How much Rosemary oil to put in my ACV rinse?


Well-Known Member
I tried my first Apple Cider Vinegar hair rinse today (yay!) I used it in place of one of my shampoos and let it sit for 15 minutes before applying DC. I've heard of people putting Rosemary oil in it and some other oils so I'm curious about just how much to put in my rinse. I bought some pure Rosemary oil so I put in 3 drops I'm hoping that's enough? Anyone who uses oils, how much do you use?
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I tried my first Apple Cider Vinegar hair rinse today (yay!) I used it in place of one of my shampoos and let it sit for 15 minutes before applying DC. I've heard of people putting Rosemary oil in it and some other oils so I'm curious about just how much to put in my rinse. I bought some pure Rosemary oil so I put in 3 drops I'm hoping that's enough? Anyone who uses oils, how much do you use?

There is a recipe of an ACV rinse spritz that I used to use before I got lazy and it called for 20 drops of rosemary EO and 20 of lavender EO. (I'll post the recipe in a bit.) That amount was used in a 10 oz solution. Even though I don't make that spritz, when I mix my 1/4 cup ACV in 2 gallons of water, I still add just 20 drops of the EOs. I am cheap and I haven't seen any reason to go beyond that, even for the larger solution.

Here's the recipe I used to use for my spritz:
The spritz I used to make before I got lazy and just couldn't be bothered used to have ACV in it. It also had glycerin in there. The recipe was:

Essential Oil Vinegar Rinse

2 tablespoons (8 teaspoons/40 ml) apple cider vinegar
20 drops lavender oil
20 drops rosemary oil
10 drops geranium oil (or lemon oil if hair is oily)
Rain or distilled water
1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
Mix essential oils and vinegar together in a 300ml spray bottle. Fill up with purified or rain water. Shake well before use.

To use: Rinse the hair after shampooing then spray thoroughly with the vinegar rinse.
Don't rinse out.

(Source: )
(Source of Quoted Post)
Thanks for responding!:yep: I just tried ACV in place of my final shampoo and I absolutely love it!!:grin: It penetrated my scalp immediately and I'm anxious to get back to my regular regimen so I can see the results I'm used to seeing. I just wanted to be sure I'm adding enough Rosemary Oil to have an effect. After seeing your recipe I think I'm going to add more next time. Thanks again!
@ScorpioBeauty09, I hope you know that you should be careful not to use too concentrated an ACV solution because too concentrated a solution could breakdown the protein in your hair. I always say it's better to err on the side of caution by going as dilute as you can. Even if it seems too dilute, remember even a drop of acidity is better than none, so just go easy.
Well that's what I was worried about, but I've heard of people putting a few teaspoons in with it less diluted than I did. I had about 80 mL of vinegar and 240 mL of water with 3 drops of rosemary oil. I just want to be sure I've got enough to have an effect. But thank you.:yep:
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Well that's what I was worried about, but I've heard of people putting a few teaspoons in and I only put in like 3 drops. I just want to be sure I've got enough to have an effect. But thank you.:yep:

I wasn't talking about essential oils (I think that's what you mean). When creating a massage oil for instance, like to apply to your scalp...the ratio of EO to carrier oils is generally 1:3. So you wouldn't pour some almond oil in your hand and then add 20 drops of EOs. A few drops would suffice. Besides EOs are so strong that they can burn your nose just smelling them so a little goes a long way.

This chart gives you an idea of how much to use for different purposes so you get a feel for what's safe:

But what I was bringing your attention to is the apple cider vinegar. Since you were excited about it, I gathered it might've been your first time using it, which is why I thought I should caution you to always err on the side of caution and use a little in your mixture. My usual ratio of 1/4 cup ACV per 2 gallons of water might be a bit too dilute for some, but it's safe enough for me and has never caused me harm.