How long should you test a product?

How long do you "test" a product?

  • I want to see changes after the first use

    Votes: 19 17.1%
  • A couple of times, you never know

    Votes: 48 43.2%
  • At least through 4 or 5 poos

    Votes: 28 25.2%
  • Until the bottle is empty

    Votes: 22 19.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I've used some products that made my hair feel a little dry at first (like henna) then amazing with continued use. I've also used products that make my hair feel great at first, but dull and brittle in a few days. I've also used products that appeared to do nothing then gradual reduced my shedding.

How long do you "test" a product before you decide your hair loves or hates it?
Good question! I can't really give a solid answer though. I guess it really depends on how good/bad the product is. For instance, I tried Suave Tropical Coconut for cowashes and didn't like it at first. I didn't feel that it gave me enough slip, but otherwise it didn't "hurt" my hair. But I've been revisiting it (about 2 months later), and I really like it now. Another example: I tried Elucence MB shampoo once, and I fell in love instantly!

With me, it just depends on my mood, LOL. Some things I'm willing to revisit over time, and some things I just know are good/bad for my hair.
I like to see changes right after the first use, but I'm the type that if I don't see changes immediately, I'll continue using it for a little while (unless it is really just a big dose of super suck). I guess some things work immediately, and others take time. I also think the length of time you test a product depends on the condition of your hair. If your hair is damaged, then it would probably take longer for some products to work while others may have immediate improving effects.
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I expect the 1st use, I normally dont try it again, unless its like an organic product in my quest to go all Organic. Like with the Giovanni Frizz be gone, I used it with my maxi with the steam and it was more like 'Giovanni frizz arrive, and stay for 3 weeks!' I wasnt going to try it again, but thankfully I did, with the maxi, without the steam and its the best heat protectant/hair softener i have ever seen!
I hope for the first use :lol: but I give products a try under certain conditions:

*When I've clarified
*Soon after a relaxer
*Later when I'm several weeks post relaxer

If none of these work it just wasn't meant to be :cool: .
depends on the effect the product has on my hair

if the result is dry brittle hair or excessive shedding(i had this reaction from a shampoo i tried) i will try it one more time, if the product still gives me the same result I trash it it, trying to make it work is not worth the breakage/hair loss

if the results are just ok, i will try it at a later date, bacause somethings work better right after a fresh relaxer and other products work better 10 weeks post relaxer or something may work better after i clarify

if the results are great i will continue to use the product until it's gone, if it works better than my staple i replace my staple if not i don't repurchase but keep it mind for a back up
destiny616 said:
depends on the effect the product has on my hair

if the result is dry brittle hair or excessive shedding(i had this reaction from a shampoo i tried) i will try it one more time, if the product still gives me the same result I trash it it, trying to make it work is not worth the breakage/hair loss

if the results are just ok, i will try it at a later date, bacause somethings work better right after a fresh relaxer and other products work better 10 weeks post relaxer or something may work better after i clarify

if the results are great i will continue to use the product until it's gone, if it works better than my staple i replace my staple if not i don't repurchase but keep it mind for a back up

That's what I was trying to say, but you said it much better!:D
since I trust you all so much, if its raved on this board, and doesnt do wonders for me at first, I will give it a couple more trys, and maybe try to use it a little bit differently each time.

With conditioners, you should at least be able to tell some difference in the first use(unless you need to clarify), and more with consistent use
OneInAMillion said:
I hope for the first use :lol: but I give products a try under certain conditions:

*When I've clarified
*Soon after a relaxer
*Later when I'm several weeks post relaxer

If none of these work it just wasn't meant to be :cool: .

