How much length should be expected in a year?


New Member
I'm wondering how much hair can grow in a year. I relax my hair every six weeks and such I'm just curious 'cuz I really started taking care of my hair this past August so I'm thinking by next August, I better see some length! Am i been unrealistic?
Hi porkypig007,

On average, hair grows at a rate of 6" per year. Some have more growth and some have less.
Porky, welcome to the boards! We'll do our best to help you find the right combination of products and hair rituals to maximize that growth figure. See you around the boards!
Some people's growth can be as little as 1/4 inch a month therefore making it 3" in a year average is about 1/2 per month making it 6 inches. Others can get a consistent full inch per month.