How many products...


New Member
Have you shampooed and conditioned with at one time? Last night must have been a record for me, I washed my hair with about 12 shampoos and 8-10 conditioners, then put in leave-ins, I washed my hair from 10 something PM till about 1 something AM! Supergirl gave us so many products that I wanted to try out almost all of them at one time! I am trying to come up with some way of washing more often or every other week with a few of the shampoos and conditioners, especially since my fro shrinks when washed. Like I said I know that was a record for me, my hair was squeeky clean and quite shiny and healthy looking after each wash, but it was a tiring process that I thought I was going to pay for more than I am here at work today. So once again what is the largest number of products you have used at once?
Oh my
You made a night of it, didn't ya?
. That was funny. I'm not one to put a lot of things in my hair so I don't think i've broken any type of record. I try to keep my wash day products to a max of three..shampoo, treatment conditioner, moisturizing conditioner. As far as after wash products I keep that to a max of leave-in and some wonder 8 oil.
I know Supergirl I did! I was a washing fool. Chocolate my max is usually 3-5 which is still quite a bit, but 12-20 products in one night, I feel like I just created some impossible feat, like I should be in Guiness.
In the past, I've used up to two shampoos (clarifying and moisturizing) and up to two conditioners (protein and moisturizing)when I did my hair. Now when I use my clarifying shampoo, I skip the moisturizing shampoo and go straight to the conditioner. Girl, I think you've got a record for the book.
Yeah, I think you definitely have most of us beat on this one. I, like Allandra, have used two poos and mixed two conditioners for the total of four products used for washing/cond.
DDHair...Thats a lotta products to use all at once. Ive only used one shampoo and one conditioner. Why so many products in your hair?