Ditto!! ITA, I avoid trying new products with a headfull of newgrowth because it usually doesn't do anything for me. I favorite time to try stuff is the 3rd and 4th week after my relaxer.
I picked the 3rd option (4-5 times). Since I co wash or CWC 4-5 times a week, I think that's enough time for me to gauge if a product gives me consistent results. I usually only try one new thing at a time, so I can tell not only if the product itself is good, but if it's compatible with the other stuff I use.
I'm a self proclaimed cheapy so if I purchase a product, I TRY to use it until it is all gone. But if I find that my hair really hates it, I will give it about 5-6 tries. But I usually end up revisiting the item because I hate to throw money away. Then I just won't buy it again. :)
I use it until it is completely gone. Waste not, want not:p If my hair really hates it after the first use, then I will find creative ways to use up the bottle. Shampoo can be turned into body wash or hand soap. Conditioner can be used as shaving cream. Moisturizers can be lotion for my ashy knees. Gel, wait now that I think about it, I did throw away elasta qp glaze and some other pomade. I couldnt think of anything useful to do with them.
I don't really need to see changes, but it is OUT OF THE DOOR if my hair doe snot like it after the 1st use - like if my hair gets dry, feels weighed down, starts breaking, etc. - I will not give it another chance and go back to my ol' faithfuls!
I have a 30 day standard testing timeframe. Some products I pretty much know after one use won't work for me (for example: Noodlehead) but what I'm finding out is that some products that don't work for me tends to have exceptional results on my daughter's hair (aka: Noodlehead) hence no money wasted. :D

Now with my 30 day timeframe, if I have so so results on the first day and still have the same so so results after constant use 30 days later I already know I won't be repurchasing that product.

Now I have been known to revisit a product (Amla Olive Heavy Cream) when I first used it I shedded something fierce :eek: and my attitude was damn that 30 day rule I wasn't going it try it again, I chalked it up to "not everything works for everybody" and I also gave it a bad review in October. Now to avoid feeling like I wasted my hard earned money I tried it on my daugher's hair I love the results so much that I decided to give it one more try with the thought that if my hair shedded real bad again like it did the first time I was never buying that product again. Low and behold no shedding, and after continued use I actually fell in love with the product for both of our use.
I usually try out a product 4 or 5 poos before I draw any conclusions UNLESS the product gave negative or unimpressive results on the first run.
I say - try it a first time. If it doesn't work, examine what you did. Did you use too little or too much? Did you use it with something else that it didn't work with as well? Did it have too much protein or not enough?

Try again in a few washes and see.
I am guilty of tossing stuff out as soon as it does wrong by me. But now I have just been finding another use for things. Like that Redken Extreme Conditioner. I hated that stuff – did not rinse well and lest residue on my scalp.

I started to toss it but it cost too much! Now I find that it works well as a pre-poo or pre-neutralizing protein conditioner after relaxer touchups.

I do think that some products that I tossed may have not worked because of other variables, like hair that needed to be clarified or something. Sometimes I will even save a product until after my next touchup because some things don’t get along with my NG when I have a lot of it in there.
I give it a couple of tries and that's it. If my hair feels wrong after the first try and wrong after the second try, that's it for me. I'm not using that product again. I'll give it to my brother. He'll use anything. Sometimes though, your hair might feel fine after using a new product but then a month later, the breakage starts. That happened to me once too. So all that to say, be VERY in tune with your hair and use one product at a time so you know what's working and what isn't. That's my $0.02.
If my hair doesn't agree with it after the first use, I will chuck it or experiment with it combined with another product. If both don't work out, I will get rid of it. I don't like to wait for my hair to get used to a product that it initially didn't like, just incase it is bad for my hair.
I voted until the bottle is empty.
I usually by the smallest size if I am using something for the first time.
Of my hair products I have gotten very good recommendations. I had a couple of items that did not do so great but when I mixed it with something else to enhance it, it worked fine, I just did not repurchase another item. Why let it go to waste?
For me it really depends. The only time I only use a product once is if my hair absolutely freaking hates it. The only thing so far I've run into that with was a random V05 condish that my hair said oh HAYL no.

Most everything gets a few uses if not used up.
it depends on the product, like shampoos and conditioners, you can practically tell if it's going to work or not for your hair. conditioners, the first time I use it I can tell if my hair likes it or not. growth aids, moisturizers, dressings...I'll give at least a month or two to see if there is any benefit before giving up on it.