how often can i


Well-Known Member
deep condition my hair overnight?
i have a twa and i dont deep condition overnight every night because i know its not at all necessary. but i have had a twa for all of 7 days and i have deep conditioned overnight maybe 4-5 of those days lol. i just love the way it feels in the morning. and also is easier for me to do that at night than anything else.
so would it be too much for me to do it again tonight since i already did it two days in a row?????
I suppose you could do it if you made sure to use protein on the regular to counter-balance all the moisture you're adding to your hair.
Have you ever just slept with damp hair in a plastic cap overnight? Maybe seal the hair with some oil as well.
I did this with castor oil and my hair was really soft the next day
^^^^^thanx i will try that. im thinking about misting my hair with water and then moisturizing with olive oil and castor oil and then just co washing in the morning.
((in my best cartman from south park voice)) Ohhh ohhh Im sorry? Did u ask me how many times can I BC and not post pics?:blush:


im still waiting to see the pics miss lol
lmao you got me. im busted.

im just so lazy the last thing on my mind is posting pics but i will. i might do it saturday.
I DC overnight but never did it more than 2x per week. So i dont know! I was told DC is good for your hair but not sure how often it can be done. But i dont DC with protein overnight though.