How long have you been a member on the forum?


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to look at some stats. I saw a comment that said that the majority of ladies on LHC have longer hair than women here (white vs. black thing). Then I hear alot about genetics and terminal length. I also see that many ladies do ALOT of things to their hair, I see a variety of challenges, and I'm just wondering if any of this stuff is really working for people. THEN I see claims of crazy growth rates but the progress doesn't add up. So if you don't mind, I'd like to get a bit personal. You don't have to answer all questions. I don't even know why I'm asking other than pure curiosity. Feel free to tell me if I'm being too nosey lol but here are the questions.

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
What was your starting length?
What is your current length?
What is your goal length?
Do you know your growth rate?
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
Have you found your staple products and reggie?
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
I have been a member of LHCF for 2 years....i first arrived here in early 2008

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed?
I am currently transitioning

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
No....i started with bone strait relaxed hair and then started texlaxing in 2009

What was your starting length?
I started out with hair that was right at APL:shocked:

What is your current length?
I am currently Waist Length

What is your goal length?
Waist Length natural stretched:yep:

Do you know your growth rate?
I get the average half an inch a month

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Well right now i am bc i'm gonna be trimming my relaxed ends off gradually:D

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
No..not that i can think of....i had my hair to stall at MBL but it started growing again.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
No...they are starting to change....but i do know that my hair like mostly natural products and no cones.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
I was in the MBL challenge back in 2008 and when i saw my hair hit BSL I KNEW i found the secrets to hair care and how to grow my hair back to the length i hadn't seen since i was 8 years old!!!

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

We'll see in 2012....when i'll most likely be ALLLLLLLL....NATURAL!!!!! YAY!!!

I like this :) I can't wait to see everyone else's responses.

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
2008 - I lurked long before I joined.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
Natural, I was natural when I started here.

What was your starting length?
I started with NL hair, had a setback then BC'd.

What is your current length?
SL? NL? It depends on where I measure.

What is your goal length?

Do you know your growth rate?
My longest point (back) is 7 inches, the sides are between 4-5 inches, the front is between 3-4 inches. I guess I'm average in some places, less than average in others.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Currently, no.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
Yes! I am my own personal set-back initiator. That's why I'm here. I need to know what to do, I'm plenty knowlegeable about what not to do. I have not had any setback since I've joined.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I have discovered that I lovea product and then I love something else. I have some staples, but my regimen changes.

What challenges are you in or have you been in?
I was in the DC challenge - this really helped me to start DCing regularly. I was in a TWA grow-out challenge, and now I'm in the WL 2012 challenge. I don't keep up with posting in the challenges like I should :look:, but I like the accountability that comes with joining, even when I'm off the board.

Did they help or hinder your journey?
All were/are helpful.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
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Claro, sin problema ^^

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
My stats here say that i'm member since 2008, i was relaxed and wanted to find some natural recipes i could use. This board used to have that section, i found what i need and left. Then i paid my fee on aug 2009 when i BC'ed, So i would say that actually learning from the ladies here, 15 mos.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
Recently made my BC when started.

What was your starting length?

Like 0.5 inches

What is your current length?
I'm not really sure on how to messure my hair. The back is collar bone, but the top and front are shorter. My avatar picture is from last sunday if that help

What is your goal length?
Don't have one really, i just want to live in peace with my hair (havn't get there yet)

Do you know your growth rate?

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
I used to, but not anymore, i'm letting it grow as it wants to.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I have some products i (and my hair) love, but i'm not sure yet about a reggie

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
I was in the don't cut your hair last year, and also the one for recent BC girls i created. i suck at challenges xD

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
Not my case.
Guess I should answer my own questions in case people like the thread

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? Well I found Ateeyah and LHCF in April 09 but started my journey June 23rd 2009 after a friend told me about Traycee and KISS.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I'm currently transitioning but I was relaxed when I found the boards.

