How long does it take YOU to detangle?

How long does it take you to detangle?

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I'm 7 months post and transitioning. It takes me about an hour to detangle and I detangle once a week. I usually detangle in 4 sections. Sometimes more, if my hair is REALLY tangled. The more sections I do, the longer it takes. But I keep hearing some ladies say it takes them like 15 minutes to detangle their hair. And I'm like um....wth?:wallbash: And their methods don't work for me, or maybe I'm just doing their methods wrong?

So relaxed ladies who stretch past 4 months, past transitioners, and naturals, how long does it take you to detangle? What is your hair type? How do you detangle and how often?

Not more than 15 minutes. I detangle with loads of conditioner in the shower with my hair parted in four. It doesn't really take long at all, and I do it a couple of times a week.

Sorry I didn't answer your entire question. I am a 3b/3c and I have been transitioning for seven months now.
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it depends if I wear my hair straight then less than 5 mins but if I'm in braids then 30-60 mins or more depending how long I had them in.
I'm 6 months transitioning. I wear cornrows and I wear them for about a month with no extensions. It takes me about 25/30 minutes. The first time it took me about an hour and I lost so much hair. A Fist full. :sad:

This time it took me about 25/30 mins to take them down and detangle. I use Aussie moist conditioner because it really does have great slip, and water. During the month I used Bronner Brother Hot six oil and it has two ceramides. I'm fully convinced this help me lose only about the size of a quarter of hair.
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Not more than 15 minutes. I detangle with loads of conditioner in the shower with my hair parted in four. It doesn't really take long at all, and I do it a couple of times a week.

Sorry I didn't answer your entire question. I am a 3b/3c and I have been transitioning for seven months now.

I detangle exactly the same way but every week, takes the same amount of time too. I am a mostly natural 4a/b (24 months post soon)
I voted 0-15... im transitioning...and in my 5th month.
I detangle after use/rinse out of a moisturizing con./leave in application when it is wet.

My detangling staples are: it's a 10! leave in and redken smooth down detangling cream (hard to find). I have consistent results...and i like to detangle to the point where i can run a fine tooth comb through my hair! I think hair texture/density is a big factor. I have fine/dense hair.
I voted about 15 minutes, but it probably should take me longer. If I had braids or twists in I detangle each one a little with my fingers as I take them down, which makes detangling easier. I also do it in four sections, but I think I'll start using 8 sections. If my hair is in an out style or stretched it takes only a few minutes.

I'd say the longer you take, the more careful you are, which is a good thing. So I wouldn't worry about it.

ETA: I'm a 3C/4A, but mostly 4A I think. I smother my hair with LeKair cream conditioner to detangle with my fingers then a comb, but detangling under running water with oily-soaked hair also works well.
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I cowash and detangle every day, so my hair never gets the opportunity to get knotty. I transitioned for 17.5 months and even towards the very end it only took me about 7 minutes in the shower with conditioner loaded hair. I've been natural for 3 months and it still takes little to no time.
I'm soooo jealous! That is crazy to take that short amount of time. I don't detangle in the shower because I lose way too much hair and I've yet to use a conditioner that has enough slip for me to detangle. I will list the ways I've detangled and if any of you have any suggestions let me know.

Detangle with loads of conditioner both under the shower head and without the shower head in 4 sections- I have noidea how long it takes because I've never finished. It was too difficult

I've saturated my hair with coconut oil and evoo and pre-poo'd over night and detangled in 4 or 6 sections- This worked well up until 5 months post

I used conditioner on damp hair outside of the shower and detangled in 4 or 6 sections-Took longer than an hour and I gave up

Used detangler and detangled in 18 sections and put in box braids-Took about 2 hours to fully detangle and braid

