How long until your scalp starts to itch?


Well-Known Member
This is kind of a spinny from the how often do you shampoo thread. How many days/weeks can you go after washing or co-washing before your scalp starts to itch? Does your hair need to be washed while your scalp is ok, or vice versa? Do you have scalp issues (dandruff, eczema, etc.)?

When my scalp is in good condition I can go two weeks without washing. There are other times when it needs to be washed after only two or three days. I finally realized that sulfate shampoos irritate my scalp, which causes me to have to wash more frequently.
I find I can't go longer then a week without itchiness. Usually it starts within 3-5 days. I sweat a lot and am prone to dandruff so regular washing with sulfate shampoo has to be apart of my regimen.

I usually wash my whole length+scalp once a week and concentrate on just washing my scalp mid week if that makes sense. I also rinse everyday if I wear my hair curly. If I'm wearing it straight, I just wash once a week but then by day 5 my scalp is feeling icky.
I can't go longer than 4 days. I have dandruff, which has definitely decreased since going natural but it's still present.
I have a scalp condition so I can get mild itchies on the same day. By day 3-4 I can't take it anymore.
This is kind of a spinny from the how often do you shampoo thread. How many days/weeks can you go after washing or co-washing before your scalp starts to itch? Does your hair need to be washed while your scalp is ok, or vice versa? Do you have scalp issues (dandruff, eczema, etc.)?

When my scalp is in good condition I can go two weeks without washing. There are other times when it needs to be washed after only two or three days. I finally realized that sulfate shampoos irritate my scalp, which causes me to have to wash more frequently.
Eczema flare ups = 2-3 times a week. I have gone as long as 2 weeks when not flared-up. However once a week is optimal because product buildup makes it impossible to hold a style (for me). I have recently come to realize that any sulfate or sulfate free shampoos=breakage. made the connection last night! I reintroduced sudsy washes 3 weeks ago and have had mad breakage and falls... live and learn!
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I don't have an itchy scalp. I don't put much on on my scalp, and I don't have any scalp conditions, so maybe this has something to do with it. I wash my hair about once/week.
Sulfate free poos only for me. I used to wash with shampoo once every 10-14 days, cowash whenever I wanted in between, now I'm washing with shampoo once a week because of scalp itchiness and flakes (not certain of the cause yet).
I love to wash my hair so I do it twice a week. I've gone a week w/o washing. My scalp doesn't itch; I get a headache if I don't wash my hair twice a week.

I only get itches when I have some leave-in product gets on my scalp but since I use nothing after rinsing off conditioner, my scalp doesn't itch. The one time I remember my scalp itching when I was still following my no-leave-in regimen was when I was losing hair: the bald spots itched.

I do believe not rinsing off conditioner well will cause itches too. I know it used to for me. But I also make an effort to keep conditioner off my scalp when I'm conditioning my hair. This makes rinsing off any residue a lot easier coz very little conditioner will get on my scalp since I work hard to keep it off.

ETA: Years ago when I used to "grease my scalp" (in the 70's) my scalp would itch at the 2-week mark which is when I usually washed my hair. Leaving my scalp clean and bare has been the best thing I could do for it.
Well... I can go 5-7 days before I get an itch even with my odd scalp... But I wash every 3-4 days because its the longest I can go without my scalp getting oily... I hate to touch my scalp and get thick white sebum (I'm sure it isn't product build up) under my nails or have the smell of sweat. Granted no one knows but me but it's still quite yucky feeling... Hopefully I can find the right moisturizing shampoo that will cleanse the oil and moisturize the strands and scalp but for now it's clarifying shampoo for scalp and the moisturizing shampoo for hair...
I find I can't go longer then a week without itchiness. Usually it starts within 3-5 days. I sweat a lot and am prone to dandruff so regular washing with sulfate shampoo has to be apart of my regimen.

I usually wash my whole length+scalp once a week and concentrate on just washing my scalp mid week if that makes sense. I also rinse everyday if I wear my hair curly. If I'm wearing it straight, I just wash once a week but then by day 5 my scalp is feeling icky.

This is me right here! I workout during the week so I have to at least water rinse during the week.
Im itchin by day 8 or 9 and really itchin by day 14 but I use stuff on my scalp if I didnt I could go longer
if my hair is in corn rows I can go about 10 - 12 days

If i do a wash and go or any other syle where any product gets on my scalp, then 1 week tops
If its cold out I can usually get to 7 days without getting the itchies. During the summer at days 4-5 i usually have to wash again. One of my hair missions for 2012 is to figure out what makes my scalp itch so much, I would love to be able to wash once a week even when its hot out.