What was your starting length? Full SL

What is your current length? Grazing WL

What is your goal length? Full WL natural stretched

Do you know your growth rate? This year it's been 1/2 inch a month. Last year it was about 7/8 an inch. Why? IDK

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No I'm trying to see my full capabilities but would like to keep it WL when its all said and done.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? Nope. I've tried products and techniques that did not work for me but it didnt cause any set backs. Prior to my journey, I had a set back from abusing heat which caused me to cut from bsl to sl.

Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? I've been in a ton of challenges and was a pj in the beginning. None really helped or hindered. Following Traycee's regimen in the beginning is what really helped me and I just learned to keep it simple after a while.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? I've only been on hair boards for almost 17 months so the question doesn't apply.
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?

See Join Date. :p (July 2003)

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?


What was your starting length?

Shoulder length (I had already established a regimen and was at the longest hair I'd ever had in my life before I found LHCF)

What is your current length?

Maybe APL; not sure.

What is your goal length?

I think my profile says "to the floor".

Do you know your growth rate?

1/2 an inch a month

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

No, but I'm also not making much effort to grow it. Before joining the forum, I never thought my hair could grow beyond 5-6 inches. I was at 9-11 inches by the time I joined the forum, so I had already proved what seemed impossible. I tend to get very complacent once I prove something to myself and just don't feel like working hard anymore. I'm that way with working out too. :ohwell:

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

Yep in 2004, it was heat. I was pressing my hair almost daily because I was enjoying the short time it took to style straight hair and it would revert after a steam shower hence the daily press. So had to cut off about 2 inches to get rid of damage and then "transition back to healthy hair". In 2007 I was back at my SL length and felt it was time to learn new styles from a pro. The stylist I was recommended turned out to be a SHS who decided that I looked better with a 3-inch TWA. :lol: So far, I've been doing OK, except that because I haven't used any leave-in products in my hair for the last 40 months or sealed my ends or protective styled more than twice every few months, my hair has been exposed to the elements/major wear/tear so my retention has been pitiful.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?


What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

I don't join challenges. Well, I did "join" the C&G Extreme or whatever it was called. But I had been wearing braids for months on end before I ever joined LHCF so the challenge sort of found me already doing that on my own. Otherwise I do not care to join challenges.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

No I don't, because w/o making any effort, and despite my poor retention, my hair seems to still be showing a bit of progress. So I know if my lazy butt would actually buckle down and become anal in my haircare, I probably could be way ahead of where I am today. I think a part of me just wants to see how far one can go when one isn't jumping hoops....
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I think something else to keep in mind is that there are people who joined years ago, but didn't start their Healthy Hair Journey until just recently (like myself)!

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? I first joined Nappturality and LHCF around 2005

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
What was your starting length? I am currently natural, but I joined the forum because I was transitioning and needed advice

When I first started my hair was full SL...I finished my transition with the help of Dominican Blowouts and wore my hair straight for 4 years...I didn't lose any length but I didn't gain very much either...That's when I came BACK to LHCF and started my HHJ!

What is your current length? BSL stretched

What is your goal length? It was HL stretched, but now I'm thinking TBL stretched

Do you know your growth rate? Anywhere from .5 to .75...depending on the months (I tend to retain better in the spring and summer)

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? Nope...I'm trying to grow it as long as possible!

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? Thankfully, NO!

Have you found your staple products and reggie? I'm getting close, but not yet...

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? Ugh...Challenges: BSL 2010, MBL 2010, MBL 2011 (just in case I miss 2010), WL 2011, HL 2011, Fall Steaming Challenge, Hide Your Hair 2010...I think that's it! Believe it or not, I dropped out of a couple of challenges because I felt overly pressured...

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
Definitely NOT because although I have been a member since 2004, I have only just been actively been on my Healthy Hair Journey since Jan 2010 (not even a year). I've made great progress, but I've got a LONG way to grow!
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? 7 years

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed?natural Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?newly natural

What was your starting length?about 1/2" of hair

What is your current length?Full BSL--I've BC'd 3x in 8 years

What is your goal length?I'm trying for MBL-WL

Do you know your growth rate?probably 1/4"-1/2" depending on the time of year

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?I'm growing my hair out for the next 4 years and then I'll decide what to do after that--whether I want to keep it long or short

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?I had a highlight job that set me back--which was the reason for my 2nd BC

Have you found your staple products and reggie?I think I have, I don't experiment as much as I use to in the beginning, but every so often I get the urge to try something different

What challenges are you in or have you been in? I don't think I've been in any hair challenges--I get bored too easily with my hair and want something different Did they help or hinder your journey?

