How often do you go to the salon

How Often Do you Visit the salon

  • Weekly

    Votes: 17 7.8%
  • Twice a week

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Only for relaxers and other chemical treatments

    Votes: 69 31.5%
  • I'm completely self styled; I refuse to go to a stylist

    Votes: 85 38.8%
  • other-not listed

    Votes: 45 20.5%

  • Total voters
B4 I found you guys I was going every 5 days.....It was pampering....I've been doing my own hair since Nov 07
Now i go about 2-3times a year! i cant take sitting in there for over 4hrs!! i have way better things to do with my time!!
when i used to go to a salon that respected my time, i would go every 2 weeks:grin:
and it was beneficial to my hair.
Honestly since I found this form I havent been to a salon and frankly I dont really miss it b/c
1. I now have even more money to spend on hair stuff:lick:
2. I dont have to wait at the salon for anyone to do my hair
3. I get to do my hair as often as I want without worrying about the $30-$140 I might have just spent
I haven't been in a salon since August 2005! And that was for a full head of weave. That stylist tore my hair up w/ those tight briaid and pulling the tread too tight. I might go to the salon this summer to celebrate reaching my first goal (APL).:grin: But I'm just going to relax it myself and go to the salon to have the stylist press it out. I'll trim my own hair.:yep:
I have not been to a salon in a while. I use to get Dominican blow outs but that is to much for my hair. If I get lazy I go to the beauty school and get a roller set. I use to go and get my sew ins but that is to much time and money. Now if I do not do my sew in, my little sister does it. My hair is much healthier now that I do it myself.
I tried to self style my hair but I ended up causing a lot of damage to my hair. So I found an excellent stylist who's really into healthy hair and we collaborate together on taking care of my hair. I think I'll go back to complete self styling when I learn a little bit more
I don't go to the salon at all anymore, the last time was over 8 months ago. Even before that I was only going sporadically.

My hair was healthy then and it's healthy now. Doing everything myself is time consuming though.
I voted for when I am getting a relaxer or chemical treatment but I will also go if I am attending a special event that I want to look extra special.

Good thread!
I hardly go now. Last time I went I was overprocessed badly and 90% of my nape broke off. This is the 4th time I had a stylist damage my hair.

I'm gonna start self relaxing. I'm tired of paying money for people to damage my hair.
How often do you visit a stylist, what do you do in between visits, and was it a benefit to your progress?

I used to go every 3months for a chemical treatment. But since the beginning of this year (new stylist) i have been going every 2 months for trims. In between visits i maintain shampooing, conditioning and styling. I think this is a huge benefit to my progress.
hardly ever. i plan to go every other touchup so that would amount to about 3 times a year...add one for good measure.

i paid far too much for my pibbs for me to step foot in a salon for them to do what i can do at home. as i type this, i am drying my hair under pibby. i deep condition as long as i want with what i want, i wash, set, and dry in the comforts of my own home, and i can multitask while drying.

my hair looks better now than it did before, because i kept going to them with dry hair and they fixed it every time without telling/teaching me how to take care of my hair in between visits. selfish. but i don't need them when i have lhcf :grin:
I go every other week. And at first, it wasn't a benefit, but since I switched, my stylist now has helped alot. She cares about growing my hair, not just a style
I never go. I'm scared. They hurt me. :nono: Last time I went was summer 2004 and that was only because my wrist got broken in a car accident and I couldn't do it myself and I was in a foreign country with no one I know to do it for me. I just had them put in cornrows. I had 2 sets done that summer of the broken wrist; the first wasn't so bad, in my friend's house by his sister-in-law. But the one in the salon? it was sooo painful. I was taking painkillers for a week! I think they were trying to pull my hair out by the roots. I'm scared of salons. Oh, but I did have a friend of my homestay "sister" braid with extensions my hair for me, and that wasn't too bad. And cheap!
I go every 2-3 weeks. I go to a stylist that is very gentle with hair and doesn't huff and puff because I don't want my hair blown. The next touch up I'm going to tell her not to relax my nape.
I'm 21 almost 22 the last time I went to the salon I was 9. I remember it was sometime around my birthday and my dad took me to a run down salon in DC :nono: and the woman told him that I needed a relaxer (even though I had one like 3 weeks ago) relaxed my hair and gave me this updo with "crunchy" curls. .

