How long does your bottle of conditioner last?


Well-Known Member
I never really focused on how long conditioner lasts me but with me realizing the products I "must have" (aubrey honeysuckle / bga) I want to buy enough to last a year. So I was curious as to how long one 8-12oz bottle last with only you using it.

I'm guessing 4 months if I only use it once a week but I do use a lot
At the most, my conditioners last two months. I cowash twice a week and I'm a bit heavy-handed. Whereas, my dc lasts a month (once a week applications).
I can get approximately 3 uses out of a 16oz container of deep conditioner, but an 8oz bottle of a leave-in will last for several months.
i can only get like 5 washes out of the 1.5 liter of aussie moist conditioner o_O. but i dont wash my hair too often...may twice a month or once every 3 weeks, so it lasts me about 3-5 months.