I currently use detangler on 4 or 6 sections and it takes about an hour

Conditioners I've used:
Aussie Moist (terrible)
Aussie Moist 3 Minute (more terrible)
Herbal Essences Hello Hydration (terrible)
Herbal Essences Hydralicious (mediocre but not enough slip for shower detangling)
Tresemme Moisture Rich (worked well before 3 months post, now it's terrible)
Vo5 (all of them are mediocre)
Suave Naturals Coconut (worked well when relaxed, now it's terrible)
Silk Elements Megasilk Moisturizing Treatment (not enough slip)
Lustrasilk Cholesterol (not enough slip)
Lekair Cholesterol (not enough slip)
Organics Hair Mayonnaise (haven't used since being relaxed but those little things annoyed me)
Silk Elements Hair Mayonnaise (fail)
ORS Replenishing (haven't used since being relaxed)

So yeah thats everything I've tried. I've never seen It's a 10 and I can't afford salon products
I cowash and detangle every day, so my hair never gets the opportunity to get knotty. I transitioned for 17.5 months and even towards the very end it only took me about 7 minutes in the shower with conditioner loaded hair. I've been natural for 3 months and it still takes little to no time.

I used to co-wash every other day and it definitely helped me detangle but I've had to cur back to co-washing twice a week because my relaxed hair gets mushy fast. I do protein treatments (DuoTex) twice a month as well as use a light protein conditioner but it still gets mushy very quickly so I've cut back.
I usually only stretch to 4-4.5 months but I have gone to 5 months before. I used to detangle once every week and it would take AT LEAST 1.5-2 hours once I reached 3.5-4 months and that was detangling in small sections loaded with condish because my new growth would mat terribly. I'm nearing 4 months now and just started using silicon mix and it takes about 10 mins total to detangle my hair in 4 sections in the shower. It is my secret weapon when I'm stretching.
I'm 13 months into my transition and it takes me a few minutes to detangle.

I detangle in the shower with a full head of conditioner and I use my shower comb. I dont wash my hair in braids.
I have to stay on top of things or I will be in trouble. You should probably detangle twice a week or every three days. In between, braid your hair at night with oil.

I'm a 4A 3C natural and if I go over a week say with just my hair pulled back it will be matted at the roots. I had my hair in a bun for a min and when I washed it took about 1 & 1/2 hours to get through the sections. My strands are fine and dense. I keep saying I have to do better so I detangled again two days later and braided in between. The second time took 15-20 min under the shower. My hair is basically bra strap length
I chose 45-60 minutes. But it is sort of a lie. I only detangle small sections of my hair at a time because I get to tired/frustrated to finish detangling the rest. Some days it goes faster than others, and I can detangle everything in 1-1.5 hours.

I haven't set in stone a good method because something works once, and then never again.

ETA: once detangled, it doesn't stay detangled for longer than 2 seconds.
Not more than 15 minutes. I detangle with loads of conditioner in the shower with my hair parted in four. It doesn't really take long at all, and I do it a couple of times a week.

Sorry I didn't answer your entire question. I am a 3b/3c and I have been transitioning for seven months now.

I'm relaxed and very much a tangler. I've tried shower washing with hair parted in 4 sections. All 4 sections are braided and I unbraid and wash each section seperately. I finger comb my hair in the shower to detangle and it feels wonderful and smooth but by the time I get out, it's back tangled. Maybe I should comb vs finger comb hair.

Do you finger comb or use a regular comb?
I used to co-wash every other day and it definitely helped me detangle but I've had to cur back to co-washing twice a week because my relaxed hair gets mushy fast. I do protein treatments (DuoTex) twice a month as well as use a light protein conditioner but it still gets mushy very quickly so I've cut back.

Yeah, if you cowash frequently you definitely have to keep up your protein/ moisture balance. When I was transitioning I used a moisturizing cowash for 2 days, and then a protein. On Fridays I prepoo'd with heat with a protein conditioner, cowashed my scalp, and then dc'd with moisture.

Now that I'm fully natural I can use a moisturizing conditioner Saturday - Thursday, but on Friday I still prepoo with protein so that my hair doesn't get mushy.
I'm 13 mos. into transitioning and it takes about 10 min. in the shower, loaded w/conditioner. I detangle completely every other day. I've never attempted to detangle on dry air or even with condish out of the shower.