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?I don't think I've reached my maximum potential as far as length because of my hair cutting, but I'm on a mission to see what my full potential is
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? --> Joined end of Dec '09 but didn't start until 1/2/10.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? --> Relaxed/Texlaxed

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? --> Relaxed

What was your starting length? --> Between sl & apl

What is your current length? --> Between mbl & wl

What is your goal length? --> hl

Do you know your growth rate? --> Not really. Just took pics.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? --> I will. Don't want to be longer than hl.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? --> Not really. Heard a rip in the shower once. Protein overload. But no major damage.

Have you found your staple products and reggie? --> Yes. Listed in my blog.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? --> Wow. A lot! Sulfur, Healthy Ends, WL2010, MBL2010 are the main ones.

Did they help or hinder your journey? --> Helped.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? --> n/a
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
This is the only forum I subscribe to, I found it in Feb 2007 and lurked until Aug 2007. My last relaxer was Jan 2007, for me that was the start of my HHJ.
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I'm natural now, I was transitioning when I started.
What was your starting length?
I was SL.
What is your current length?
What is your goal length?
Full WL maybe longer.
Do you know your growth rate?
about .5 inch/month
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
No, but I would like for my hair more even.
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
I've had 2 set backs by allowing other people to style my hair, but I haven't had to cut my hair.
Have you found your staple products and reggie?
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
I have been in one of the Twist challenges; yes, twists were my go to style and helped protect my hair and retain length. I hope since I'm in the MBL 2011 challenge; I will only trim my hair instead of evening out my layers.
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
It has been almost 4 years. No because my hair continues to grows and as long as it is growing, it hasn't reached it full potential.
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? A little more than a year.
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I'm transitioning. I was relaxed when I started.
What was your starting length? Between SL and APL
What is your current length? Partially bsl
What is your goal length? MBL
Do you know your growth rate? at least 0.5 a month
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? Yes, it's much easier for me
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? Nope.
Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes.
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? BSL 2010. To be honest, I did much of the work anyway. But, it was nice to have others to discuss the length goal.
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
8 years here and Nappturality.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Natural

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? Natural

What was your starting length? TWA

What is your current length? APL stretched

What is your goal length? BSL stretched

Do you know your growth rate? No

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? Yes, I think all of my choices affect growth and retention

