How much water do you drink?


New Member
How much water do you consume daily? Hydration is important not only for our hair:) , but for the rest of our body. I think the recommendation is 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) per day. Do you drink that amount, more, or less? Why or why not?

BTW, I think I drink about 10 glasses per day, but I'm one of those weirdos that loves water.;) I rarely drink anything else.
preciousjewel76 said:
How much water do you consume daily? Hydration is important not only for our hair:) , but for the rest of our body. I think the recommendation is 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) per day. Do you drink that amount, more, or less? Why or why not?

BTW, I think I drink about 10 glasses per day, but I'm one of those weirdos that loves water.;) I rarely drink anything else.

I drink 64 ounces...sometimes more or less. I have a tall, red, thin 1-qt (32-oz) Rubbermaid water bottle that I take around with me all day. All I need is two of those and I'm set. If I haven't finished at least two, I know I need to drink more before bed. Plus with taking all my vitamins, it is pretty easy to drink that much.
I was told that you should drink half your body weight in ounces which makes since because we are all different. For me it's around 64 ounces that I TRY to drink.
I have a 70 oz bottle that I fill up every morning and down by 10 am. I HATE WATER, but I have realized that I need it.
preciousjewel76 said:
How much water do you consume daily? Hydration is important not only for our hair:) , but for the rest of our body. I think the recommendation is 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) per day. Do you drink that amount, more, or less? Why or why not?

BTW, I think I drink about 10 glasses per day, but I'm one of those weirdos that loves water.;) I rarely drink anything else.

Another weirdo checking in!!! I've been a big water drinker since I was a mom gets credit for that one! I drink at least half my body weight in ounces...more if I'll be consuming alcoholic beverages. I fill my water bottle and carry it with me to work, it holds about 1 liter of water. If I finish it and refill once I've made my water intake goal for the day. Nowadays I do it consciously, but before I'd just always keep a glass of water close by...the bigger the better.
Your body weight / 2 = how many ounces of water you should be drinking per day


100lbs/2 = 50 oz. water per day

150lbs/2 = 75 oz. water per day
Not enough!!! :mad: I must starting drinking more water!!

This is a struggle that has lasted many many years for me. Hopefully, I will beat it one day. :)
Royal Glory said:
I drink 64 ounces...sometimes more or less. I have a tall, red, thin 1-qt (32-oz) Rubbermaid water bottle that I take around with me all day. All I need is two of those and I'm set. If I haven't finished at least two, I know I need to drink more before bed. Plus with taking all my vitamins, it is pretty easy to drink that much.

Yeah, taking vitamins definitely helps! I know I have to wash down my daily multivitamin and my HSN vit with lots of water - the pills are pretty big. And I keep a water bottle with me, too. I have a 16 oz. bottle that I fill up 2x a day at work. And once I get home, I fill up a big 32 oz. tumbler with water and sip that throughout the evening. I really feel dehydrated in the mornings, so one of the first things I do is drink a big glass of H2O. I won't even discuss how many times I'm using the restroom at work, though, LOL.
preciousjewel76 said:
How much water do you consume daily? Hydration is important not only for our hair:) , but for the rest of our body. I think the recommendation is 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) per day. Do you drink that amount, more, or less? Why or why not?

BTW, I think I drink about 10 glasses per day, but I'm one of those weirdos that loves water.;) I rarely drink anything else.

I don't drink enough...I'm trying to drink 64 oz daily but I slip up because I really really hate water BUT I have definitely laid off of my coke pops...I use to buy cases and when I run out I use to run to the store and stock back up so lately I have been drinking juice and errrr.....ummm...KOOL-AID......I have to have something tasty to drink when I eat or believe it or not I will not eat:ohwell: I eat...I just run out and grab something...I just don't eat right then:)
Just water alone....I was just drinking 75 but thats not enough anymore. I'm going to UP IT and see how it goes. PRAY FOR MY BLADDER! LOL
Yeah. Once every hour?:lol:

But it's good for many reasons. It also helps avoid some headaches too, because a headache can be a sign of dehydration.
I try for somewhere between 75 - 80 oz. a day. I love me some water, but I think that I hit 75 - 80 3 of the 7 days in a week. The otehr days I am somewhere between 50 - 64 oz.
preciousjewel76 said:
How much water do you consume daily? Hydration is important not only for our hair:) , but for the rest of our body. I think the recommendation is 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) per day. Do you drink that amount, more, or less? Why or why not?

BTW, I think I drink about 10 glasses per day, but I'm one of those weirdos that loves water.;) I rarely drink anything else.

i only drink water. i hate juice and soda it leaves a film in my mouth that i just cant take. this is part of the reason i just dont buy the water is great for hair and body stuff. its all i drink and i have dry, brittle hair, bad vision and have suffered from kidney stones and im only 25!!:lachen:
Drinking more water has been my hardest challenge yet! I used to go days without drinking water...only juice, etc.:blush: Now I try to drink at least two 16.9 oz water bottles a day (~35oz). I know that's only half of what I should be drinking but it's a start. Hopefully sooner than later I will get up there with you ladies that drink approximately 64oz a day.:D
I drink half my body weight which is a liter and a half a day. Also 2 cups of cranberry juice to flush out toxins and a glass of milk or juice. I love to fluids!!!!
I don't really count how much I drink. Ijust keep a refillable water bottle with me and just drink as much as possible. I don't really like thinking too much about it.

But, if I stop drinking my water like this, I notice my skin changes. I get dark circles under my eye and my skin feel dry.
Um, I am only at 1.5 liters a day (not including teas or juices). That's all I can take at the moment. I hope to go to 2 liters soon.
Carlie said:
Your body weight / 2 = how many ounces of water you should be drinking per day


100lbs/2 = 50 oz. water per day

150lbs/2 = 75 oz. water per day

This is what I've been doing for years now. It really works to keep us healthy! :yep:
... water is the only thing I drink, so I rarely keep track of the ounces. I do know though that I drink more than 48 ounces a day. I haven't touched a soda in about 2 years, and I rarely drink juice. So my water intake is up to par! :)
I drink 3 liters a day...i make sure where ever i go i have a bottle of water with me. Once soda its my lips its a wrap...i would drink 5-6 cans without thinking twice.
Kalayani said:
I drink 3 liters a day...i make sure where ever i go i have a bottle of water with me. Once soda its my lips its a wrap...i would drink 5-6 cans without thinking twice.

See, I am such a wimp when it comes to soda! I can drink something like Sprite, but I find most other carbonated drinks to be too "strong". The acid in them burns my poor little throat. But there are some folks that I know that will start drinking sodas at 8 AM and never stop....:eek:
I try to drink at least 60 ounces of bottled water a day. Sometimes I mix it with Crystal Light lemonade or drink a few cups of lemon tea as well.
I do about a half gallon a day, a little more or less. I also consume these liquids on a regular basis (in addition to the half gallon):

rice milk
herbal tea
protein shake