily with a homemade spritz (mainly focusing on my ends) and seal it with coconut or amla oil.

Everything can be a bit overwhelming at first...I'm not an expert...but with what you have sounds like you are starting out with a great regimen.

Edited to add: When you might want to do it under the shower head while the water is streaming out on high. It was a tip that i learned on here that really helped me to lose less hair.

I don't know if my hair-tine has great "rhyme or reason" to it either, but it works pretty well.

1. Shampoo - Kera Care or Cream of Nature poo in shower

2. Condition w/ one or more of the following:
A. Homemade Coconut Milk Conditioner, with cap and no heat
B. Protein treatment (ION’s Effective Care protein treat)
C. Kera Care Humecto Conditioner
D. Re-constructor as needed (I.C. Reconstrutor)
E. Re-constructor as needed (Affirm 5 n 1) when I relax
(I use dryer w/ cap or maybe leave it in for a couple of hours for B,C,D,E)

*I treat with a protein treatment 1x per month
*A hot oil treat every 2 weeks
*Re-constructor as needed (Affirm 5 n 1 always with relaxer)

3. Comb out in shower, After shower, use a light leave in like IC Leave In Moisturizer

4. WildGrowth Oil lightly throughout scalp and hair.

5. Allow to air dry.
(condensed version)
I do a heavy duty protein treatment once a month.
Light protein treatment every other week.
Deep conditioner once a week.
Conditioner washes daily or 3x a week.
Pre-hot oil treatment once a week.
I try to keep my routine as simple as possible because that is what works for me. I do as follows.

Shampoo..Mptions lavish conditioning shampoo
Mild protein treatment..Motions cpr treatment conditioner (1x per week)
Condition..Suave milk and honey conditioner

Apply leave-in (Salerm 21) and spray wonder 8 oil and let airdry in two bantu knots. I don't do pre- shampoo treatments as I don't feel I need them my hair is pretty soft with the products I use and I combat breakage with the cpr.
I'm a 4B

I wash w/ nexxus therappe
then I use the nexxus keraphix
then I deep conditin w/ nexxus humectress
I do this once a week.

When I wake up in the morning I spray my edges with surge
put some ego boost on my ends
put oil on my hair

Before I go to sleep at night
I oil my hair
spray surge on my edges
wrap it and tie it up