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? My set backs have all been self-imposed including 5 BCs... After the original BC I colored my hair TO DEATH. I wanted bright red hair and I thought natural meant indestructible so I did it myself. This brought on BC #2. I grew that chop out to shoulder length but I was hot and tired of combing out curly knots one summer so I relaxed. I regretted relaxing right away. That led to BC #3. I let my hair grow to shoulder length and decided to texlax. This was a great time eventually the texlaxed hair became fully relaxed. I went to a dominican salon had my hair fried and laid to the side. My hair was SWANGING but then it started falling out. I tried a sew-in weave to give my hair a break. I hated wearing a weave and ended up with a matted mess when it was time to take it down. I did BC #4 and tried a Miss Jessie's Silkener ----> BC #5.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I keep it VERY simple. I wash and DC about 1x per week. I keep my hair in 10 big twists and I use coconut oil and aloe vera gel to shine and define. I wear my hair out about 2-3 days each week. I try new products from time to time.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
I haven't been in any hair challenges. I take a multi-vitamin for hair and I notice a difference when I don't take it. I did a fitness challenge once that was very helpful for my journey - healthier hair and glowing skin.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? Nah, I've been very impulsive. I took a break from hair boards for two years and found the peace of mind to leave my hair alone.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
I began my hair journey in August 2009, which was around the time I began lurking the site. I joined officially in Feb 2010. I recently joined Naturally Curly a few months ago when I BC'ed but forgot about it. I've only logged in twice over there for some reason.
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I am now fully natural, but was transitioning when I first started. I started the lurking the day after I got a relaxer.
What was your starting length?
Nape-length, relaxed (but this was after a drastic cut I got in Feb 2009 that made me go from CBL to EL in the front, and tapered/shaved in the back. I got the Rihanna cut because I had horrible color damage)
What is your current length?
Shoulder-length, natural. I had made it to APL while transitioning before I BC'ed, which was the longest my hair has ever been.
What is your goal length?
Do you know your growth rate?
0.5" per month for almost all of my hair. For the hair at my front hairline, it's more like 0.25" per month. Both rates increase when I exercise and eat right, which isn't often, but am hoping will be more often now that I am on a healthier diet.
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Nope. I'm going to let it grow until HL and see if I want to keep it there or cut back to MBL, which was my initial final goal.
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
I have not since I began my journey in Aug 2009, but prior to that I had the color damage I mentioned above.
Have you found your staple products and reggie?
Pretty much. Still trying to perfect my straightening technique, but I don't do it often so it's not a major concern right now. I've got staple products for everything else except straightening right now.
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
I used to be a challenge junkie, so I was in a lot. They definitely helped in terms of accountability and increasing my net of friends as a support system, but they caused me to be on this site every 2 seconds, which began affecting my schoolwork, which is why I am not in any now. I think they are wonderful if you can balance your time well. I am usually good at time management, but my hair obsession was making it impossible! I may join a summer challenge or two when I don't have to worry about school.
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
But when I hit 4 years, I hope I will have already met my goal of HL by January 2013.
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Just wanted to look at some stats. I saw a comment that said that the majority of ladies on LHC have longer hair than women here (white vs. black thing). Then I hear alot about genetics and terminal length. I also see that many ladies do ALOT of things to their hair, I see a variety of challenges, and I'm just wondering if any of this stuff is really working for people. THEN I see claims of crazy growth rates but the progress doesn't add up. So if you don't mind, I'd like to get a bit personal. You don't have to answer all questions. I don't even know why I'm asking other than pure curiosity. Feel free to tell me if I'm being too nosey lol but here are the questions.

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
I officially started my Journey November 2006 but paid for membership in 2007. November 2006 was the last time I visited a stylist who used a marcel curling iron on my hair.
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I'm natural and transitioned from heat damaged natural hair to healthy natural hair.
What was your starting length? APL straight.
What is your current length? Between MBL and WL
What is your goal length? Full unquestionable WL
Do you know your growth rate? Unclear but it must be slow cuz folks have passed me by during these 3+ years.Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No.
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? I remember having a bald spot in the front of my hair in 2007? Not sure why it occurred.Have you found your staple products and reggie? I have no idea what my staples are besides Queen Helene Cholesterol and my reggie is just about being simple.What challenges are you in or have you been in? I think I'm in the HL challege but I ain't gettin' there by the end of the year so....Did they help or hinder your journey? I never really completed one.
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
Almost 4 years and I have not reached my maximum potential.


Responses in blue
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?

3 Months

When did you officially start your journey?

3 Months ago.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?


What was your starting length?

definitely full SL .. but not full APL.. so I'd say inbetween. I think thats CL. *shrugs

What is your current length?

I haven't checked my length yet... but It is definitely longer.

What is your goal length?

MBL (with some nice layers)

Do you know your growth rate?


Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

Right now.... nope. I want the damn thing to grow!

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

I've been tempted to shave my hair off.. but I get that feeling from time to time... so meh*

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

Nope.. still experimenting but I've got a few favourites

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

I don't believe in them.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

I've been here 3 months and I'm getting impatient. This journey of mine expires when my subscription expires. Hopefully I'll be where I want to be.. if not... I will just hate on all of Ya'll and convince myself you wear weaves and take pics and say Omg my hair grew 3 inches in 1 month. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah ok darling :look:
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I've been here 3 months and I'm getting impatient. This journey of mine expires when my subscription expires. Hopefully I'll be where I want to be.. if not... I will just hate on all of Ya'll and convince myself you wear weaves and take pics and say Omg my hair grew 3 inches in 1 month. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah ok darling. :look:

HAHAHAHAHA! Don't be a hater. I'm sure you'll get there, just don't do anything crazy to your hair.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?