Not really sure about hairtype - maybe 3b/c/4a?
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It takes me approximately 15 mins. I detangle in the shower when I cowash every 1-2 weeks. I section my hair into four and I work with one section at a time. I add Tresemme Moisture Rich conditioner and use my shower comb to detangle and then I go over it with my Denman. Then I move on to the next section. I'm fully natural. Not certain on the hairtype.
I detangle my hair every night or every other night now. It takes me less than 15 minutes to full detangle with my detangler comb and my denman.
I think I'm a 4a/b. I've always detangled the same way through out all of my stretches, in the shower hair full of conditioner using the stream of water to help. I don't have any problems using this method. I don't start detangling in sections until I get to the 7th month at which point I still use the same method in the shower and but I'll either do 2 or 4 sections, depending on how I'm feeling. I tend to detangle each time I co wash, if I don't I'll have a mess on my hands later. So that could be anywhere from once a week to 4 times a week.

ETA: it takes anywhere from 15-30 mins. depending how far along I am into my stretch.
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About 10 mins. I detangle in the shower on soaking wet hair, loaded with conditioner, typically Suave Naturals. Wide tooth seamless comb, followed by a Denman brush. I usually do it in 2 sections, 4 is even better but I rarely do that many, although I should. If it's been a while (over 7 days), it takes a little longer so I try to stay on top of it and do it every 4 days or so. I'm 3c/4a.
Ok so I'm thinking I will start to detangle at least twice a week. I was trying to do less manipulation but I'll try this and see if I lose more or less hair. I don't lose that much hair now, it just takes a long time.

Also, do you all think a shower comb is better than a regular wide tooth comb?
Even when my hair is at its most tangled it doesn't take more than 15 minutes. This is what I do:

*Wet hair completely
*Rub 1st conditioner or shampoo onto my scalp
*Rinse thoroughly
*Saturate hair with detangling conditioner
*"Pre-detangle" with fingers - I take my hands and gently pull down on my hair randomly to encourage conditioner saturation and stretch out my coils. It's almost like I'm combing my hair, but I'm not.
*Wash body, shave, etc. for a few minutes
*Pre-detangle again, then with shower comb, detangle gently in sections from root to tip. I normally do this by just grabbing some hair; I don't braid. Usually it ends up being five or six sections for me.
*Rinse thoroughly, finger combing to make sure all the shed hair is out
*Wash with shower gel to rid body of loose hair and conditioner residue
*Clean the drain LOL

I do this, depending on hairstyle, 1-3x a week. The longer between detanglings, the longer it takes, but never more than 10-15 minutes.

I do not detangle at all and it's all thanks to NONIE.


I learned from her that if you wash your hair in braids then there is no need to detangle at all. I took her advice the next wash day after reading that post and BOOM - I undid the braid and just combed/bushed through it like butta. I was amazed because before It took me at least an hour!!

Bless you Nonie :)
how long does it take you to detangle? 2-3 minutes tops

What is your hair type? 4a

How do you detangle and how often? spray w/my juice concoction run my fingers thru until I feel no kinks daily-I refuse to run my fingers or anythign else thru my hair w/o spraying first
To be fair, I'm only about eight weeks post in my transitioning, lol. It only takes about five minutes or so. I detangle in the shower with conditioner in my hair underneath the shower head whenever I co-wash. If I can recall my hair type correctly, I am a 3c/4a mix.
I do not detangle at all and it's all thanks to NONIE.


I learned from her that if you wash your hair in braids then there is no need to detangle at all. I took her advice the next wash day after reading that post and BOOM - I undid the braid and just combed/bushed through it like butta. I was amazed because before It took me at least an hour!!

Bless you Nonie :)
A few questions so that I can better understand.
(1) Do you detangle on dry hair before braiding hair?
(2) Do you keep hair braided while running the poo/condish thru hair?
How does the prod penetrate if the hair is braided up the entire time?
(3) When do you actually take braids out?...i.e., when you're out the shower and ready to apply leave-ins and style?

Thanks a million --