How many challenges can you claim for 08?


Well-Known Member
After reviewing the sticky of 2008 Challenges (great job Scarcity21:yep:) I’ve discovered something!

Is it just ME………………. or does your 2008 REGIMEN put you in 8 or more of these Challenges this year?

I mean without tweaking any my hair plans for 2008, I am a real or “honorary” member of:

The WIG challenge, the BAGGIE challenge, the AAA challenge, the LOW MANI challenge, the MASSAGE YOUR SCALP challenge, the MN challenge, the GREAT LENGTH challenge, the APL challenge, the BSL challenge, the VALENTINE challenge, the BOOTCAMP challenge and the ANYTHING GOES challenge.:blush:

How many hair challenges can you claim for 2008?

I can claim 12! :grin:
Dang, girl! You're a sucker for a challenge, huh? :lol:

I'm in the Bootcamp and the APL in 08 challenges. I'm going to join the mn challenge..... When I get some mn :look:
  • Low manipulation (which really isn't that challenging for me)
  • BSL in 08
  • daily scalp massages
I think that's it.
Bootcamp, AAA, SL, Stay Natural in 08, Bun-Free, No Heat, Shrinkage, Low Mani - that's 9 challenges, all together! :lol:
I was thinking the same thing. Im not joining challenges because they are already incorporated in my daily routine

I already do Bootcamp basically so I didn't bother joining it
of course I want longer hair so I am reaching for full SL..
I always protective style
In general, I don't put myself in challenges because I may have to switch up what I am doing. Doing the same thing for a given amount of time doesn't always work for me. I have been doing scalp massage/low manipulation for years, I am doing some ayurveda, I want to go past bsl, so I don't know maybe I could fit into the anything goes challenge. I need to read that thread I guess.
  • BSL'08 Challenge
  • MBL'08 Challenge
  • Lo-Man Challenge {not really a challenge, already consistent}
BSL in 08
Bootcamp (already part of my reggie though)
No Poo (sulfates) Personal Challenge
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MBL 08
WL 08 (I'll see how far I get by the end of the challenge in September but if all else fails by December 08:yep:)