I became a member of LHCF in 2009 but I didn't become active until September 2010. I will say I began my journey Nov. 2009 when I decided I will no longer put straightening chemicals in my hair.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

I'm natural,now. I was texlaxed when I started.

What was your starting length?

About an inch away from APL.

What is your current length?

7 inches in the front, 5.5 inches on the sides, and 4 inches at the nape

What is your goal length?

I shooting natural stretched MBL.

Do you know your growth rate?

it's about 1/2 to 1/3 inch on average. The hair in the front of my hair grows faster than the back.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

no, I haven't. Currently I am fighting ssk in the nape area. Keeping them at bay is a struggle. Right now I am feeling like I am losing the fight. I hope that I don't have to do a major trim back there.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

Not yet, but I am close.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

I haven't joined any challenges. I am not discipline enough.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? I have been a member since 2005, I have been on my journey since 2004
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Im natural now.

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I was relaxed, then texlaxed, stretched for almost 1 year ( 11 months) and big chopped.

What was your starting length?

What is your current length?

What is your goal length? Mid Back natural

Do you know your growth rate? No it depends on season and healthy habits

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? I have had a few set back.
due to split ends I went from :




Have you found your staple products and reggie?Yes I have and my hair and I are at peace

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Long term stretching challenges and MN and Megatek and sulfur challenges

Did they help or hinder your journey? They help a bit.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? No Im constantly learning and trying new things. I started as a relaxed chin length to a past APL to a 2 inch TWA. You are never done,
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?

I've been a member since 2002. Before then I was a member of a popular Yahoo Hair Group (can't remember the name) between 2000 - 2002. I used to frequent or something or the other as well.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

I was relaxed when I started and soon cut the relaxer off after two months of dealing with two textures. I have some tex-laxed ends, but mostly natural hair.

What was your starting length?

I was probably APL before cutting the relaxer off, then I had maybe a inch or so of hair.

What is your current length?

I'm probably around APL at this point.

What is your goal length?

I think I'm going for MBL.

Do you know your growth rate?

I'm at about 1/2 inch a month on average. It grows a little faster in the summer.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

For a while I kept a certain length by choice. I have been focusing back on length for the last 1.5 yrs because I went to get a trim and the lady just about scalped me.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

One major setback was a trim that went bad. I just wanted my hair shaped up and the lady cut my hair up to my ear lobe. I could but my hair in a healthy bun before that, but I couldn't even put it in a decent ponytail after. I was so mad. I've probably had some smaller ones like not doing deep conditioners on a regular basis and things of that nature.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

I keep it simple because I have two daughters and I'm constantly doing hair. I conditioner wash once a week. Moisturize with conditioner and leave it in. Moisturize with a glycerin product and seal with oil. I wear a wig for protection at this point. I moisturize twice a week and keep my hair in two braids under the wig. If I need to clarify I use Peppermint Castille Soap.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

I haven't participated much in any challenges. I have lurked a lot over the years as you can probably see with my post count. I think I got burnt out on hair because I was obsessed with it for 2 years between 2000 and 2002, so once I joined here I mostly lurked and tried different products. Now, I am unofficially in the "Juice" challenge and "Protection style" challenge. I also just started heat training my 11 y.o. DD's hair, so I will report on how that goes for me.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

I have not reached my maximum potential because I hadn't been actively growing out my hair for a while. So, now I am, and I am also am working on getting my older DD's natural hair more manageable because she wants to wear it out in styles since she's sixth grade now.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
Just over 2 years

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed?
all natural

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

What was your starting length?
Pretty much the same length it is now. Btw, SL and APL

What is your current length?
Btw SL and APL (about 2" to go)

What is your goal length?
waist length- all the way

Do you know your growth rate?
1 cm per month, from my research it's average (not 0.5 in/mth...i'll need proof of that)

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
nope, i wants it LONG

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
I've had issues here and there, all self-inflicted

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I like to live life on the edge

What challenges are you in or have you been in? braid, natural journey, APL Did they help or hinder your journey? I was surprisingly dedicated to my challenges. I'm letting my hair go wild now and enjoying that too.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
N/A, but I better have hip length hair after 4 years
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manter26 where'd you ever hear that 1 inch per month was average? From what I've read, 1/2 inch is average but 1cm (roughly .39 inches) would sound better so ladies who claim to get 1/4 inch won't be so discouraged.
I'll be back to read later. This looks fun.

