How long does it take you to see new growth post texlax? Pics would be nice


I do a texlax, but it's been hard for me to tell which is my new growth from the post texlax hair. I do my texlax about 12 week post my texlax tryin to grow out my relaxed hair. I can say I'm having good luck so far, my hair is doing great. I would love to texlax until all the relaxed hair is gone without the BC and I think I can make it. I feel in 2 years I will be good to go and will try to go natural from that point on. Could someone post some pics so that I may see with texlax new growth hair looks like. I have 4b-c type hair. Thanks so much for your help.
After I do my protein treatment when I'm about to texlax, I flat iron it. That works for me. By the next week that I'm about to texlax, I can feel and see my NG better. Plus it's easier for me to part it too.
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oh thanks so much for that infor and the pics. I just love your hair. I hope I can get my hair to full SL by this time next year. right now I'm NL and my hair is going well I much say. I texlax about 12 wks post and will try to go longer, because I have found what works well for me, and I love the fact that I can keep my hair on my head and it not fall out like some say their hair do. I do feel that I could go about 6 mos. with no problem. I do buns all the time because it works for me. Once more I would love to say thank you for your help and the pics. Pics make it easy for me to get a better understanding of what is going on IMO.