Since then I have never been to a salon because I don't want to spend all that money. . and since going to cosmetology school I have a few friends that I will allow to do my relaxer which is the only reason why I would go to a slon. I cut my own hair and get my friends to clean it up a bit. :yep:
I am actually the opposite..

I go once a week for wash/deep condition and set. I use to do my own hair in college and on and off for years, but it is always the rollersetting/drying that I had a hard time with, because my hair is thick and it takes alot of effort get dry not to mention frizziness and poofiness because I dont like to use direct heat. So I decided that I would treat myself to wash and sets every week to pamper myself and free myself from the weekly fight of fixing my hair.

I do my own relaxers. It's something Ive always been good at, mastered during my broke days in undergrad. Never had an issue with under/over processing or breakage.
I go only for touch ups which equals to 3 times a year. My stylist has done what I asked so far. My last visit I requested her to apply the relaxer to my hairline and nape last and she did it with no problem. When i go back in March I'll let her know to keep the relaxer only on my NG (she tends to overlapp), and to not let it sit long....or Ill just pretend that its burning so, she will rinse me. :look:

I suck at self relaxing and did more damage than good when I was doing it myself!:ohwell:
Never, ever! I enjoy doing my own hair and actually look forward to my weekly washes. I do everything myself, including relaxer touchups, rollersets, coloring (semi-permanent) and trims. I haven't been to a salon in MANY years, and I don't miss spending hours just to get my hair done. I also save a lot of money being a DIYer.
like NEVER! I went when I got twists (with fake hair). . . and that was probably in Sept. when I was wearing sewn ins I had a friend who did it. but I self relax and self style. the last time I went to get a dominican blowout was probably a year ago. my mother keeps trying to get me to go, had to sass her last night. my hair is the healthiest it has ever been. my hair is WAY better than her stylist's hair. like my mother's hair is "healthy" but thats only because she keeps it cut & curled, think like short and sassy. the ends are burned and then cut off. I am trying to grow my hair. I'm just telling my mother, leave me alone & give it time. lol
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Now that I have Pibbino Valentino (my V-day gift to me) and this forum, there is NOTHING I can't do myself:grin:. January was the last time I went, and the last time I plan on going if I can help it. First, noone will treat it exactly the way I want it treated at all times except for me, and second, it was bothering me to hand over so much money plus tip for something I feel I could do just as well or better myself.
Every other week for Wash & set...cowash in between Dominican salon visits...when i reach 7wks post I stop going to the salon,I just cowash and treat my scalp until i relax at 10wks:yep:
I haven't been to a salon since September 2007 and that turned out to be a disaster waiting to happen. I had 3 tracks sew in for fullness and later learned that the stylist did not sew down my braided hair. Luckily it did not matte since I had the tracks taken out a couple weeks later.

My friend did my last texlax for me at her house in late December.
I still go to the salon pretty often. I rock sewn ins for about 6 weeks at a time. So I go to mystylist to get the weave and then to get rollersets with the weave. But as far as in between washes, I do that and I relax my own hair.
I do not go to the salon. When I get a weave I go to someone's house, she is not a licensed stylist but she is good.
I voted for when I need a relaxer but I'm proud to say that I did my last relaxer myself in December, 2007 and I think I'll let my stylist do the next one as I'm stretching pretty long this time. I might change my mind though and do it myself especially now that I know how to do it properly.

I'm not sure if my stylist will be prepared to follow my instructions on how I'd want my hair relaxed. especially the protein pre-treatment before the neutralizing poo, and letting the poo stay on for 5 minutes during the last wash, etc. She definitely would have a big prob if I tell her I want the DC in for 45 minutes instead of 20. She's gonna wonder where I got all this knowledge from, I'm sure:yep:.

Anyway, I'll see:look:.