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
I found LHCF in March 2008 and paid for a subscription maybe 2-3 weeks later in April.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I'm natural. When I got here, I was 9-10 months into my transition.

What was your starting length?
I was roughly SL, then I BC'd a few months later.

What is your current length?

What is your goal length?
changed from APL to BSL to WL (lol)

Do you know your growth rate?
no, but it's probably about average

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Nope, just chugging along

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
I've had a few minor ones, but only one major one.....trim turned into a cut and I lost about 3"

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
Yes, but I change it every so often just because

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
Only length challenges, so they haven't hindered. I fell in love with the spring/summer cowash challenge when I got here so I do it every summer. I also did the summer wet bun challenge and it helped a LOT.

I think challenges can hinder though. Someone can feel "forced" to do something they joined on a whim but weren't familiar with before joining, and they want to finish out the challenge, OR they join and drop out so others can't see their progress, OR they make a challenge out of something that is better off a personal experiment.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
manter26 where'd you ever hear that 1 inch per month was average? From what I've read, 1/2 inch is average but 1cm (roughly .39 inches) would sound better so ladies who claim to get 1/4 inch won't be so discouraged.

Opps, I meant 0.5 inch. I've never seen that number listed in a credible source. What I have seen is 1 cm or 0.39 inches.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?

December 2009 is when i started my journey & joined the boards

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
natural...i was relaxed when i found the hair boards, but started my transition the same month

What was your starting length?
collarbone length in the front, neck length in the back, relaxed

What is your current length?
neck length natural

What is your goal length?
waist length...but realistically mbl or bsl stretched

Do you know your growth rate?
a lil over .5 inch a month

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
bc to waist length...and neutral

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
n/a, but i hope to in 4 yrs
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? May 2009
When did you officially start your journey? May 17, 2009 - the same day I found LHCF
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Relaxed
Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? Relaxed
What was your starting length? NL
What is your current length? CBL/APL
What is your goal length? BSB/MBL
Do you know your growth rate? .25 to .50 per month
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? No
Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes, but I love to try new products.
What challenges are you in or have you been in? The "Weekly Ceramides", "Hide Your Hair", "DCing" and couple of others. Did they help or hinder your journey? Helped
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? n/a
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
I’ve been a member of LHCF since December 2009. Although I joined BHM, I backed away after a two week stint because I felt as if I were the only poster above the age of 25. I also signed up for BHP and, despite the fact that it is a somewhat inactive community, it emits a warm, friendly atmosphere.

When did you officially start your journey?
December 2009.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I was natural when I began my HHJ and I am still natural.

What was your starting length?
Around SL.

What is your current length?
The last time I checked, it was a bit past APL.

What is your goal length?
I am striving for a healthy head of hair and a solid, productive regimen; hair length is immaterial.

Do you know your growth rate?
My hair grows at a rate of approximately 1/4 inch per month.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
For some reason, I have a tendency to periodically cut my hair to SL; I have been resisting the urge to cut for some time.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
I’ve had two setbacks: the first was a major setback that took place at the beginning of my journey after using an InStyler; the second was minor and occurred while riding the Skala Bandwagon.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
- Use Up Your Stash, 2009 - this challenge greatly affected PJ habits; it also helped to significantly reduce my product stash.
- Delightfully Delicious Deep Conditioning, 2010 - facilitated increased health and moisturization; weekly DC'ing has become a staple technique in my regimen.
- Fall Steaming, 2010 - this challenge helped to fine tune my DC'ing methodology.
- Castor Oil, 2010 - this challenge has provided relief to my aching, itchy scalp resulting from the use of an acidifier.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?