How much Biotin do you take? And what brand?


New Member
Biotin seems to work wonders for most of the ladies here, but for some reason, it is not working for me. I wonder if I am doing something wrong--using a bad brand of Biotin, taaking too little or doing something else wrong.

I use Nature's Bounty Bitoin. It is 5000 mcg. However, I am unsure as to whether Nature's Bounty products are good for me. I am considering switching to Finest Natural, which is the Walgreen's generic brand. I want to use their 5000 mcg of Biotin.

I am also wondering whether the fact that Biotion seems to do nothing for my hair (although it does work for my skin) can be related to my obesity. I am 5 feet 5 and weight about 200 pounds. I know that for people who are overweight, they must take certain vitamins in higher amounts.

I don't know. I just can't understand why this stuff has not been working. Could someone please clue me in?

What have been your experiences with Biotin?
I've only been using Biotin for about two weeks now so I doubt there's been any significant changes for me yet. Plus I tend to err on the side of caution- I'm very cautious of potential placebo effects. However, I have been told/noticed that my eyelashes look a lot fuller. I take Nature Made 2,500 mcg. I think there's also 30 mcg in my multi vitamin.

How long have you been taking biotin?

I think its also important to remember that everything doesn't work for everyone. I remember longhairdontcare2011 (from youtube) talking about how she took biotin and it did nothing for her. Many women on here have also had no effect from it.
I just started using biotin again and I haven't gotten severe breakouts yet (hopefully I won't). I use GNC be-beautiful hair, skin and nails formula. It has 3000 mcg of biotin w/ 100 MSM. Since it has only been a week, I can't tell if it's working or not.
I have been taking Biotin since the summer of 2008. It makes my nails grow, and my nails are the strongest that they have ever been.

However, it does very little for my hair.
Ohh wow, that's a really long time! Why do you think that Nature's Bounty products aren't good for you?

It seems like your only choices would be to raise the amount of biotin you're taking (by a small increment) or to settle for the beautiful nails and skin that it's given you :bighug:
I take 10,000 mcg everyday. I just ran out yesterday. Lol. Im going to up it to 15,000 mcg to see what happens. I know for a fact though it has made ALL hair on me grow, which is a pain but i guess its cool on the slick. It has improved my nails tremendously though.

I take the Wal-mart brand. Just make sure you drink TONS of water, otherwise you WILL breakout.
I am taking, at the moment 7500mcg of Sundown Naturals. I bought it from CVS. It is a tiny tab. I buy whatever is on sale. But this is an increased dose. I was just taking 5000mcg.
I take 7500 mcg, the same brand as cutenss.
And I take an additional 3000 mcg, from my Hair, Skin and Nails tablets, also from Sundown Naturals.
So 10500 mcg in all. It's a high dose, but I'm impatient. :look:

I've been taking these since...November, I want to say.
I was breaking out in the beginning, but I started drinking more water and taking garlic with them, and the breakouts went away.
10,000 mcg.
No breakouts. No headaches.
I've been taking it for about a year and a half. I think.
I usually take CVS brand, because I like capsules vs. the tablets I used to get at Walmart.

Take a b-vitamin with it. Drink your water too.:)
i take 2000mcg from spring valley..started with 1000mcg.i dnt rreally know if its working but my nails are growing like crazy
I've committed to try it for 3 months. I take 7mg daily (1 extra 5mg pill and then the 2mg in my multi-vitamin). I've only been taking it for 3 weeks, so no comment yet. But I am also fighting heavy drugs that make my hair fall out, so I'm not working with a normal scalp to begin with. I take Country Life.
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I cosign on the water. I hate drinking it but I force myself to drink at least a liter a day now. I've found that giving myself a time frame to drink in within helps i.e. I need to drink a liter and take my vitamins before 3 pm. Then I treat myself to limeade.
I take the one pictured below once a day. I got mines from Vitamin World


Been takin it since the end of February...I haven't notice a change in my hair. My nails are growing though :)
I take 10,000 mcg everyday. I just ran out yesterday. Lol. Im going to up it to 15,000 mcg to see what happens. I know for a fact though it has made ALL hair on me grow, which is a pain but i guess its cool on the slick. It has improved my nails tremendously though.

I take the Wal-mart brand. Just make sure you drink TONS of water, otherwise you WILL breakout.

That is true b/c last year I was taken 5000 mcg of biotin I started looking like a friggin' chia pet:lachen:
I take 5000mcg of the Vitamin Shoppe brand. I also take a B-complex to balance it out. Its only been a month so I can't tell if my hair is benefiting yet... My nails are the longest they've ever been and my facial hair is growing too fast. I guess I'm going to have to look like Chewbacca until my next wax.
i take GNC 600mcg i noticed hair growth after 6 weeks. I also take HSN which has 3000 mcg.

I recently brought the nature's bounty 5000 mcg. I am going to take those when my GNC pills run out.

I noticed change in my nails instantly. I thick my eyesbrows are thicker also.
lol! not to give TMI but the my underarm hair has NEVER grown in this damn thick

The day when I knew it was bad is when my brother started calling me Wolverine cuz my sideburns started growing in thick. I had to get my face waxed!:lachen:
I take the walmart brand 1000mg , along with a prenatal... and sometimes a vitamin c..... it takes about 3 months for the vitamins to actually get in your system, so you prolly wouldnt see result til month 4 or 5..... anyway, i had been taking them since Aug 09, i noticed in January, i got and inch of growth, however... i ran out of prentatals, in february and didnt want to take the biotin alone... i finally got me sum more prental in april, but in march i noticed slower hopefully i can boost this summer spurt up.

eta : i took them religiously, while working out, and drinking 70 ounces of water daily. :)
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I take the one pictured below once a day. I got mines from Vitamin World


Been takin it since the end of February...I haven't notice a change in my hair. My nails are growing though :)
:yep:I take this brand too, but 1000mcg, two a day for 2000mcg. I am nursing my 2 month old, and I've read somewhere that excessive amounts (of all B vitamins) can decrease the milk supply. But, my hair and nails have been growing like weeds, and no skin breakouts at all!:cloud9:
I take Origin Biotin (from Target) which is 1000 mcg. I also take a Spring Valley Hair/Nail/Skin vitamin which contains 1000 mcg per tablet. My nails have always grown long - the Biotin makes them much, much stronger. It also helps with my skin as well. Incredibly soft!